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[Archive] [Absinthe] Creating Bonded Objects

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.
Bonded objects are two objects that have formed a psychic link. This link can be exploited by magicians to affect the object (or even the owner of the object). These magical artifacts can be used in any sort of magic to affect other people. Curses, love spells, and healing works can all be more effective if a bonded object is thrown into the mix. The easiest way I've found is to use coins. A coin can be easily hidden in a bag, slipped into a pocket, or just slipped under a bed. The twin coin is also easily worked with. They can be placed in sachets and the energy of the curse directed through the coin, candles can be burned on top of them, etc.

A bonded object is very much alike a cursed object, except that cursed objects act alone. Bonded objects are more like portals through which energy can be sent. Now, on to creating these awesome objects.

You'll need:

-six candles (white are best)
-two objects to bind

Arrange the candles into the shape of a hexagram, but the one used in Thelema. In the top open space, place the object that will be planted on the person. On the bottom space, place the object you will keep to send energy. Use the string to form the hexagram. You mightwanna purify each object, but that isn't necessary.

With everything in place, visualize the string glowing and being made of pure light. Visualize a link forming between the objects. Make sure to clearly visualize the link bring one way, that the link extends towards the receiving object but doesn't let anything back. Keep this for as long as you can. Repeat this ritual for an entire lunar cycle. At the end of the cycle, the objects will have been bond and are ready for use.

How to use:

One object will either be gifted to thee person or smuggled onto them or into their home. The other one will be kept to perform spells with.
The giving object should be used in any way that causes energy to be sent through it. You needn't worry about it absorbing the energy, it'll go right through it so to speak. If you're setting lights, the candle can be set on top of it. Another way would be to fill a sachet with herbs, roots, and or minerals and placing the coin in it as well. You'd hold it in your hand and visualize your victim becoming afflicted, after you've raised some energy. Poppets can become more effective by adding the coin to it. The coin can also be put into vinegar jars, war water, or honey jars. Just use your imagination a bit!


Jan 17, 2023
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Thank you very much for this. But the links arent working:cry: I wanted to see the whole thing!! I've always been curious about cursed "dolls". that move on their own.. you know, those that people video record and then upload on the web for everybody to see. Some of them even move and act as if they had batteries on but they don't:oops: There was this lady that got this Cabagge Pack Kid Pajama Party doll (or something like that) and this doll uses batteries because it walks, dances and moves around making funny little noises. It became her daughter's favorite doll. She noticed there was something about this doll. And sure enough, when the batteries were removed, the doll kept acting up the same way as if it had the batteries on!!:oops: She even called the company that manufactures the doll in order to ask about the mechanics that the doll is built to see if she could find some logical reason for this. She dismantled the whole doll in front of her camera for her viewers to see that the doll had no batteries and there were no other hidden compartments. The manufacturer (whom she called in front of her camera for her viewers to see) were kinda perplexed at the question and even thought she was joking asking such a thing. But the weirdest thing was that when she explained in detail what was going on, the olady on the manufacturing company asked her whether it was her that called earlier that day!!! (It seems she's not the only one with a possesed cabagge pack kid doll!!) Ill try to find the link to the video and post it here with time stamps so my fellow wizards here can see this thing and maybe even debunk the situation.... Thanks again for the post!!;)


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Hm.. yeah I see. No idea what I'm doing wrong. If I figure it out I'll repair it.
Maybe my fault... 🤔

Could always copy paste, that should work...