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Book Recommendation Any good books to recommend?

Seeking or giving recommendations for books.


Feb 8, 2022
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Well the only real thing of the entire GD paradigm is the placings of the elements, which is correct YHShVH (from right to left) which goes with the 4 elements + spirit. This is really almost everything that a magickian needs to know for the rest of their life.

Pretty much the rituals are 'God name', 'Corresponding Arch Angel' 'Element'. This can have many oppurtunities as well as approaches. Basically there are many God names or Gods to choose from but they can all be attributed, about arch angels I can not say but had an experience where they said "Jesus Christ Technology" and that seems to prove true to me. Got a paper of the elements that I could put in a thread here, got it now on mega. Well here it is:
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Apr 13, 2023
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There is also a very detailed version in Crowley's Book 4:
Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae


Nov 21, 2021
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I would say that Dante Allighieri’s Divine Comedy would be good to read. It shows the way to get out of the materialism which contemporary man is severely stuck in.


Oct 23, 2021
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I would say that Dante Allighieri’s Divine Comedy would be good to read. It shows the way to get out of the materialism which contemporary man is severely stuck in.
I have the PDF but never read it
I wasn't sure what I will read
A novel ? Or an esoteric text?
I will look into it I guess


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Currently reading "The Arch Conjuror of England: John Dee" by Glyn Parry. It's scholarly but not condescendig vis-a-vis magic and not at all hostile towards Dr. John Dee but he nevertheless comes off as a mildly naive, misguided academic that was not very good at court politics, not as the 'trusted advisor' of Elizabeth I. His angels were wrong in their prophecies most of the time, gave inappropriate and impractical counsel or led him by the nose, made various U-turns in their opinions and didn't lift an astral finger when he was in grave difficulties.

If your image of Dr. John Dee as a powerful Renaissance mage is able to survive this onslaught of historical facts, congratulations. Personally, I've long given up on occult authors when it comes to magic in history. Among scholars, it has become fortunately non-PC nowadays to depict magic as mere superstion, and there are many books by historians out there that debunk long-cherished occultist myths without even being aware they existed. I don't want to ever read occult books about ancient Greece, Egypt, the Gnostics or the Neoplatonists anymore, all that phony romantic glow of the glorious past of magic gets on my nerves. Contemporary how-to books, ok, but not tomes purporting to build on imaginary 'ancient wisdom' for which there is no textual or other evidence whatsoever.


Aug 17, 2023
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Currently reading "The Arch Conjuror of England: John Dee" by Glyn Parry. It's scholarly but not condescendig vis-a-vis magic and not at all hostile towards Dr. John Dee but he nevertheless comes off as a mildly naive, misguided academic that was not very good at court politics, not as the 'trusted advisor' of Elizabeth I. His angels were wrong in their prophecies most of the time, gave inappropriate and impractical counsel or led him by the nose, made various U-turns in their opinions and didn't lift an astral finger when he was in grave difficulties.

If your image of Dr. John Dee as a powerful Renaissance mage is able to survive this onslaught of historical facts, congratulations. Personally, I've long given up on occult authors when it comes to magic in history. Among scholars, it has become fortunately non-PC nowadays to depict magic as mere superstion, and there are many books by historians out there that debunk long-cherished occultist myths without even being aware they existed. I don't want to ever read occult books about ancient Greece, Egypt, the Gnostics or the Neoplatonists anymore, all that phony romantic glow of the glorious past of magic gets on my nerves. Contemporary how-to books, ok, but not tomes purporting to build on imaginary 'ancient wisdom' for which there is no textual or other evidence whatsoever.
Every account I initially read of Dee made him out as a curious scholar, albeit one with limited (if any) magickal skills. Which is why he so needed the decidedly tacky Edward Kelley. In particular, the accounts I read stressed how Dee compiled the Enochian material but never used it. I guess I was lucky to read sources that were not starstruck. If memory serves, this take on Dee is that taken on the hermetic.com website.

