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DIY - Achievement - Angels


Oct 29, 2023
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We are starving for a good thread lately, and i will be the one to feed the people

kek of course not.

but my questions for the coven are:

1: have you made a ritual from scratch? What does the process require (as in advice for making one's own ritual) and how pleased were you with the results? is it even possible?

when contemporary authors cover this question it is usually within the confines of a whole new system/paradigm so that too counts though i doubt anyone
made a whole ahh system (except for the og Yazata ofc)

2: Can a magician become a spirit, literally? The old fashioned go die and become an ancestor is not a viable answer

3: The "simplest" approach to working with Angels, like a single ritual to look up or similar.
a while ago the community suggested i might be biased and should try them out, meditation on the matter has given me a lot of....feelings.
but i don't exactly have the time to read all the lore or make the wax table, is....is it just praying then? or am i asking too much ( eg gotta read em all )

4: Your greatest or most humble Achievement in magick?
something that stuck with you as a defining moment


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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have you made a ritual from scratch?
As in, creating an entirely new thing on your own?

I suppose I did.

What does the process require (as in advice for making one's own ritual) and how pleased were you with the results?
It's a gesture quick ritual of sorts that I tend to do when I want to "forget" or "take away from my mind" something(even if only temporarily).So far, it seems to work to me.

is it even possible?
What you're refering to?

2: Can a magician become a spirit, literally?
I(this is my own independent belief) believe so, I for example see astral projection as becoming a spirit and leaving your body.
If you mean in another way then please elaborate.

3: The "simplest" approach to working with Angels, like a single ritual to look up or similar.
I don't work with angels so I can't say a thing.I think the simplest ritual would be praying though, wouldn't it?Praying to individual angels, I mean.For example my mother has a specific prayer to Gabriel for protection in travels, it takes a minute or two I think.

4: Your greatest or most humble Achievement in magick?
Not magick, but psychic: Astral Projection.


Oct 13, 2022
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1: have you made a ritual from scratch? What does the process require (as in advice for making one's own ritual) and how pleased were you with the results? is it even possible?
No, I have not.
2: Can a magician become a spirit, literally? The old fashioned go die and become an ancestor is not a viable answer
This reminds me of Star Wars when Obi Wan instantly turns into a force ghost as he is fighting Darth Vader.
3: The "simplest" approach to working with Angels, like a single ritual to look up or similar.
Praying is the only simplest way of working with Angels that I know of.
4: Your greatest or most humble Achievement in magick?
Honestly I don't have any but I would say being able to cast magick has been my greatest "Achievement" does that count?


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Sep 27, 2021
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We are starving for a good thread lately, and i will be the one to feed the people

kek of course not.

but my questions for the coven are:

1: have you made a ritual from scratch? What does the process require (as in advice for making one's own ritual) and how pleased were you with the results? is it even possible?

when contemporary authors cover this question it is usually within the confines of a whole new system/paradigm so that too counts though i doubt anyone
made a whole ahh system (except for the og Yazata ofc)
Shit man I was about to grab the opportunity to mention the 24 Triangles of the Shemhamephorash once AGAIN 😂
I think it's my best published work so far and I use it every single day.
2: Can a magician become a spirit, literally? The old fashioned go die and become an ancestor is not a viable answer
I think famous occultists do, simply because so many want to be like them. Crowley said (somewhere, something like): conjur the demon Crowley. He meant that by trying to copy him, people would work against themselves by always comparing every result they have to his. But maybe it was meant (or understood) in another way.
3: The "simplest" approach to working with Angels, like a single ritual to look up or similar.
a while ago the community suggested i might be biased and should try them out, meditation on the matter has given me a lot of....feelings.
but i don't exactly have the time to read all the lore or make the wax table, is....is it just praying then? or am i asking too much ( eg gotta read em all )
The demonolatry method of gazing into a seal (after or) while using an associated verse (just as with an Enn) works fine in my opinion.
4: Your greatest or most humble Achievement in magick?
something that stuck with you as a defining moment
Getting my current job, for which I lacked the required diplomas but was the only one from my year to make it. I am not "rich" but I work part time and have gotten so many raises these past two years that I make almost twice as much as in my previous full time job.


