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Some techniques in AP - OBE

Art Thurian

Feb 10, 2024
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I want to help you guys by giving you some advice in training Astral Projection /Out-of-Body experience. There are four main important things to keep in mind when trying to induce an AP/OBE. They helped me a lot when I started to learn having OBE trips. There are 4 important steps:

Energy Balancing
Mind Control

OBE requires a state of deep relaxation, in a place where you feel comfortable. You will lie on your bed or sofa and
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and body.
Lie down on your back in your chosen place. Close your eyes and try to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. Concentrate on your body and how it feels. The goal is to achieve a state of complete mind and body relaxation. During this time you can scan your body starting with your toes and up to your head and concentrate on the whole body getting more and more relaxed. Make sure every muscle is completely relaxed when you are through. Then you will begin to b
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and deeply, exhale completely in a few minutes without feeling any tension in your body. Be calm and try not to carry away other thoughts or worries. If you feel that your thought will get you lost, try to get back to the present focusing on your breath. It is important to not get carried away with other thoughts, and don't get preoccupied yet with the idea of your soul projecting from your body. Just let yourself sink into relaxation.

Then cleanse, balance, and charge your chakras. Then visualize yourself surrounded with white light, and as you focus in on this light you become absorbed in the beauty of this energy and often have some wondrous visions and feelings of peace. You will visualize by this time energy swirling through each part of your body releasing tension.

During this step, you will use a technique adapted by José Silva years ago from the Silva Mind Control teachings to put your body to sleep. By this time in your mind you will say: "I'm going to count down from 3 to 1, visualizing each number on a white orb suspended in the air above my head, and when I reach the third and final "1" my body will be asleep and I will have no awareness of physical sensations. I will not perceive any physical discomfort, and my consciousness will be focused on my astral body."

Next step you will visualize a white orb suspended in the air above your head. When you are mentally well-focused on the orb, visualize a number "3" on the face of the orb. The numbers can be any colour you choose. The important thing is to create a pattern, for training your brain to react the way you desire whenever you
perform this sequence. This is the heart of the power of ritual! Visualize the 3 (three times): three number "3's" on the orb. You will say to yourself: "My body is completely relaxed, becoming numb. I am losing awareness of physical sensation." Then repeat the visualization with three number "2's" and again you will say to yourself "My body is asleep now. I feel no sensations, no discomfort. I will now visualize the "1's" repeating in your mind: "When I am finished, I will have no awareness of physical sensations. My consciousness will be in my astral body." Then visualize again the "1's" three times saying: "My body is now completely asleep. I have no awareness of physical sensations. My consciousness is in my astral body."

The benefit of training your mind this way is that you can greatly accelerate the process of transferring your awareness away from the physical body. Each time you practice this, the programming becomes a little bit stronger, after some time you will visualize the numbers and have your body asleep in two or three minutes.

The importance of focusing in this stage is valuable because while you are in this state try to clear your mind by focusing on your breath, or the tip of your tongue, or any one thing. The key is to remain conscious while your body is asleep. Naturally, all sorts of thoughts pull you from the focus, but you can return as soon as you notice you've strayed from your concentration on one thing. Your OBE's can often occur after a period of focus when your mind has drifted and has been on the verge of sleep. This is when you have awakened to find yourself either out of the body or when the "surges" have come on. You will often doze off when beginning practice, but take it up again when you are awake by focusing your attention and trying to remain conscious while your body sleeps. Suddenly you will find yourself outside your body and because of the chock will will get down in your body again, but with more training, you will easily get outside. Try not to travel too far, but instead you will be acquainted with near environment around you.

MY WISH TO YOU ALL: I hope this will help! Good Luck to you, all, 'cause the astral realm is beautiful and interesting to explore.