On the other hand, if one were a powerful mage, an image as a bumbling dabbler might be the best cover. I'm not into Dee enough to sweat it either way. But both possibilities are worth pondering. (For those with spare time to ponder.)


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Addendum: This doesn't mean the whole of Enochian magic is bullshit, I just wanted to say that the widespread 'backstory' is probably wrong. Lack of venerability doesn't invalidate a given system, I'd say.


Aug 17, 2023
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Addendum: This doesn't mean the whole of Enochian magic is bullshit, I just wanted to say that the widespread 'backstory' is probably wrong. Lack of venerability doesn't invalidate a given system, I'd say.
First comes the accomplishment, then comes the backstory. Something similar caused Oscar Wilde to remark that The Peerage was "the finest thing the British have done in fiction."


Apr 13, 2023
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Rarely has anybody been so deliberately misunderstood as John Dee (with the possible exception of Edward De Vere) and it is as if someone, somewhere was deliberately attempting to destroy his reputation & credibility even back in late Elizabethan (and certainly in Stuart) times.
He never claimed to be a 'mage' at all (and complained about various people disparaging his reputation with statements like that - happy to dig out chapter & verse if anybody would like?) even though he was accused of this as far bvack as his time in Cambridge University and was indeed a close confidante of Elizabeth I who even visited him at his home in Mortlake on more than one occasion (something Monarchs rarely did in those days unless 'On Progress' in order to awe the provincials with the Regal Majesty & putting the strong arm on the wishy-washy etc) and if you read Dee's 'Compendious Rehearsal' from 1592 he details what he has done for England & the Queen and her advisors, such as Cecil (Lord Burghley) and the rest of them.
He never claimed to be a magician, and this cannot be overstated.
As far as the Enochian material goes, it's fascinating to try & make sense of what was happening there - how much was Kelly taking Dee for a gullible fool (this has been argued by many, although as far as I can make out not exactly convincingly as it is not always possible to ascertain who heard & saw what during the 'Actions' - mostly it was Kelly reporting whilst Dee wrote down what Kelly said he saw & heard, but there are other times when it appears to be Dee who is hearing & seeing things he could not readily explain, plus there are many diary entries where Kelly is the one telling Dee that these are not Angelic creatures but decievers & he does not want any further part in the proceedings.

Personally speaking, I cannot as yet give a definitive answer as to what I think really happened as I am still reading the source material, learning & studying Dee's writings in various editions. I think Dee was certainly one of the finest minds this country has ever produced - he was a Polyglot and a Mathematician & understood Optics, Cartography, Geometry, Algebra (although he would not have known it by that name) and much more besides yet we do not even know where he is buried!


Apr 10, 2023
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Currently reading "The Arch Conjuror of England: John Dee" by Glyn Parry. It's scholarly but not condescendig vis-a-vis magic and not at all hostile towards Dr. John Dee but he nevertheless comes off as a mildly naive, misguided academic that was not very good at court politics, not as the 'trusted advisor' of Elizabeth I. His angels were wrong in their prophecies most of the time, gave inappropriate and impractical counsel or led him by the nose, made various U-turns in their opinions and didn't lift an astral finger when he was in grave difficulties.

If your image of Dr. John Dee as a powerful Renaissance mage is able to survive this onslaught of historical facts, congratulations. Personally, I've long given up on occult authors when it comes to magic in history. Among scholars, it has become fortunately non-PC nowadays to depict magic as mere superstion, and there are many books by historians out there that debunk long-cherished occultist myths without even being aware they existed. I don't want to ever read occult books about ancient Greece, Egypt, the Gnostics or the Neoplatonists anymore, all that phony romantic glow of the glorious past of magic gets on my nerves. Contemporary how-to books, ok, but not tomes purporting to build on imaginary 'ancient wisdom' for which there is no textual or other evidence whatsoever.

This is exactly why I’m strongly in favor of directly reading ancient sources as well as good historical scholarship, it really does wonders for deflating the claims of various would-be gurus and mystery schools.


