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A Tarot Reading on the Tuatha de Danaan Mages

Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
First spread: Split Hexagram Spread
Greater Spiritual Influence: IX The Hermit (Virgo)
Lesser Spiritual Influence: XIV Temperance (Sagittarius)
Spiritual Advice: XIX The Sun (Sol)
Unconscious Desires: XVI The Tower (Mars)
Conscious Desires: 0 The Fool (Air)
Practical Advice: XVIII The Moon (Pisces)
Final Outcome: XXI The World (Saturn/Earth)

Pushing this into a Celtic Cross Spread without reshuffling, this is what I was left:
Significator - IX Hermit (Virgo)
Covers: XIV Temperance (Sagittarius)
Crosses: XIX The Sun (Sol)
Crowns: XVI The Tower (Mars)
Beneath: 0 The Fool (Air)
Behind: XVIII The Moon (Pisces)
Before: XXI The World (Saturn/Earth)
Significator: VIII Strength (Leo)
Environment: V Hierophant (Taurus)
Hopes + Fears: X Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)
Final Outcome: XV The Devil (Capricorn)

This may not make a whole lot of sense, but they got what they asked for, they studied all arts, even some diabolical. They brought weapons for war for the gods and goddesses against others, and the gods and goddesses were victorius. One thing someone feared was a certain golden hair locks of a nbewborn baby to be, and I see such a lad on the horse in The Sun. I see the Tower, I see the Wheel, I see the Devil, among other cards. What do you see?