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HELP! I have a problem...black magic/demons

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Mar 18, 2024
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I have several of the same exact people using a demon to steal my assets, can you assist me?
It is generally the same people when they loose the argument they call in the same exact thing everything turns red and blue and I wake back up somewhere else. generally in a shitty apartment or a crummy room.

some of these "things" and incantations were stolen from my floor safe and they are using these things against me.

since nobody really believes in this shit in the real world...

I am looking for more occult sciences to assist


Jan 19, 2022
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Jul 2, 2022
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basically i have 0 dollars and 0 money and i go back to trying to find where my original things were located...but its like filled with tricks and traps
Ok man are you sleepwalking or getting drugged by some creeps? You should think about mundane explanations too.

If these said demons are real, search for Magickal Defense by Damon Brand and do the banishings + Master Protection Ritual + if there is a ritual suited for you in the book.


Mar 18, 2024
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well they have done both to me its a gang of people that are essentially impossible to arrest...their lawyer can summon a deamon because his gang was responsible for robbing a safe that had instructions for handling this demon, etc.
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well they have done both to me its a gang of people that are essentially impossible to arrest...their lawyer can summon a deamon because his gang was responsible for robbing a safe that had instructions for handling this demon, etc.
i won in court 2 times but for some reason even AFTER i win they still have a way to steal the money


Mar 18, 2024
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Thank God you found the money for a device that lets you use the internet.
this is a shitty public terminal that is probably destroying me more than helping me
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Ok man are you sleepwalking or getting drugged by some creeps? You should think about mundane explanations too.

If these said demons are real, search for Magickal Defense by Damon Brand and do the banishings + Master Protection Ritual + if there is a ritual suited for you in the book.
getting drugged...scopolimine, GHB, knifes and rope
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but the deamon is real because it was apart of work i did with the HC vatican
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Mar 18, 2024
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this is a shitty public terminal that is probably destroying me more than helping me
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getting drugged...scopolimine, GHB, knifes and rope
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but the deamon is real because it was apart of work i did with the HC vatican
ok they have done the crime maybe 4-6 times if i defeat one and win they do it another way


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I have several of the same exact people using a demon to steal my assets, can you assist me?
It is generally the same people when they loose the argument they call in the same exact thing everything turns red and blue and I wake back up somewhere else. generally in a shitty apartment or a crummy room.

some of these "things" and incantations were stolen from my floor safe and they are using these things against me.

since nobody really believes in this shit in the real world...

I am looking for more occult sciences to assist
I prize myself in having good understanding of the English language...but I'll admit that I understood 0% of what was said here.

Gee, I wonder how this thread will develop..
I wonder what's going on...

basically i have 0 dollars and 0 money and i go back to trying to find where my original things were located
Sounds more like a game of Rust.No, seriously, what is going on?

I'm on the same boat, I either am having issues with the language or I really can't comprehend OP's issue.

You should think about mundane explanations too
Mundane before the supernatural, as always.Better check off the list of what's mundane first as that one is the easiest to verify.

a gang of people that are essentially impossible to arrest...their lawyer can summon a deamon because his gang was responsible for robbing a safe that had instructions for handling this demon
This is starting to sound more like the plot of a novel.
The only people impossible to arrest are those with absolute economical or political power, everyone else is "arrestable(is this a valid word?)", including gangs.

We know that lawyers have a bad fame as being the devil's advocate, but let's not start thinking of it literally(unless you have proof of it).Plus, a lawyer having a gang seems strange.Not impossible, but certainly difficult to exist, as no lawyer worth their money would want to be associated with gangs(except maybe those lawyers that defend the cartels, but then they're never the bosses, only the advocates of them).

A safe with instructions to handle a demon?I would've believed more if you said that they found a jar sealed with wax that cointained a demon inside.

Antichrist? Is that you again?
Antichrist as in the user?Or "The" antichrist?

getting drugged...scopolimine, GHB, knifes and rope
Sorry, but not only it is hard to follow up on your writing but the story you're telling is too wild to just be accepted in good faith like that, rather than taken as trolling or as a delusion.

I suggest you seek professional help because clearly no one here can help you with whatever is your issue.And if your issue is with demons then you certainly can make an adequate thread to seek help for that without de-railing into stories that sound more like conspiracies or even novels.
Please, we're trying to be a serious place of discussion.

It's fine to be chill and even let out some jokes, but the level of this discussion so far has been nothing short of "wasting time" as it seems you're trying to project a narrative of your life rather than seek actual help.
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