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Curses? Or just bad luck?


Aug 17, 2023
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Has the tourmaline been helpful? (I know very little about using stones.)


Oct 21, 2023
Reaction score
Absolutely, the string of misfortunes described here does ignite curiosity about the unseen forces at play. It's both bewildering and disheartening to see such a cascade of calamities befalling a person, especially someone radiating such positive energy. The narrative got me reflecting on similar experiences and the elusive line between mere bad luck and potentially more mystic influences.

I was recently engrossed in a book by Jason Miller, much like you, which led me to explore further into this realm. During this exploration, I came across a site, that delves into mystical protections against adversities. While it was a casual discovery, I found their insights and offerings to be quite enlightening. There’s a particular service that might provide a fresh perspective on these occurrences. It’s quite the read, and the adept practitioners there seem to hold a deep understanding of these unseen adversities.

The idea of a curse is a complex and ancient one, often brushed off in our modern discourse. Yet, the unfolding misadventures you've shared does beg a deeper examination beyond the surface level misfortune. It’s a thoughtful and compassionate inquiry you’ve embarked upon, and perhaps exploring such mystical avenues might shed some light on the obscured reality of her circumstances.

Your thoughtful contemplation is a testament to the layered complexity of our existence and the unseen forces that potentially play a part in it. It’s discussions like these that propel us into delving deeper into the unknown, exploring the mystic realms that often escape conventional understanding.
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