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Book – PDF Jason Augustus Newcomb - The Book of Magick Power

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Jul 3, 2023
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This is the most comprehensive book on the subject of modern practical magick to date. Practical magick is magical work that makes real and observable changes in you and your environment through the invisible forces that manifest and transform your reality. Astral projection, telekinesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, weather magick, angelic and demonic conjuration, magnetism and fascination, manifesting love and prosperity, prophesying the future, communicating with the dead, these are just a few of the more than one hundred procedures clearly detailed in this manual. For centuries these techniques were guarded by their few masters. The veil has finally been lifted. This definitive work simply and clearly outlines the procedures necessary to open up the unseen world. Practical techniques have been broken down by step, providing an exact model for success. Unleash your limitless cosmic abilities today!

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