Aug 17, 2023
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Rarely has anybody been so deliberately misunderstood as John Dee (with the possible exception of Edward De Vere) and it is as if someone, somewhere was deliberately attempting to destroy his reputation & credibility even back in late Elizabethan (and certainly in Stuart) times.
He never claimed to be a 'mage' at all (and complained about various people disparaging his reputation with statements like that - happy to dig out chapter & verse if anybody would like?) even though he was accused of this as far bvack as his time in Cambridge University and was indeed a close confidante of Elizabeth I who even visited him at his home in Mortlake on more than one occasion (something Monarchs rarely did in those days unless 'On Progress' in order to awe the provincials with the Regal Majesty & putting the strong arm on the wishy-washy etc) and if you read Dee's 'Compendious Rehearsal' from 1592 he details what he has done for England & the Queen and her advisors, such as Cecil (Lord Burghley) and the rest of them.
He never claimed to be a magician, and this cannot be overstated.
As far as the Enochian material goes, it's fascinating to try & make sense of what was happening there - how much was Kelly taking Dee for a gullible fool (this has been argued by many, although as far as I can make out not exactly convincingly as it is not always possible to ascertain who heard & saw what during the 'Actions' - mostly it was Kelly reporting whilst Dee wrote down what Kelly said he saw & heard, but there are other times when it appears to be Dee who is hearing & seeing things he could not readily explain, plus there are many diary entries where Kelly is the one telling Dee that these are not Angelic creatures but decievers & he does not want any further part in the proceedings.

Personally speaking, I cannot as yet give a definitive answer as to what I think really happened as I am still reading the source material, learning & studying Dee's writings in various editions. I think Dee was certainly one of the finest minds this country has ever produced - he was a Polyglot and a Mathematician & understood Optics, Cartography, Geometry, Algebra (although he would not have known it by that name) and much more besides yet we do not even know where he is buried!
If you're satisfied he was no mage (which seems to have been the case---i.e., you're right) why vex yourself over whether he was misunderstood or where he was buried? He was a scholar who had some remarkable experiences, it seems. And...? What's the motivation here? Simple biographisizing?


Apr 13, 2023
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Good question - the honest answer is that I totally respect and admire his other work - for me, the whole 'Spiritual' stuff is an aside, albeit a bloody fascinating one that at this point I am absolutely neutral about with no firm opinion one way or the other as to it's reality or efficacy, whicyh is why I am reading up on it. I just get a little irritated when he is seemingly only remembered for his 'magic' and unsuccessfully haranguing Maximillian over his supposed sins than for the other things he did.
He absolutely had remarkable experiences, and I cannot make up my mind how much of these were real and how much was faked by Kelly although in the case of the latter it is probably far less than some people suppose it was, but no matter how that turns out it will never take a thing away from his other achievements, spome of which were f***ing stunning, not to mention brilliant and nothing short of genius.

Are you aware of his encryptions in the title page & dedication of the 1609 published first Quarto edition of Shake-Speare's Sonnets at all?


Aug 17, 2023
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Good question - the honest answer is that I totally respect and admire his other work - for me, the whole 'Spiritual' stuff is an aside, albeit a bloody fascinating one that at this point I am absolutely neutral about with no firm opinion one way or the other as to it's reality or efficacy, whicyh is why I am reading up on it. I just get a little irritated when he is seemingly only remembered for his 'magic' and unsuccessfully haranguing Maximillian over his supposed sins than for the other things he did.
He absolutely had remarkable experiences, and I cannot make up my mind how much of these were real and how much was faked by Kelly although in the case of the latter it is probably far less than some people suppose it was, but no matter how that turns out it will never take a thing away from his other achievements, spome of which were f***ing stunning, not to mention brilliant and nothing short of genius.

Are you aware of his encryptions in the title page & dedication of the 1609 published first Quarto edition of Shake-Speare's Sonnets at all?
Post automatically merged:

No I was not aware of his encryptions. And, having learned of them, I shall do my best to forget about them completely.


