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[Help] Glamour magic spells to improve perception of appearance

Someone's asking for help!
Sep 9, 2021
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Vanderpump Rules has become my favorite trash tv show, and Id like to attract the physical quality of the women on the show. I am nowhere near the quality of any of the male actors, save perhaps for the elderly husband that is approximately my age.
Money ... Nonexistent.
Looks ... Like a deep south MAGA supporter.
Housing ... By favor of family and friends.
Drivers License ... Non existent.

Iow I have nowhere near my crap together. But I want to appear to others that I do, and I want to physically be perceived as hot. Even though honestly I'm not.
Can someone point me toward a good glamour magic sourcebook?


Jul 2, 2022
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Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Id like to attract the physical quality of the women on the show
You do know that physical quality doesn't always means a personality of quality too, right?Unless someone finds the fountain of youth or develops the philosopher stone(or becomes one:sneaky:), youth fades away and with it so does beauty.
Sure, some people still maintain beauty even in their elderly age, but those are very, very few.

Money ... Nonexistent.
Looks ... Like a deep south MAGA supporter.
Housing ... By favor of family and friends.
Drivers License ... Non existent.
In the end, relationships are a transaction of sorts.What you can give and what the other person can give that can make both satsified(I know that love is used a lot, but only love won't sustain a relationship).
If one side has nothing that interests the other, it will be very hard to develop a relationship between the two.

Reason why I tell people to always focus on personality and skills, because those are two things that can be changed with hard work and commitment.

I want to appear to others that I do, and I want to physically be perceived as hot. Even though honestly I'm not.
Honestly I think you have better chances at more mundane means than depending on magic.

But since you asked for a magical way, hmm, I think you could read the chapter "Gettin' Some Love & Keepin' It Close" from the book Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones by Stephanie Rose Bird.
There you can find a lot of rituals and recipes for attracting love and maybe one there is exactly what you want(physical attraction).But the entire chapter seems interesting to read.


Apr 10, 2023
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It’s a major part of the Daoist fox magic book I reviewed earlier. It is common for people to seek the fox fairy’s blessing to improve their looks or charisma.


Nov 19, 2023
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Vanderpump Rules has become my favorite trash tv show, and Id like to attract the physical quality of the women on the show. I am nowhere near the quality of any of the male actors, save perhaps for the elderly husband that is approximately my age.
Money ... Nonexistent.
Looks ... Like a deep south MAGA supporter.
Housing ... By favor of family and friends.
Drivers License ... Non existent.

Iow I have nowhere near my crap together. But I want to appear to others that I do, and I want to physically be perceived as hot. Even though honestly I'm not.
Can someone point me toward a good glamour magic sourcebook?
I guess it's not what your asking exactly, but Agrath gave me a basic technique for glamors years ago when i was working with her.
You make a chi ball between your hands, visualize yourself as you want people to see you, and feel the emotions you want them to feel, and the feeling that they see you as you wish to be seen. You want strong clear intention and emotion filling the chi ball. Expand the chi ball to 9 feet across, or whatever size you perceive your energy field to be, step into it/pull it onto yourself, visualize it settling onto and bonding with your energy field. Done.

Obviously this type of thing gets better with practice.
Nov 29, 2023
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While magic might be a solution (though I'd think about how many people you want to fool and how much energy that would cost you), I'd recommend to start from mundane solutions. Hygiene, skincare, nice hairstyle, good clothes and accessories, portance and, most of all, what and how you speak and act. You might not be handsome or young, but these things make one attractive.


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Jul 3, 2023
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While magic might be a solution (though I'd think about how many people you want to fool and how much energy that would cost you), I'd recommend to start from mundane solutions. Hygiene, skincare, nice hairstyle, good clothes and accessories, portance and, most of all, what and how you speak and act. You might not be handsome or young, but these things make one attractive.

This, and charisma. You can be handsome yet boring, just a part of the scenery at parties or other gathering. Women are never content with first impressions (while us guys tend to become entranced by good female looks and forget about everything else), they will usually want to find out what's behind the attractive facade and if you're "interesting". I really used to hate that word, considering it yet another indication that women's taste in men is inscrutable and elusive, ambiguous and vague. Now I've come to realize it's charisma what they are really after but as for spells... charisma runs deeper than glamour.

It's still an enigma to me. Women have bullshit detectors vastly superior to men. Those so-called pick-up artists should not work on their lines but on themselves, ultimately exactly what we are trying to achieve here as well.
Sep 9, 2021
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True, but we also have factors set against us by time and or society.
For example, well known Social Clubs in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, Miami. It's not Disneyland, it's a club. A big club, and I ain't in it, to quote George Carlin.
Which brings us to factors of society:
Trends and looks.
Cult of Personality.
Religion or Spirituality.
Money and Status and Power.
Entrepreneurial Money and Power.
But a short list here, but let's just say Maslow's Pyramid of human needs is playground equipment here.
Time is a harsh taskmaster...
Lack of Muscle tone.
Lack of Skin tone.
Loose skin or fat.
Body fat deposits.
Cellulite deposits.
Balding or thinning hair.
Loss of free body movement.
Graying body hair. Etc.