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Feb 18, 2023
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Getting my current job, for which I lacked the required diplomas but was the only one from my year to make it. I am not "rich" but I work part time and have gotten so many raises these past two years that I make almost twice as much as in my previous full time job.
The real achievement: get a decent job. 👍


Sep 1, 2023
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1. have you made a ritual from scratch? What does the process require (as in advice for making one's own ritual) and how pleased were you with the results? is it even possible?
This question really surprised me! Like, "so we've all read War and Peace in the original Russian, but has anyone ever tried reading See Spot Run? Is it even possible?" (I exaggerate the comparison ofc)

Possibly because I came to ceremonial magic via witchcraft (only thing around where/when I was a teen) and chaos magic, but I thought everyone began by writing their own rituals. And then at some point you're like "okay I'm gonna get serious and do proper formal rituals in a structured way, everything by the book."

Doing a written-by-someone-else ritual takes much more discipline and maturity because you have to do parts that don't completely resonate with you - at least that's how I always thought of it

So the answer is, yes: written many rituals myself and been mostly pleased with the results, but just thaumaturgy/folk magic style. (Getting a job, money to cover an emergency, not getting fired, muscle building, standard stuff). You just kind of... collect all the resonant parts (eg a relevant invocation/poem/psalm, physical materia, symbolic actions, timing, make a sigil) and put them inside of a cast circle to build power and release.

(Have not created any new systems)


Jul 2, 2022
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1: have you made a ritual from scratch? What does the process require (as in advice for making one's own ritual) and how pleased were you with the results? is it even possible?
Dude I think? Been years since I was spamming rituals. I always advocated one should at least tailor any ritual to fit themselves, though.

2: Can a magician become a spirit, literally? The old fashioned go die and become an ancestor is not a viable answer
Who knows?

3: The "simplest" approach to working with Angels, like a single ritual to look up or similar.
a while ago the community suggested i might be biased and should try them out, meditation on the matter has given me a lot of....feelings.
but i don't exactly have the time to read all the lore or make the wax table, is....is it just praying then? or am i asking too much ( eg gotta read em all )
Write a letter of intent perhaps?

Getting my current job, for which I lacked the required diplomas but was the only one from my year to make it. I am not "rich" but I work part time and have gotten so many raises these past two years that I make almost twice as much as in my previous full time job.
Waiting for that guy to write an essay on how you are not a real magician because you are not a millionaire yet 😂

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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1: have you made a ritual from scratch? What does the process require (as in advice for making one's own ritual) and how pleased were you with the results? is it even possible?
UNPOPULAR OPINION SPOILER: I've never bothered with anything I didn't make up myself.
2: Can a magician become a spirit, literally? The old fashioned go die and become an ancestor is not a viable answer

3: The "simplest" approach to working with Angels, like a single ritual to look up or similar.
a while ago the community suggested i might be biased and should try them out, meditation on the matter has given me a lot of....feelings.
but i don't exactly have the time to read all the lore or make the wax table, is....is it just praying then? or am i asking too much ( eg gotta read em all )
Both of these are questions way above my pay grade.
4: Your greatest or most humble Achievement in magick?
something that stuck with you as a defining moment
Looking back and realising how much magic I had done without realising it at the time. e.g. I've had six jobs in my life and seven interviews.


Sep 1, 2023
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Looking back and realising how much magic I had done without realising it at the time. e.g. I've had six jobs in my life and seven interviews.
My one for this is that I have never failed to get a rental application for a place I've truly wanted. (This will not sound impressive if you don't live in a city with an affordable housing crisis. But you're often competing against 50-100 applicants.) That's maybe... 15 rentals?

Even in my complete atheist times, I would get this heartfelt sense or knowledge - this place is mine. It's done. I would start putting the place as my mailing address for packages the same day I handed in my application. (I still do this.)

It's my one freebie magic power.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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So the answer is, yes: written many rituals myself and been mostly pleased with the results, but just thaumaturgy/folk magic style. (Getting a job, money to cover an emergency, not getting fired, muscle building, standard stuff).
Oh, another that uses the occult/magic to help with working out.

What a joy to see I'm not the only one.
Waiting for that guy to write an essay on how you are not a real magician because you are not a millionaire yet
I get why the money issue is one of the greatest ways for a magician/mage/insert title to "prove their worth", but honestly I personally think that if someone can make their lives better or more fulfilling in any way(not just money-wise), that's already proof enough that they're the real deal.


