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Thanks/Praise Thanks to Shem #44, Archangels Raphael, Tzadkiel, Tzaphqiel and Michael, and praise to God.

Giving thanks or praise to a diety, spirit, or any other entity.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Received a mixed bag of news, but overall good news. My case is moving more positive for me and my situation.

As Tzaphqiel is Saturn influencing, Michael Sol influencing, Raphael Mercury influencing, Tzadkiel Jupiter influencing; all four - limitations, healing communication and expansion; were in my favor. Also thanks to Yazata for hooking me up with a sigil for a Shem to be in my corner as well.

The case is being moved to my state, but will not lose my place in line so to speak, and a reversal of the previous decision.
They understood that I cannot hold any job due to physical, neurological and psychiatric reasons, so it looks like my outcome I wanted will come to pass.

Praise to God and thanks to all angels and archangels involved!