I'm getting space to make the magic circle around me, I thought I'd draw on a paper and instead of staying inside the circle to protect myself, I evoke a part of the spirit inside the circle so it doesn't escape, what do you think? recommend some entity/spirit for a beginner.
Its good, as long as you dont mind being potentially possessed partially or fully by doing so. As a demonolater or witch might tell you, the circle is about containing the power down into the circle, in which you are the center of the universe, and image of God. As a ceremonial mage in that latter part might say.
Whats the reason for deviation from standard procedures for evocation?
There are several methods within the RHP or the LHP. Some debatably in between LHP and RHP.
The process doesn't appear to be the question, but rather the effect would be. Well, by lettering your circle, your consciousness and state of mind might shift. As you undergo the drama, ritual and emotion thrown into it then you should expect it to be successful. As long as you command and retain your role and state of mind as an operator above all, the rest should follow your intent will and visualization.
Then give license to depart and later offerings perhaps as a followup simply for that, they appreciate that method in my experience.
Not giving offerings might not give you expected service. It is transactional, but they expect relationships as well as transactions.
The others are right, I would use circle and triangle, that is, if I ever use anything besides a LRP or LRH while evoking spirits by gazing in a trance state at the sigil and giving charge and license.