Oct 29, 2023
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t's a gesture quick ritual of sorts that I tend to do when I want to "forget" or "take away from my mind" something(even if only temporarily).So far, it seems to work to me.
A mudra style? This is the original way i thought of potential rituals. Before i ever got to respecting "things being the way they are"
eg. all those wise old dude didn't just pull the invocations,words,etc for their operations out of their butts
my (theoretical) rituals all build upon existing fluxes of the human condition so that translates into anchoring emotional states
to gestures over and over and over again untill pavlovian conditioning takes over so when the gesture is made the state follows
.pretty similar to your forgetfullnes spell in the biomechanics of it all even if you never intended it as such
i am quite heavily invested in memory so i never thought about the use of wanting to forget on purpose, especially for magick work
either way,
gave me a lot to re-visit and think about thanks.
Not magick, but psychic: Astral Projection.
But what did it mean for you? did it feel like winning at a game, finishing school work?
how did it strike you after you confirmed for sure this was an achievement was there a moment "okay im the real deal now" ?
i can't put it into words safe to say what i really want to hear/read is your reaction to it
Getting my current job, for which I lacked the required diplomas but was the only one from my year to make it. I am not "rich" but I work part time and have gotten so many raises these past two years that I make almost twice as much as in my previous full time job.
I am convinced i achieved similar but far lesser in potency as i got a "job" out of the blue merely by meditating on how it would help me
get closer in practice to Hekate. it was reactionary, despite not doing any real work asking for it. i mean the ninjas came calling me, then begging
it's whenever i want to go for a day shift. which got me this bomb pc, since then however i have not continued to expand on the
Miller-Hekate thing and , once again as if in reaction, the job has been needing me less and less, haven;t got a call in weeks.
it's a stretch to be valid, but damn if it doesn't feel like it is. if that wasn't enough the workplace took me to a pretty powerful location
i am yet to take full advantage of that.
This question really surprised me! Like, "so we've all read War and Peace in the original Russian, but has anyone ever tried reading See Spot Run? Is it even possible?" (I exaggerate the comparison ofc)
lmao pixel you do everything backwards. i should say it's kind of out of the ordinary to start like you
so far you have one of the strongest foundations i have heard of, which i told you before as well as the thing that is an obstacle
that whole therapeutic thing, but that's between us, and ultimately your own decision
but I thought everyone began by writing their own rituals. And then at some point you're like "okay I'm gonna get serious and do proper formal rituals in a structured way, everything by the book."
hahah. yeah same as i said previously. doing it backwards xd
pretty sure most don't start with their own rituals. which is not bad or wrong mind you.
it's endearing honestly, and for sure comes with advatnages of their own
THAT is the stuff you should be showing us more instead of other authors
You just kind of... collect all the resonant parts (eg a relevant invocation/poem/psalm, physical materia, symbolic actions, timing, make a sigil)
right. got bunch of those. full notebooks worth
Write a letter of intent perhaps?
that little line right there was small enough i almost missed it but it might actually be big
elaborate a little? sounds like something i'd use.

Oh, another that uses the occult/magic to help with working out.
Definitely a subject worth exploring more! tell a little bit about it if a new thread on it is out of the question?

as for THAT guy and his views, it's close to infuriating. what's really going on is that they desperately want
someone to tell them if it's all real or not, but being aware of that they are "careful" not to get hooked by any of the
i believe OG's call them BALG-ers, so they put up this little authority wall but what is really happening is they are insecure
to them, a magician is simply a white guy who must have above average height and be from a rich family or inheritance
or trust fund baby or something. When they hear someone does not care about money it's like a personal insult
Dude does not belong, and that is weird af since we have worse than Roma running around.
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also this whole, become a spirit thing?
pretty big deal, i mean if it could be done the implications are up there.
if you think about it.
however i don't think it's possible unless death (literally) is involved
it's a tough cookie to think about, but if it were seemingly achievable
i'd go for that. imagine wanting to stay a filthy human when you can be a spirit kek
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Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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A mudra style?
Maybe?I know that mudras are about hand positions but in my case I use movement too.

It's just something I created because the movement makes sense to me(I'm very kinesthetic).

I pinch my thumb against my index and middle fingers, then I point it towards the area between my eyes and "pull a thread or cloth" from it, the "thread/cloth" represents whatever I want to forget.

Then I get rid of it in different ways, either by "burning it" or "desintegrating it" and then "throw it away into the sky".