A bit to compete against. Perhaps I should work on what I can work on first, iow, stay the fuck in my lane at the moment.


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Feb 18, 2023
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You might not be handsome or young, but these things make one attractive.
Confidence in oneself is the biggest attractive factor.
If you act like you're sure of yourself, of your words and actions, this will attract people because most people lack self-confidence so they seek in others the qualitites they desire to have.

Those so-called pick-up artists should not work on their lines but on themselves
Never listen to those PUAs, those guys may seem like "sex gods" to men having issues getting women, but in the end all they do is no more than teach guys to be pricks and treat women less like humans and more like "targets", "conquests".Plus, they clearly prey on men's lack of confidence and fear of ending up alone, rather than giving them solid advice.

They focus only on cheap tricks to "seduce"(and I use this word very loosely) women just so they can have sex with them and that's it.I mean, nothing wrong with just seeking casual relationships, but seeing the other person as no more than a piece of meat seems too dehumanizing and in my opinion turns said men into lesser beings themselves since they don't address their actual issues.They only hide behind this facade of a "ladies' man" which is one that doesn't last long if all they have are the cheap tricks.

PUAs are no different than all of those "entrepreneurs" selling their courses to fools that think that with those they will be able to make easy money fast.Their craft is in selling lies to people down on their luck, lacking self-esteem or that are too greedy but also lazy to actually put in the work in themselves.

Sorry for the rant.I just hate those PUA guys, they add nothing and take everything.

Trends and looks.
No one needs to follow those, you can be happier just by being true to yourself.But if you really want to follow the waves like everyone else then you need to keep tabs on the ones setting those trends in order to not be left behind.
Learning about fashion will help you pick clothes that are in your style but work well on your body shape.

Cult of Personality
Harry Potter No GIF

I blame social medias for this one.
Said that, you can easily cultivate a persona on social medias that will attract others, you just have to know what parts of you to "advertise" and how to do so.Incredibly, marketing books(specially those about brands/branding) have a lot of interesting information on that.

Religion or Spirituality.
Just be you on this one.You can't pretend forever to be something you aren't.

Money and Status and Power.
All three are linked.
True, if you're not born in a family with those it will be hard to get them, specially if your choices of job won't give you much of either.
Power you gain with time and connections, Status is cultivated by your actions and words, Money will depend on you working for others or starting your own bussiness(but knowing about personal finances will be a must).

Lack of Muscle tone.
Lack of Skin tone.
Loose skin or fat.
These can be dealt with by taking care of your diet and consistently working out.You don't need to spend hours daily on a gym either, but you need to take into account your calories intake.Pick healthier options most often than not, it sucks but with time you get used to it and that becomes a habit.
Though if the skin is too loose it might need surgery to take out the excess.

Body fat deposits.
Cellulite deposits.
Balding or thinning hair.
That's a normal human body aging, a healthier diet will help you look better but for many of those you will need some procedure done.

Loss of free body movement.
Graying body hair. Etc.
You need to either do physical therapy or start(slowly) doing mobility/movement exercises.There are a ton of those on youtube, but depending on your medical history it's best to consult with a doctor first.
Gray hair can be either be owned or dyed.

All of those are common sense stuff though.But if you do the mundane and then work with the magic, you might enahnce your chances.


Aug 17, 2023
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For the hair, I simply started shaving my head when hair started thinning on top. Better to look like Lex Luthor than everybody's Uncle Bob or whoever. Add some creative facial hair. (I go with a Fu Manchu.) If you look a bit offbeat, it can help with confidence too.
Sep 9, 2021
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I suppose I should start doing money Magick, and glamour to be seen as a resource of high regard.


Nov 4, 2023
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The best way to produce glamour is to directly transform the body in a way that sends your message into the world (remember that image is just another form of communication). In other words, actually doing the physical work is the best way of doing this and that involves an honest, realistic assessment and finding something that works for you and which is true to you.

If you need something in the short term, use the imagination to manipulate the energy field that is just above the body. You can do this by creating an image in your imagination and then "stepping" into it or imbibing it and letting it run through you. I mean this literally; have a clear image of something that you wish to project (the closer it is to your actual appearance, the more successful this will be; try to imagine yourself with the qualities you want to portray, rather than imagining someone else with them) and then walk into the space in which you've projected that image and feel both of them merge. You can strengthen this through affirmations ("I am young/vital/distinguished/powerful", etc.).

That will change how others perceive you but subconsciously. It is dependent on others' sleeping condition. If someone is alert or even if they just have a penetrating eye, they will see through it and let the light in on your magic trick. If you think about old stories of vampires disliking mirrors and actors disliking "bad lighting" you'll be close to this. On the other hand, I have found that if this kind of energy manipulation is done forcefully and over a long period of time, eventually it won't be a projection but you'll actually change closer to the image of what you want. Choose wisely!