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  1. S

    How to find out if a demon wants to work with you (without summoning)

    For this, you will need tarot cards. We won't be summoning any demons here, just using a clever way to go around summoning. Instead of summoning and asking the demon themself, we ask the universe. So for example if you want to know if Agares wants to work with you, you ask the universe: "I ask...
  2. Wiccan_of_Oz

    Book – PDF The Tarot Spellcaster: Over 40 Spells to Enhance Your Life With the Power of Tarot Magic (2001)

    By Terry Donaldson. Presents spells for using the tarot to achieve professional, personal, and spiritual goals, including spells for passing examinations, friendship, settling disputes, and self-protection. Amazon purchase
  3. DiLoco_DelEted

    Housing via Hebrew ... could it be that easy?

    Hi all, As many know, I am in midst of a shitstorm in my life, housing in two states (CA & MI) being a hurdle. The reason for these two states is it is because I have small support networks there, mainly family and a few friends. The past couple days Ive had housing on my mind while doing...
  4. E

    Collection My small collection of Tarot & Psychic Tarot

    Hi All, Here my small collection of tarot books. Hope if will help https://mega.nz/folder/GwMzVJKC#FIZShwBRnQwRr7Icmx7OtA
  5. B

    [Tutorial] What is the bully?

    I read a bit on this forum. And I have the following question. I like to talk about it and hope some get an idea about what I mean or talk about and I think it is a bit new to. We have had a lot of stuff. I wonder if many of us are old heathens and take old knowledge with us from long time ago...