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Occult Tutorials, News and Articles

Article-style posting for your detailed tutorials, news posts, and other such articles.
I like making squares to draw sigils and words of power from. Traditionally Magic Squares are filled with unique numbers and each row and column adds up to the same number. Like the planetary squares. Other, letter based squares usually have some sort of symmetry. Like most of the squares in Abramelin. What I do, is take names and convert them into numbers using plain Western gematria where A = 1, B = 2 etc. As an example I made this square of the three superiors of the Grimorium Verum...
Aldeboran — Aldebaran, the name for the Sun in Arabian mythology. A bright red star in the constellation Taurus, called the Bull 's Eye. Raw Data Taken from Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy (pretty much just the first 2, if I remember correctly) Harvested Info Compiled from Raw Data into digestible info. About Aldebaran The 3rd star of the 15 "Fixed Stars". Whatever this means: Also Known As Aldeboran Al Dabaram derives from the Arabic al Dabarān ("الدبران"), meaning "the...
Make of this what you will, but there’s few new discoveries that warrant excitement- this is one of those. I look forward to more scholarly information on this.
View: https://youtu.be/IFA9mgRaxg0 For those who still have not been informed, Jason Newcomb has put enormous effort into this project for a new PGM Tarot that he has created, and the crowdfunding campaign has been massively successful. It was fully funded in 24 hours, and now we’re just trying to reach the stretch goals to see how much extra work we can make him do. Lol! There are numerous perks that include such things as banners, tarot cloths, magical candles, and add-ons at checkout...
This tutorial deals with oils and the humble element of 🔥. Don't fuck with it. Be smart, be cautious. Enjoy :) Glass encased candles aren't cheap. And it's a massive pain in the ass to make sure I have enough candles always stocked up for the 10 or so altars I have going. Not to mention needing to have candles in stock for any work I might need to do. And candles freak me out. They can explode, they can crack, the list goes on. It's been a few years of this process and I'm growing sort of...
There's a lot of sleek and sexy, high-end magic items out there, handcrafted for their purpose. While these sure are nice, your living situation and your budget may not always agree. But fear not, fellow cheapskate! With just a little ingenuity, you too can have a pimpin' altar with fairly decent supplies to do your spellwork with. As somebody who started out a broke urban teenager in the broom closet, here's just a few tips and tricks I learned for magic on a budget. Candles Candles are...
How to Create a Familiar By 'Ophiel' Ophiel and the Gnostic Institute present the following instructions on how to create a 'FAMILIAR', Ophiel hopes that you will master and use these instructions fully and that you use them to help you in your daily life from now on. A 'Familiar' is an old-time name for a sort of assistant-associate-extension of himself, which the occultist living in medieval times was able to create, out of 'INNER PLANE MATERIAL', using knowledge-methods adapted from the...
Picture Focus by Brother MOLOCH 969 © 2016 Molochsorcery.com - All Rights Reserved So many of you know this technique already. Hell, it's most likely one you learned it in your first 101 magic book years ago. The nifty thing is you were amazed at how easy and effective this technique was back then when you first tried it and for whatever reason you forgot about it. We all have a tendency to do these sorts of things, y'know. Discover and learn a procedure that we find works well and then we...
This is the one that got all fucked up the other day. You will notice here that this rite calls on multiple entities related to love from various cultures. Optionally, one may add a personal sigil and burn it after the rite has been said. Personal Results: Around the names Astarte and Qetesh, I had a strange feeling of a presence, one or more. Around the name of Yue-Lao I experienced a random gust of wind, a good indicator that spirits have arrived. As for my crush, she has yet to...
This is the first thread in a series of threads concerning necromancy. Necromancy in itself cannot be classed under any school of magic as it is a complete workable magic system by itself. From ancient of cultures, necromancy has echoed through history and scratched arcane fears into the hearts and minds of the masses. From India to Egypt, this great art has been feared and adored by young and old alike. Ancient cults such as the Virgen Naxyr cult, and even the Indian, African, Asian and...
This article has been archived from voces-magicae.com The pronunciation of the divine names, nomina barbara, or voce magicae of western ritual magic can be a hotly debated subject. Many will argue that proper pronunciation of these magical formulae is not critical and that it is the intent behind the word that empowers the rite. Indeed, the power of intent is indisputable; however, there is also the essential vibrational quality of sound that I believe is as important as the intent, if...
This article has been archived from voces-magicae.com In the Papryi Graecae Magicae (P.G.M) we find a truly unique record into the ancient practices of Greek, Egyptian, Jewish, Gnostic and early Christian magic. Collectively, the P.G.M. refer to a cache of ancient papyri of spells and rituals dating between the 2nd Century B.C.E. and the 5th Century C.E. In them, we find a wide range of magical practices from folkloric remedies and love spells to full-fledged exorcisms, summonings, and...
When one starts out on their magical career one of first things they learn about is the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. However, one rarely hears about the spirits that actually govern those realms and that those spirits can be evoked to visible and physical appearance to learn from and perform tasks for us. The elementals are widely known among magicians to be "starter" spirits for new magicians to evoke. They always come when called and are nine times out of ten ready and willing...
In my short time on this forum, I've noticed a number of times where the OP asks "Are such and such spirit(s) as powerful as ___." Now the problem lies in how does one go about measuring the power of a spirit exactly? This is not like asking Joe Sixpack to get on a weight machine and incrementally checking how much he can lift/press until he reaches his maximum endurance for his body and muscles. Right? I think many people are mistaking the subject of power for strength and presuming it's...
This is a powerful general purpose magickal ink that can be used to draw sigils, runes, circles, Spell Scrolls, oaths etc. You can use this as a base ink and modify it with additional ingredients depending on your needs.
Hand-shook by Xena Written by Euoi. This is a solo ritual that I use to honor the god Dionysus. He is a god of many things, including gays/transsexuals, wine, nature, intoxication, and liberation. I advise you to look him up. A really good place to start would be "Ecstatic" By Jeremiah H. Lewis. It's full of information about the Greatest God! The author used to have a website called wildivine.org, but it seems he took it down. I must warn, this ritual calls for the use of certain herbs...
Sigil magic is a very effective form of magic. Simple (or intricate) symbols can be used to achieve one's goal by utilizing nothing but the subconscious. This thread will detail a simple method of sigil activation that I use when doing sigil magic or prior to modern evocations (which many know that I'm currently testing to see if it is a better method than Grimoire Tradition methods). The following working is created with the assumption that the sigil is already drawn and is ready to be...
If you clicked this thread you probably already know about my past help with some people pertaining to a specific spell. I can't seem to keep up with the enormous requests for this spell so I'm doing what I can to make sure everyone has it at their fingertips if needed. I am going to publicly share my spell. I do not suggest this spell as a solution to all little problems in a relationship, or as a one and done fix. As with all Magick, you have to put in the work to back up the spell!! I...
This site spends little to no time on Enlightenment. There's spells for this, and summonings for that. However, there's little to no information on how to better yourself outside of learning a practice of magic. The most important thing in your life is the self. That being said, magic is a way to better your life for yourself. This, however, is only half the battle. The Occult Arts should also be used to improve you! The Chakras are essentially Ethereal organs of your subtle body. Many...
Black mirror creation What is a black mirror Black mirror is a divination tool used for scrying. It can be used for telling future, seeing past, distant places, performing invocations and evocations, distant healing or reality manipulation. Maybe the first scrying mirror used was the surface of a running water (eg a river). Later a black bowl filled with water was used, black reflective surface maximizing the effectivity of the mirror. Water was later replaced with a glass, which was...