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  1. CrownOfBuckthorns

    Journal an interesting ritual experience that i’d thought i would share

    hi there, hope everyone’s night/day is going well. i wanted to post this because i thought it would be pretty interesting thing to bring up. before finishing a ritual, i had to dispose of the materials in question outside of my ritual space and home. the entire time on my journey, i felt the...
  2. CrownOfBuckthorns

    Kusarikku and his non-baneful uses

    not too long ago, i decided to evoke the demon Kusarikku using the methods from “The Grimiore of Tiamat” by Asenath Mason. i what i got out of the evocation was some much needed information and a smokey temple; and Kusarikku asked for some frankincense in return. the nature of this demon gave...
  3. Diluculo_DelFuego

    Ganesha, Binder of ALL Demons...

    Anyone have an invocation for this gem? Im sure many invocations exist, but was hoping more along the lines of invocation bordering on evocation of Ganesha, or at least evoking Ganesha into select natal houses? Thanks, I know this is odd. I have a 57 bead necklace I can use since the crucifix...