Nothing big but it has helped me a lot so to me it works.

my (theoretical) rituals all build upon existing fluxes of the human condition so that translates into anchoring emotional states
to gestures over and over and over again untill pavlovian conditioning takes over so when the gesture is made the state follows
.pretty similar to your forgetfullnes spell in the biomechanics of it all even if you never intended it as such
Side note, when I feel headaches I also use the same ritual, but then I "aim" towards the point of pain and "pull away the pain".
It may just be a placebo effect, it may be actual magic happening(I prefer to believe this one), but it helps me alleviate the pain a little so, as previously said, "if it works to me then it works".

i am quite heavily invested in memory so i never thought about the use of wanting to forget on purpose, especially for magick work
either way
You will have a field day then when reading books about memory, consciousness and etc.It is an interesting read, though it is hard to understand(it is to me, maybe it won't be to you), specially the books that use a lot of medical terminology.

But yes, sometimes someone just want a quick "forget this moment".It won't be forever but a moment of peace is all one can ask for.

But what did it mean for you? did it feel like winning at a game, finishing school work?
I was surprised, when I realized what happened I feel happy.Not "over the moon", but I was happy.
It also helped cement my trust in the existence of psychic abilities.Because as much as I dealt(or tried to dealt) with them when I was younger, I defnitely had many moments of doubt.

So I would say that it felt "different in a good way".I really can't explain it better.

I'm someone that feels content with small achievements.

Definitely a subject worth exploring more! tell a little bit about it if a new thread on it is out of the question?
I don't know if talking about htis would be going off topic as it kind of is a talk about DIY, so...
a magician is simply a white guy who must have above average height and be from a rich family or inheritance
or trust fund baby or something
Huh, guess I'm not a magician then...
I Dont Care Shrug GIF by Puss In Boots


Sep 1, 2023
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THAT is the stuff you should be showing us more instead of other authors
Ohh interesting so people typically share stuff that's new and surprising to them, not the stuff they take for granted. Since I'm... doing things backwards, what's new and surprising to me is probably what's obvious to others.
(Like how you can't hear your accent)

I have a newsletter where I share cool stuff I've learned, and it's fairly science-heavy and history-light. People assume I'm more science-grounded, but it's the opposite - I know a lot about history so I'm less likely to come across new stuff that grabs me, I feel (falsely) like everybody knows it already.

This comes up as a bias in so many fields (not just with me I mean).

I've often wanted to figure out how to get that "obvious to them" knowledge from my smart friends but I don't even know the right questions to ask - unknown unknowns.

Can a magician become a spirit, literally?
What do you mean by this? As in: one generally accepted the idea that we are spirits, just spirits with bodies. So do you mean "can we become incorporeal?" Or, what specific attribute of a spirit do you want to attain?
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Thread for exercise magic ^
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Oct 29, 2023
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I've often wanted to figure out how to get that "obvious to them" knowledge from my smart friends but I don't even know the right questions to ask - unknown unknowns.
this hits very close to home im weird like that too it feels so....damn i can't explain.
it feels. lol

so, i don't mean exactly like Star wars ghosts. i mean the spirits we accept as existing
from the lowest elementals to the higher more complex forms.
in the complex side there is not much space, you can't become the spirit of x
if there is already those who hold that office? or at least not without a "fight"
on the other hand we can't comprehend a simplistic existence like that of a
flame elemental since it's just one color, one vibration.

But also....being human has it's baggage. God forbid there is a reincarnation cycle
or, as most occultists are headed for the pits an eternity in hell is worth avoiding

i am of the opinion Crowley probably managed some form of this spiritual existing

i don't know. it's merely a thought that came to me as responce to what a magician's goal might be

You will have a field day then when reading books about memory, consciousness and etc.
yup. i dare say im above noob level. around average as far as brute knowledge goes.

Nothing big but it has helped me a lot so to me it works.
love it.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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this hits very close to home im weird like that too it feels so....damn i can't explain.
it feels. lol

so, i don't mean exactly like Star wars ghosts. i mean the spirits we accept as existing
from the lowest elementals to the higher more complex forms.
I think it was Jason Miller who said that we were spirits, too, that just happen to inhabit a physical body as well, not just an ethereal one. Makes a lot of sense to me because we can do all sorts of things in our mind which are no less miraculous than the faculties we ascribe to spirits; it's just that in contrast to them, we're hampered somewhat by all that flesh.