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Hello everyone! Such a happy synchronicity i stumbled upon this forum.

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May 1, 2024
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Hi everyone! I am an aspiring astrologer, but a total newbie. in my younger days i’ve been indoctrinated by fundamentalist Christianity. Took a while for me to have courage and decide that I will explore and learn what i have always want to but fear to do so. I have always been interested in the metaphysics, esoteric, occults, etc, but christian community in general condemn all this as a great sin. Only after struggling and contemplation i’ve decided to follow my heart. Even so, im self learning in secret.

i hope i can learn a lot from all of you. As a total newbie and not a rainbow, indigo, starseed person or whatever you refer to those gifted with extra senses (all the clair-😀)i don't know what i can contribute to this forum. So for now i can only offer my prayer and best wishes, that we are all be guided and protected in this life journey. May each day we are closer to break free from the cycle of samsara. May we find the truth that sets us free. 🙏 Om Mani Padme Hum, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Welcome to the forum. I have also had experience with the negative aspects of Christianity. The overwhelming focus on 'purity' and 'sin' pretty much negated the positive teachings found in Jesus' words. Tolerance instead of Puritanism. May you find your way in peace!


Aug 17, 2023
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Hi everyone! I am an aspiring astrologer, but a total newbie. in my younger days i’ve been indoctrinated by fundamentalist Christianity. Took a while for me to have courage and decide that I will explore and learn what i have always want to but fear to do so. I have always been interested in the metaphysics, esoteric, occults, etc, but christian community in general condemn all this as a great sin. Only after struggling and contemplation i’ve decided to follow my heart. Even so, im self learning in secret.

i hope i can learn a lot from all of you. As a total newbie and not a rainbow, indigo, starseed person or whatever you refer to those gifted with extra senses (all the clair-😀)i don't know what i can contribute to this forum. So for now i can only offer my prayer and best wishes, that we are all be guided and protected in this life journey. May each day we are closer to break free from the cycle of samsara. May we find the truth that sets us free. 🙏 Om Mani Padme Hum, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.
Welcome. I sincerely wise you success in overcoming the Nazarene indoctrination. Take a gander at Kurt Eggers sometime, a Lutheran pastor who repented.
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Welcome to the forum! And don't worry about 'being talented'. To quote John Constantine: "I'll tell you the ultimate secret of magic; any c**t can do it."
And many of us do. Sort of.
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Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone! I am an aspiring astrologer, but a total newbie. in my younger days i’ve been indoctrinated by fundamentalist Christianity. Took a while for me to have courage and decide that I will explore and learn what i have always want to but fear to do so. I have always been interested in the metaphysics, esoteric, occults, etc, but christian community in general condemn all this as a great sin. Only after struggling and contemplation i’ve decided to follow my heart. Even so, im self learning in secret.

i hope i can learn a lot from all of you. As a total newbie and not a rainbow, indigo, starseed person or whatever you refer to those gifted with extra senses (all the clair-😀)i don't know what i can contribute to this forum. So for now i can only offer my prayer and best wishes, that we are all be guided and protected in this life journey. May each day we are closer to break free from the cycle of samsara. May we find the truth that sets us free. 🙏 Om Mani Padme Hum, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.
Hello Sweetlife! Welcome! Yes, unfortunately a lot of New Agers, and other people that used to practice the Occult, went to Christianity. But, like I Saif before, Spirituality is not for the weak-Minded. Let God or The Universe guide you on which path you should take. God bless you!
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