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Sep 9, 2021
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I guess the conservatives have already won.

I'll be frank here: we have had the vaccine for preventing an outbreak of exactly this disease, and we have had it for over half a century.

Nobody is going to make money on this, but gay rights are about to see an attack, and that attack is already under way. It's being waged because the queer population rejects the message of Christian dominionism, largely on account of the fact that the fascist religious right has painted queer people as one of their enemies.

What? Are you going to wait for Fox News to start airing pieces blaming this disease on gay people to care? By that point it's going to be too late. How many times does this have to have happened in recent history?

I'm talking about doing the one thing that will PREVENT gay people from being used as a political football, before we can all be tarred and feathered over the coming months over something we had no real hand in.

There is vanishingly little money to be made by anyone over an unpatented vaccine that we already have merely getting used.

This is entirely about preventing an epidemic from being used against a minority.
So what is stopping you from employing angels or demons to heal others of this? Michael, Raphael, Marbas and Buer all come to mind. Ascelapeus and others from the past as well. Even candle rituals to Jah might be helpful.
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Or - employ deities who put an end to things, Shiva, Santa Muerte, etc.


Aug 31, 2021
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what is stopping you from employing angels or demons to heal others of this?

Many possibilities come to mind:

  • group/planetary karma
  • insufficient authority
  • misalignment of subplanes
  • free will of the others
  • angels/demons are not what they appear/say
  • being embedded in an entity that opposes the action
  • crossed timelines
  • ....

Who can test for such conditions?
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, according to Judeo-Christianity, with the Goetia and Shemhamphoresh at the occult end of the religion, many are not what they appear to be. A solid study of the Bible should teach that.


Aug 31, 2021
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A solid study of the Bible should teach that.

The solid study of the Bible started with translation of Sumerian texts in the later 19th century. The texts showed a lot of cut and paste in the Bible


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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You're both off topic, and I only brought the thread back from 'the dead' to make a point about how quickly this "emergency" was forgotten when the media realized that the general public wasn't buying their idiotic push to get everyone vaccinated for anal-pox. It was always political and had nothing to do with actual concern for public health (imo).
Sep 9, 2021
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You are absolutely correct, this went off topic. Sensationalism soared in the 70s, when Herpes and AIDS appeared, in the 80s, the Cold War, in the 90s H1N1, and so on. Always something new to be terrified about until they give you the solution. Whats the solution?
Sep 9, 2021
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Love George Carlin, he tells it like it is.
Anyone recall this thought train blast from the past?
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Well, if there is no grass-roots movement started on this issue, I personally would start one if I were so moved to do so. Get out there and get their signatures on petitions, and present them to the powers that be. That is a first step.

We have the option to refuse vaccines for the most part now, although the first was mandatory. The boosters I and medical professionals are not too concerned about, I did get the first booster, thats right, I recall that fun time now.

Thought control, mind control, dark psychology, whatever you choose to name it it has always been around. Play it at its own game.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Without going into details, I've noticed that I don't go along with most of my online gay friends in their efforts to "support the current thing." (Real life gay friends are few and far between living where I do at this time.) Of course, the Monkey Jab was a big thing last summer. However, a lot of them seem convinced that "their side" is in power, and so they think official proclamations and biased media can and should be trusted. Well, this is simply not true. Never trust the government. Never trust the media. But then one can easily find both 'liberals' and 'conservatives' who hate Putin. The media knows how to tailor its message. Thought control indeed! If one could see the thoughtforms/egregores with one's astral vision, would it be enough to prevent loss of critical thinking abilities to the group mind? I'm not so sure. However, humor and satire are useful, and every time I hear "monkeypox" this image comes to mind...



Jun 30, 2021
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to come back to the original queste: we need to use it.
well then fucking push the button, mexico and brazille already went off and i saw the president of sudan drs.P his pants texas style, while here in the netherlands they are moving texas tanks to the ukraine while stating its an ongoing game.

so what im not allowed, but still seeing is panamapapers go trumppapers go bidenpapers. shit costs lifes is boring as fuck so get some REAL ones who can take care of that shit, cause im done with play dates who move like that.

for the ones who see this. i know im writing crap, thats due to a spyop.
i hope you understand jarhyn, cause i totally did.
Sep 9, 2021
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What about immunizing everyone - straights included - with monkeypox? Wouldn't that make conservatives change their tune?


