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5G/Untrasonic/Microwave EMF in public places

Sep 9, 2021
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Does anyone else have tinnitus and hear the pitch change when walking into areas that utilize this technology or the humming from network equipment and telco boxes?
Does anyone have irrational phobias or an extreme anxiety fit, seizures from being exposed to it?

I've had continual job loss, and sat and pondered why today, and most if not all of my experience is electronics, computers, IT, retail, food service. In fact the only time I felt alive whole and well was working construction (except for my fear of heights painting the staircase leading to losing that job).

Airports disturbed me for a long time, but I could not understand why, except for social anxiety. I did not have a fear of flying despite fear of heights.
I have a 5G tower right behind my apartment building and since living here Ive never had such constant aches and pain in my life.
I will be moving soon to a more rural area.



Jun 21, 2022
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A lot of places have ultrasound blasters to deter people, particularly children and teenagers, who have better hearing, from loitering in those locations. But I did have mad tinnitus from wifi on the old original wireless routers. It was maddening. I could see 5G causing tinnitus because it's operating on millimeter waves which is more in the physical scale of the strings in our ears that resonate with the noise in the air, but it's still a way higher frequency than our ears can hear which maxes out around 22000hz or so for adults, possibly higher for some children. As for airports, it could be that the mix of all the frequencies coming off people from different nations, like each nation and language is aligned to it's own point on the the axis of there power of communication so I could see how the airports or any busy location could give you weird stress, mixing of a bunch of people from different axis releases a lot of incompatible and sometimes toxic energy into spaces. When I was an angel to talk to people who didn't speak my primary language I would tune an knob in the tools provided by the agency of establishment to my soul until the people were understandable and I'd be speaking their language but I'd have to be careful to not use any flavorful language because it really doesn't translate because other languages than angelis bleed Christ a lot more than English (practically the same as Angelis but some letters are upside down in Angelis and there's no wW in Angelis because that's like a death symbol because sawtooth waves are how you kill spirits, it's like this grinding frequency which rips spirits apart so we didn't use w). Chinese is like shit talking English which I think is so funny because they exploit Christ (through the Lucifer side of things) ability to manifest abundance more than any other country. Which is just ironic but this makes things from China highly susceptible to corruption through the "splitting of hairs" effect so Christian's and people who utilize Baphomet or Rahumat are more likely to experience difficulties with the stuff they get from China... Stuff from Taiwan should be fine because it's actually real not cloned through virtually splitting things and then mirroring it's realization axis and then reprogramming the hardware to have different operation addresses so it doesn't glitch out, this practice is detailed in Hebrew teachings so I find it so funny China is using it. Anyways yeah, the tinnitus can also be coming from spirits which are occupying your spiritual domain talking to spiritual residue in the places you visit, negative channel frequencies, spirits, and nature's which operate from the left hand side of manifest, which isn't necessarily held to the same temporal domain parameters as the right hand or positive side of things which the axis of this can be thought of as being -5 -0 |∆|+0 +5 if you're thinking of it as positive or 0 to 10 with 5 being being where physical existence comes up and above 5 being the right hand path which values certainty, object permanence and physical life and not having cancer, whereas the Left hand path has more mutable things like the ability to use frequencies from chemical formulas and transfer that supposed chemical into a solvent and then you just vitrify it until it's concentrated enough to be used to get the effects, this was the original way people would make medicines and then they'd use the mercury to stabilize it. Sorry I'm on a ramble. There's both rational technological reasons and possibly also spiritual reasons for this tinnitus to be happening