• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!


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Jul 18, 2023
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Wizard Forums — A Magick, Occult, Esoteric Community Forum
Warning Given: Off-Topic
ParticipantsSkullTraillChallis Start date40 minutes ago
Mark unread
Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power Staff member Custodian Librarian
40 minutes ago

Your message (Nominate/Request Awards here!) contains content that is not relevant or helpful to the original topic:
I am sorry I didn't read your posts correctly. I didn't pay a lot of attention because there was 3 pages of posts.

This post is literally called "request". On the page you referred to it is also called request. I've never done either of the sort so saw little difference between requesting it via the Web page or via here.

Considering you have actually invited us to do this, maybe think twice about insulting members who have posted once in response to this thread. You have members with neurodivergency and mental health issues like depression yet, to members you barely know, you feel insults and calling your members braindead acceptable?

When you make events, you expect faqs at the door. Not everybody has time to read every instruction or have a perfect memory.

I have been respectful on this site contributed and donated.

"Obnoxiously dense". There is no reason to communicate with us in this way. Respectfully, I don't know you like that.

Fourthly...to link a book. Don't you think that's a little overboard.

Insult people you know.

Next time before I post I will be extremely diligent before responding as I was before warming up here.
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This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.

Your account's access may be limited based on these actions. Please keep this in mind when posting or using our site.

Please familiarize yourself with WF's Rules to avoid this happening again, and leading to potential account closure: Read the rules!
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Zealot Warned
30 minutes ago
Can you not insult me next time so many times. We're not friends.
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Zealot Warned
29 minutes ago
And if I'm a troll and this isn't the cool safe site I thought it was please delete my posts and my account.
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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power Staff member Custodian Librarian
17 minutes ago
Challis said:
Can you not insult me next time so many times. We're not friends.
I don't give a fuck if we are friends. If you're being a dumb fucking cunt, then I'm going to treat you as such.

Challis said:
And if I'm a troll and this isn't the cool safe site I thought it was please delete my posts and my account.
If you actually knew how to read, I would direct you to the numerous posts I have made emphasising that WF is not a "safe space" for anyone. Let alone people who are too dumb fuck lazy to even read.

This is a forum, not an IRL event, not a voice call, not a chat site. You have AMPLE time to read shit before replying. If you don't have time to read AT LEAST the OP of a thread, then don't bother posting in that thread. Common sense.
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Zealot Warned
1 minute ago
Can you please stop abusing me and just delete my account. I have been fairly reasonable withstanding your abusive attitude.
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Last reply date1 minute ago
Last reply fromChallis
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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
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Made, hosted, supported with

by SkullTraill. © 2010 - 2021 WizardForums.com
Sep 9, 2021
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I have to say, we all need thick skin to be here, as well as to be magicians.
I don't expect angels, demons or lwa to be rainbow farting unicorns with nothing but positive affirmations being spewed.
That said, we all need to read before clicking post (most of us at least).
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Being a tad defensive, don't you think dude?
Read my spacecraft post. I took it in stride and saw the meaning of what was being written. Also a generous offer made that I am taking.
If we write dumb posts we get called out on them. We're magicians here. We deal with attitudes and personalities. Some dangers too. it comes with the territory.


Oct 29, 2023
Reaction score
you were a good kid challis
no idea how it got this bad.

imma need to learn the basics of this new age of dueling,
screenshots and catching the other dude on camera while hiding my own face and
similar political moves ya'll kids dont play around lmao


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Skull wtf man 🤣
Just fucking around. :ROFLMAO: Honestly, I've been a little feisty these past few days, for no particular reason.

But jokes and sassiness aside, let me clarify a few things in case anyone gets a bit upset about my language or attitude yesterday and today:
  • I don't get mad for longer than 24h. If anyone here ever thinks I am mad at them, cool off for a day, and talk to me with a level head again the next day, and we'll be fine. No matter how mad I get at you or how much I yell at you on day one, we can still talk, and even be friends after we've cooled off. @Diluculo_DelFuego is for sure the best example of this on WF
  • Even putting that aside, it usually takes a LOT to get me annoyed/mad except for one thing, and that's repeated ignorance, making me repeat myself and not taking accountability for your mistakes, even if they are small ones
  • I have run forums long before I started WF4.0, and I know what it's like having open doors. I know what people's attention spans can be like. That's why, whenever I post, I try to be as clear as possible, and as comprehensive as possible. I put extra effort to bring attention to the rules, and any other official communication.
  • That awards post was a nicety. I didn't have to do that. I wanted to do it because I wanted to bring a bit of fun and joy to the community, which I haven't been able to do much of in the past few months. It wasn't a "EVERYBODY HAS TO DO THIS IMMEDIATELY" post. There was no rush, it's just a thread to get some free awards.
  • I'd like to think in that situation, people would at least have the consideration of reading the first post properly, especially because it starts with "Please read this carefully"
  • A couple of people miss it, it's fine, I'll say it nicely a few more times
  • People are STILL missing it - ok, well, let me make a little fun out of this
  • Oh fuck here comes "I'm wrong, I'm not paying attention, and I'm proud about it"
  • Make a sassy remark
  • Wrong and proud gets all pissy about it
  • I just have ZERO patience for someone who was WRONG and still gets MAD about pixels on a screen. Especially a joke. Literally zero sympathy for someone coming out of the shadows, accepting a free offering without following the basic procedure, and then getting upset about being called out jokingly, and then getting even more righteous about language and semantics because their original actions weren't defensible instead of just taking whatever small joke in stride, laughing about it, and moving on
If you do THAT on a bad day, get ready to be called a cunt, it's that simple.