Apr 13, 2023
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Post automatically merged:

No I was not aware of his encryptions. And, having learned of them, I shall do my best to forget about them completely.

Might I please ask why?
Might I also please ask where you went for the information?


Aug 17, 2023
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I was just making a slightly joking reference to the old Sherlock Holmes anecdote where he informs Watson that he, Holmes, was ignorant of Copernican astronomy till Watson told him that moment. His point was his mind was filled with other info.
Actually, I recently added Dee's "Monad" to my trove of book to read soon.

Where I went for the encryptions info? You mentioned them in your post.


Apr 13, 2023
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I was just making a slightly joking reference to the old Sherlock Holmes anecdote where he informs Watson that he, Holmes, was ignorant of Copernican astronomy till Watson told him that moment. His point was his mind was filled with other info.
Actually, I recently added Dee's "Monad" to my trove of book to read soon.

Where I went for the encryptions info? You mentioned them in your post.
My apologies for missing the Holmes quote - I never did get on with the writing style for some reason. Probably some aversion to Victorian writers in general, which is unfair of me but there you go - I struggle with almost all of them. The only reason I mentioned it all was because I got the impression that you thought it was irrelevant?

Be careful about the translation of the Monad too - I can recommend Jim Egan's version (along with a series of free to download PDF books on the geometry and Numerology at the root of Dee's world view) as well as the recent one by Dr Terry Burns as well. She has also put out a huge series of 'explanatory' videos, but at the end of the day it's her opinion.
Happy to post these if you are interested


May 2, 2024
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Перед вами уникальная книга по черной магии и колдовству, написанная как учебник и практическое руководство современным волшебником и знахарем Андреем Балабаном (известным в мире магии как Аманар), раскрывающая читателю от А до Я древнюю магию в теория и практика для самостоятельного изучения Древней Высшей Магии. Эта книга предназначена как для тех, кто только решил заняться практической магией, так и для уже практикующих адептов и мастеров магии. Книга содержит ключи к ритуалам, ритуалам и церемониям черной магии и колдовства и является прямым отражением философии Пути Левой Руки.

Глава 1. Ритуалы повышения личной энергии для сильной магической работы.

Упражнения для привлечения и направления энергии творения. Упражнение 1 «Стихия Воды». Упражнение 2 «Солнечное тепло». Упражнение 3 «Земля королей». Упражнения для привлечения и направления энергии сохранения. Упражнение 1 «Стойкость Рока». Упражнение 2 «Слёзы моря». Упражнение 3 «Древо жизни». Упражнения для привлечения и направления энергии разрушения. Упражнение 1 «Огненные смерчи». Упражнение 2 «Пустыня богов». Упражнение 3 «Горящий воздух». Главное упражнение по балансированию сил созидания, сохранения и разрушения. Упражнение «Колыбелька».

Глава 2. Ритуалы самоочищения после магической работы и взаимодействия с людьми.

Упражнение 1. Столп Апофиса. Упражнение 2. Руки Осириса. Упражнение 3. Хвост Кундалини. Упражнение 4. Майтхуна. Упражнение 5. Золото Солнца. Упражнение 6. Добродетель Богов. Упражнение 7. Священник. Упражнение 8. Карма. Упражнение 9. Божественный Свет.

Глава 3. Ритуалы защиты от всех магических последствий, включая ошибки и неприятные последствия.

Ритуал «Гга Э Гаалим» («Разбрасывающий ветер»). Ритуал «Сгаа Рин Этехе» («Щит мага»). Ритуал «Граали ин Квитезо» («Покров Богов»).

Глава 4. Выбор идеального времени для начала магической работы и проведения операций.

Волшебные дни. Волшебные часы. Фазы Луны. Солнце в Знаках Зодиака. Лунные дни. Ночи Силы.

Глава 5. Атрибуты всех магических операций.

Мантия Мага. Ведьмин нож Атам. Огненная палочка. Чаша заклинаний. Пентакль Земли. Свечи и уголь. Курильница и подсвечники.

