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[Tutorial] Creating an Elementary

Informative post.
Hello all, the method I will be using is heavily inspired by David Rankine & Sorita d'Este's book, practical elemental magick, which is in the WF library and my own personal preferences. I'd imagine you can copy this formula to use for not only elementaries but also planetary or qabbalistic thoughtforms as well, but for my specific goal I used it to create a water elemental, here are the steps I took.

1. Prepare a ritual circle (I like to use the standard qabbalistic cross, LBRP, LBRH)

2. Fill the ritual circle with the appropriate energy (I used first the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram for water, and the elemental pyramid found in practical elemental magick which I will give a brief overview on)

a. See yourself in a dark blue square within a dark blue circle (I drew this using energy charged with the divine name El that I pulled and stored in my Tiphareth center)

b. In the eastern corner, you see a river representing empathy, after contemplation send it to the southern corner using the mantra Hudor (water in Greek)
In the southern corner, you see a waterfall representing intuition, after contemplation send it to the western corner using the mantra Hudor
In the western corner, you see a teardrop representing compassion, after contemplation send it to the northern corner using the mantra Hudor
In the northern corner, you see a lake representing serenity, after contemplation send it back to the eastern corner using the mantra Hudor

c. Chant the mantra Hudor and see the points of the square rise up to form a pyramid

d. I then imagine breathing in a blue gas, drawing in the deep blue water energies until it penetrates my aura and body until the pyramid is absorbed by my tiphareth center and dispersed throughout my body.

3. Visualize the elementary of your creation, give it a name, a lifespan, and qualities representing that element/ planet.
I named mine Drop, gave it a lifespan of a week, and imbued it with the qualities of dream promotion/ remembrance and accessing the subconscious

4. Chant the mantra associated with the element/ planet and see it take form. I drew in more water charged energy into my tiphareth center, and sent it through my arms, out of my palms to create a blue sphere and then charged the blue sphere with all the water energies of the elemental pyramid and the greater invoking ritual of the pentagram that was in the space.

5. Clearly and concisely give the order to the elementary. "Drop, you will go forth and imbue myself with the qualities of dream promotion and remembrance and accessing the subconscious state of mind to dramatically increase my dream comprehension, you have one week to fulfil this duty."

6. Visualize the outcome. I visualized myself waking up and remembering my dreams to the fullest details.


I only did this yesterday but wrote 7 paragraphs for a dream I had where my average is 1.5-2. I hope y'all find this helpful.


Aug 24, 2022
Reaction score
2. Fill the ritual circle with the appropriate energy (I used first the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram for water, and the elemental pyramid found in practical elemental magick which I will give a brief overview on)
When you say greater Invoking ritual of the pentagram, is it the same steps as LIRP? but with the invoking pentagram for water? (Instead of drawing the line down from spirit to earth; drawing the line from air to water to invoke water)..
Or am I missing info somewhere.


Apr 28, 2021
Reaction score
When you say greater Invoking ritual of the pentagram, is it the same steps as LIRP? but with the invoking pentagram for water? (Instead of drawing the line down from spirit to earth; drawing the line from air to water to invoke water)..
Or am I missing info somewhere.
You can do that but the way I do it is to first draw and charge the pentagram for passive spirit, then for water the way you described it, and instead of the archangels I use the archangel, angel, ruler and queen for water and imagine myself surrounded by blue orbs / entities.