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Celtic and Norse Runes

Sep 9, 2021
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In the book Druid Magic, there are guided visualizations and depictions of runes. Some look very similar to some Norse runes, so the question is will the effect be the same for concentration on the Celtic runes, or would there be a carry over of the Norse rune effects?
It's not hard to see the similarities, as the Teutonic race mixed with the UK races, particularly Ireland.
Sep 9, 2021
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I will try to describe the runes visually, and then a brief description of each, starting with the Druid Magic runes, if this will help.

Uriel Wolfheart

May 30, 2022
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That sounds like an awesome book! Do you know if there is any correlation between Celtic and Norse Deities, like Greek and Roman? If so, a lot of Norse Runes corespond to various gods. Perhaps that would be a good way of finding if there is any connection?

Uriel Wolfheart

May 30, 2022
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When you said Celtic Runes, were you Referring to Ogham? It looks to me like Ogham has a completely different set of Magickal associations than, for instance the Elder Futhark, with perhaps a few crossovers. This is what I found on Ogham.
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Sep 9, 2021
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That sounds like an awesome book! Do you know if there is any correlation between Celtic and Norse Deities, like Greek and Roman? If so, a lot of Norse Runes corespond to various gods. Perhaps that would be a good way of finding if there is any connection?
The runes are pretty similar if not the same in design from some, at least one or two from each element out if Druid Magic, and there is talk in both that and a few other books, se well as several old Celtic history books, that there was in fact a Teutonic (Norse) race the intermingled with the K/Celtic race. It did not change the CKelts to Norse, but the DNA is intermingled.
Some rituals and runes and warrior skills improved imho with the intermingling of the races.
CKelts were notorious, particularly Bards for being keepings of Lore, Spells, and some trickster activity as well, it would not surprise me if Bards came out with a relationship to Odin (Mercurial spirits were often thought of as tricksters). We still keep the Teutonic day names, I will really have to look into this more, and now that I understand Imgur, I can start designing glyphs with the runes on them, and give a name and explanation of the powers of the rune in question. This may be a daily lesson, thought I may need a week to prepare a bit. This and My Celtic Adventure are ongoing, as I have Keltic ancestry, four prominent countries. Some Canadian and NA USA intermingling and marriage, ancestry trees trace back to 1600s, past that most records are hard to find or lost. Would not surprise me if I had Native American DNA as well.
Still, these two will be ongoing projects, and will update as I do or have time to do so. :)