As I said in my message to that guy, this is a forum. You are not forced to be here. You don't have a timer. You don't have to make any posts, certainly not in the "free awards" thread. You have all the time in the world to read carefully before posting. Yes, I know, reading is boring, awards are fun. I get it. But if you don't read, or you don't follow the rules, expect there to be some splashback, ranging from some mean joke, to an official warning. At least when I'm around. Y'all don't get how chill, relaxed and nice @Yazata @KjEno186 @Taudefindi @HoldAll are until you PM me with some pissy butthurt argument.

This forum is a service from me, the mod team, the pirates, and (to a fair extent) the benefactors TO YOU, the members. None of the aforementioned have ANY obligation to you even though we may take it upon ourselves to act like that sometimes.

I don't know where all these pussy ass snowflakes came from all of a sudden, DEMANDING respect, and demanding a safe space. Fuck no. You can earn respect by contributing here, and by having integrity, accountability, sophistication and by respecting OTHERS time and effort be reading shit, and being aware of the decorum. If you have no decorum, you will not be shown any either.

Respect, decency, decorum... these are all 2 WAY streets. You give it, you receive it. You don't? Get ready to be called a... well, you know.

Anyway, it's all good. I'm not pissed or anything. Happy to keep doing what I am doing for the vast majority of you, and I am grateful that almost all of you are on the same page as me. I just wrote this long ass reply because there's been 3 incidents in as many days where someone made a small mistake, and then made it a whole lot messier by demanding for respect. And unlucky for them, this weekend I had enough time to personally shit on all 3 of them.


Apr 30, 2024
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Wizard Forums — A Magick, Occult, Esoteric Community Forum
Warning Given: Off-Topic
ParticipantsSkullTraillChallis Start date40 minutes ago
Mark unread
Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power Staff member Custodian Librarian
40 minutes ago

Your message (Nominate/Request Awards here!) contains content that is not relevant or helpful to the original topic:
I am sorry I didn't read your posts correctly. I didn't pay a lot of attention because there was 3 pages of posts.

This post is literally called "request". On the page you referred to it is also called request. I've never done either of the sort so saw little difference between requesting it via the Web page or via here.

Considering you have actually invited us to do this, maybe think twice about insulting members who have posted once in response to this thread. You have members with neurodivergency and mental health issues like depression yet, to members you barely know, you feel insults and calling your members braindead acceptable?

When you make events, you expect faqs at the door. Not everybody has time to read every instruction or have a perfect memory.

I have been respectful on this site contributed and donated.

"Obnoxiously dense". There is no reason to communicate with us in this way. Respectfully, I don't know you like that.

Fourthly...to link a book. Don't you think that's a little overboard.

Insult people you know.

Next time before I post I will be extremely diligent before responding as I was before warming up here.
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This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.

Your account's access may be limited based on these actions. Please keep this in mind when posting or using our site.

Please familiarize yourself with WF's Rules to avoid this happening again, and leading to potential account closure: Read the rules!
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Zealot Warned
30 minutes ago
Can you not insult me next time so many times. We're not friends.
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Zealot Warned
29 minutes ago
And if I'm a troll and this isn't the cool safe site I thought it was please delete my posts and my account.
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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power Staff member Custodian Librarian
17 minutes ago
Challis said:
Can you not insult me next time so many times. We're not friends.
I don't give a fuck if we are friends. If you're being a dumb fucking cunt, then I'm going to treat you as such.

Challis said:
And if I'm a troll and this isn't the cool safe site I thought it was please delete my posts and my account.
If you actually knew how to read, I would direct you to the numerous posts I have made emphasising that WF is not a "safe space" for anyone. Let alone people who are too dumb fuck lazy to even read.

This is a forum, not an IRL event, not a voice call, not a chat site. You have AMPLE time to read shit before replying. If you don't have time to read AT LEAST the OP of a thread, then don't bother posting in that thread. Common sense.
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Zealot Warned
1 minute ago
Can you please stop abusing me and just delete my account. I have been fairly reasonable withstanding your abusive attitude.
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Last reply fromChallis
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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
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Speak for yourself, I don't want a safe space.

I would prefer a space where people know what they are talking about.

Compared to some other sites I've been active on in the past, this site is nothing compared and there are worse places on the internet, so this site is extremely low in it's toxicity to me, people seem polite, but they won't hesitate to hurl an insult at me and tell me to get my shit together if It's what I need.
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