Глава 6. Снятие с человека всех видов сглаза, проклятий и порчи, включая болезни, привороты и неприятные последствия.

Один из самых сильных чёрно-магических ритуалов для снятия сглаза и порчи с человека с установлением высшей защиты и призывом духа-хранителя «Палец мага». Снятие проклятия «Гнев богов». Ритуал на избавление от наведенной болезни «Зверь-демон». Ритуал на снятие любого приворота с человека. Ритуал на устранение обратного огня.

Глава 7. Установление лицом всех форм защиты.

Семейная жизнь (Ритуал Аро-Ти); Интимная Сфера (Ритуал Сергия); Физическое и психическое здоровье (Ритуал Игсон); Финансовое благополучие (Ритуал Лод-Ра); Карьерный рост (Ритуал Окница); Сохранение собственности (Ритуал Шипше); Дети и продолжение рода (Ритуал Атлис).

Глава 8. Ритуалы для процветания бизнеса.

Ритуал успешного трейдинга. Ритуал на устранение потерь. Ритуал для роста бизнеса.

Глава 9. Ритуалы продаж.

Ритуал на продажу квартиры. Ритуал на продажу частного дома. Ритуал на продажу земельного участка. Ритуал на продажу автомобиля.

Глава 10. Привороты по фотографии.

Основные принципы любовной магии и тайны посвященных. Что скрывают учебники магии? В чем секрет успешного приворота? Ритуал с лепестками роз. Ритуал с иглами. Ритуал с кладбищенскими шипами.

Глава 11. Привороты с использованием человеческой крови.

Любовное зелье. Восковая кукла. Заклинание крови.

Глава 12. Привороты с использованием человеческого хай

Ритуал любовного узла. Ритуал Священной печати. Ритуал подчинения и рабства.

Глава 13. Чары на вещи человека.

Чары на нижнее белье "Узы мертвых". Чары на рубашку "Мёртвая вода". Ритуал приворота на обувь "Мёртвая Земля".

Глава 14. Особые чары при отсутствии каких-либо личных вещей.

Приворот через ветер «Ветер желаний». Чары на перекрёстке «Крест любви». Чары огнем «Пламя страсти».

Глава 15. Тайные обряды черного волшебства и черной коронации.

Ритуал черного приворота «Черная вуаль». Ритуал черной коронации «Корона судьбы».

Глава 16. Тайная магия отвращения.

Зелье отвращения «Кровавые корни». Отвращение через фотографию «Спина к спине». Отвращение по следу «Следы прошлого».

Глава 17. Секретные приемы развития ведьминого взгляда и речи (умение мгновенно проклинать и порчуть).

Техника тренировки ведьминого взгляда «Гипнос». Техника тренировки ведьминой речи «Вещий Оракул».

Глава 18. Магия для проклятия здоровья, безумия, алкоголизма, бессилия и одиночества.

Проклятие на здоровье «Порванная рубашка». Проклятье на безумие «Волчьи ягоды». Проклятие на алкоголизм «Бесконечное пьянство». Проклятие на бессилие «Сломанная ветка». Проклятье на одиночество «Пиковый валет».

Глава 19. Магия для проклятия бизнеса, квартиры, дома и земли.

Ритуал делового проклятия «Последняя копейка». Проклятие на квартиру «Пустое жилище». Проклятие на дом "Черная стена". Проклятие на землю «Сгиб».

Глава 20. Самая тайная магия защиты от юридических и враждебных угроз. Человек всегда выходит «невредимым».

Великий защитный ритуал от всех судебных и враждебных зол «Золотой Щит».

Глава 21. Черная магия. Проклятие смерти.

Древняя высшая черная магия смерти. Великий ритуал окутывания «Проклятие Темных Богов».

Глава 22. Самопосвящение в качестве Мастера и обретение Темного Союзника (Демона, Дьявола как Хранителей и Помощников).

Обряд самопосвящения адепта в мастера черной магии и колдовства с обретением союзника ведьмы «Вознесение».