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[Help] Attracting Prosperity

Someone's asking for help!


May 10, 2022
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I’m doing magic every day. I’m mostly
working with wealth entities: mammon, sael, claunek, haatan, nitika, ganesha & jupiter for luck, lakshmi, saturn etc.
Do you know of other strong entities that help to get more money & wealth?
From your experience what is sufficient & what is necessary for a successful working?
Were you able to build a personal connection with spirits at the rank of gods/ kings, because for me they’re harder to reach and connect to, and if so what helped you?
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.



May 10, 2022
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I'm not saying you'll get rich overnight, but if you cultivate a relationship with him and put in some work, you may find a lot of unexpected good boons happening to you.

Other people who honor/work with this deity report the same thing. He is very friendly and approachable.
Will try ty
Sep 9, 2021
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I think you have a fair list of spirits - no need for more.
Have you ever done the black-white mirror exercise per Bardon?
Or analyszed the positive and negative aspects and signs per your natal chart?
These may tell you if you have adverse or anti beliefs regarding money and wealth.
These, like spirit/shadow work may need to be resolved first.
Also, you need to have at least a handful of channels for the wealth to flow through.


May 10, 2022
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I know this might sound stupid but have you ever tried going with the flow? It seems like everytime I quit making my life into an uphill battle I land on my feet.
No I’ve had the opposite experience.

just yesterday I found a large bill under my bed. My gen luck & specific money luck is on the rise

every action has an equal & opposite reaction thinking the world owes me compound interest makes it collect it from me: it’s a form of baneful magic. just Not from my body but
from my soul & that part of me isn’t essential to me.

so in order to get a lot of money u either need to be a bottom feeder or soar through the sky.

u know they say fishes that drift with the current have a 2 sec memory so they have no problems cuz they just forget them.


Aug 16, 2021
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I’m doing magic every day. I’m mostly
working with wealth entities: mammon, sael, claunek, haatan, nitika, ganesha & jupiter for luck, lakshmi, saturn etc.
Do you know of other strong entities that help to get more money & wealth?
From your experience what is sufficient & what is necessary for a successful working?
Were you able to build a personal connection with spirits at the rank of gods/ kings, because for me they’re harder to reach and connect to, and if so what helped you?
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.

Be very careful not to fall into the trap of getting money through some relative who will die and you get his money...
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, there are safeguards you can say to avoid that trap.
We have a few resources in the library to attract success and money.
Im going to start using them. In being unemployed, my foe is sleep.


May 8, 2022
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I’m doing magic every day. I’m mostly
working with wealth entities: mammon, sael, claunek, haatan, nitika, ganesha & jupiter for luck, lakshmi, saturn etc.
Do you know of other strong entities that help to get more money & wealth?
From your experience what is sufficient & what is necessary for a successful working?
Were you able to build a personal connection with spirits at the rank of gods/ kings, because for me they’re harder to reach and connect to, and if so what helped you?
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.

So are you saying magic can literally make money appear in accounts? I would think it would bring prosperity through work or career. Not just appear. Seems silly to me.


Aug 18, 2022
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Ok, I'm just going to ramble here for a minute and hopefully in that, you will find some good advice. I haven't read every post in this thread, but skimmed through a bit. Everything that follows is just my personal opinion based on my experiences. I'm neither in support or in opposition of any particular response from someone else thus far, so no one should feel attacked.

1. Never ask from an angel or demon, what you can do for yourself.
My experience is that when it comes to demons, it's ultimately short term gains with diminishing returns and a creeping development of codependency because you are constantly telling your subconscious you are incapable of doing a thing yourself.
When it comes to angels: they rarely give you what you want, but rather what you need. Bigger picture of development of your soul. They're not too worried about your cell phone bill or latest shiny toy. (Exceptions are made for food, clothing, etc.) In the words of Tupac "get up off your ass if you plan to be rich".

2. Learn the mystery of banishment.
The first thing almost every single esoteric order teaches is some form of banishing ritual. Usually they'll instruct doing the banishing ritual at least once per day for about a year. They typically speak about clearing out negative energies within a space for magical workings. This is true, but that's nowhere near scratching the surface of it. A practitioner, if they're truly doing the banishing consistently, will eventually have an "aha!" moment where they "get it". Well, I'm about to spoil one of those surprises for people. So stop reading if you don't want to know...

People have an energetic bubble they live in. There is only so much energy that can fit inside this bubble. When people focus on attainment, they are forcing more energy into a limited space. This creates a LOT of resistance. So, even though it is counter-intuitive, the "trick" is to banish the OPPOSITE of what you want. This creates a vacuum in your bubble and following the laws of polarity brings in the opposite. So, in short, rather than trying to attain wealth... banish poverty.

3. Know thyself.
Study and learn your natal chart. It will tell you what things you should be doing that will attract money with the least resistance. Want to be a real estate mogul? Well... if it ain't in your stars, you'll find it incredibly hard (possible, but lots of resistance). Maybe your chart is pointing at being an artist or actor? Your natal chart will literally tell you the qualities of your life that you should learn to embrace.

4. You can't make it rain if there are no clouds in the sky.
I think I'm paraphrasing either Crowley or Regardie here, but the point is true. Sure, you might be able to conjure up a $20 or even hit a bit of a windfall somehow. But you're not really creating wealth. You'll risk being in a cycle of forever trying to conjure up quick fixes. To build true wealth you need to set up favorable conditions so that there is less resistance to the reality you want to create. Economy sucks where you live or you can't find a job? Move. Job sucks? Develop the skills that will get you a better one. I know this is easier said than done, but you either a) make the necessary changes in your life so the reality you want can manifest more easily, or b) you accept the reality you get when you don't.

January 2018 I was unemployed and living in a shack with my wife and we were broke as fuck. Started banishing poverty. March 2018 we risked everything on a move to Denver, hoping the job market would be better. Studied my natal chart to understand the type of work I should be doing instead of what I thought I wanted to be doing. Applied for jobs like hell. It was rough for 7 months. October 2018 I received two jobs offers the same day that paid over $50k. I accepted one. A year later I got a promotion and a 30% raise. I was now running my own team. About a year after that, I switched to another project and got bumped up to $100k. I was really good at what I did. I'm now working for another company and making over $120k. I get to work remote so I bought an RV and my wife and I have been traveling the country for the past two years. My credit score is over 750, I have all the right kind of debt. I own a few rental properties and looking to buy another. In a few years, my passive income will probably allow me to not have to work at all.

All that. In less than 5 years. No angels. No demons. Just following those 4 points I mentioned above.
Sep 9, 2021
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Have you ever thought of Jehovah? Look in the Old Testament, particularly the Torah, there is abundant money in there, if you can figure it out.