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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What about immunizing everyone - straights included - with monkeypox? Wouldn't that make conservatives change their tune?
Last year it was monkeypox, maybe this year it will be bird flu or something as yet unheard of...

Since when is informed consent (and by extension the right to say NO) a partisan issue?

Are you suggesting that human rights can be suspended if and when some bureaucrat decides there's an "emergency"?

Have vaccines now become a sacrament of current day global technological culture?

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- noun​
1. a visible sign of an inward grace, especially one of the solemn Christian rites considered to have been instituted by Jesus Christ to symbolize or confer grace: the sacraments of the Protestant churches are baptism and the Lord's Supper; the sacraments of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches are baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, matrimony, penance, holy orders, and extreme unction.​
2. (often initial capital letter)Also called Holy Sacrament. the Eucharist or Lord's Supper.​
3. the consecrated elements of the Eucharist, especially the bread.​
4. something regarded as possessing a sacred character or mysterious significance.
5. a sign, token, or symbol.
The Christian partakes of the body of Christ as a religious, even magical, rite. I have no problem with that. It is an act of faith.

Consider how news media and governments around the planet are unified in promoting vaccines and demonizing (ironically) anti-vaxxers. Many nations have implemented so-called vaccine passports so that their cattle, I mean citizens, can provide a sign, token, or symbol of their compliance with mandates. These vaccines may come out of a factory, but their meaning goes far beyond mere profit and supposed medical use...

Some months ago I typed a copy of a comment (on paper using my old typewriter) which someone posted on a thread, most likely from John Michael Greer's Ecosophia blog, and now I cannot easily locate the original comment to give credit where credit is due. Yes, it made that much of an impression on me. And now, typed from the piece of paper back into the interwebs...

This is an important discussion, because I think it helps to unpack the beliefs and thought processes behind the craziness. Because ultimately this is not about the "Products," it is about the "Something."​
That "something" is the entire category of infectious diseases capable of causing death, which from the lens of Progress is an aberration, something that Must Not Be Allowed!​
Consider, as an analogy, the level of fear in Progress-believing nations that surrounds those few predators capable of killing humans - sharks, bears, mountain lions - and how far out of proportion that fear is to any actual level of risk.​
Infectious disease is a predator. It is a component of the biosphere that can put an end to our lives, and the religion of Progress says that we, the humans, are the top dog in Earth's biosphere. We must die eventually, but no other life form will kill us, and when that happens, it is an aberration, a skeletal hand reaching from the evil, brutish past into the civilized present, akin to being slain by the Devil himself.​
Vaccines are, functionally, Products which Train the Immune System to Recognize and Attack infectious pathogens. That means within the belief system of Progress, they are effectively saviors from the Devil. It's not hard to see how a savior can become a sacrament, how earned trust in such a product can become blind trust, how vaccine injuries Cannot Possibly Be Worse than the disease they prevent, how within this dominant belief system a new infectious disease that causes any death whatsoever can cause a society-wide freakout to which a vaccine must be the solution.​
Nearly all human religions have wards against evil. This one (vaccines) happens to demonstrably work, at least some of the time. Its psychological value is at least as important as its physical value, and can persist, at least to True Believers, in the absence of any physical value. I think that if you were to ask devout believers in Progress if they would take a vaccine that carried a 1% chance of death that effectively prevented a disease that carried a 0.1% chance of death, many would say yes. Many would say that any harm done by the vaccines - no matter how severe - must be outweighed by their protections against the evils of infectious disease. And therefore immunity from liability is perfectly acceptable if it allows more vaccines to be produced and distributed to more people.​
I think this also helps to explain why Covid Mania was such a nothing-burger across most of Africa, where death by infectious disease or death-by-hungry-lion is still a common part of life in many areas. Belief in Progress is not so widespread there, and humans are situated within the web of life rather than standing above or apart from it.​
So, yes, I think that vaccines as a class have a special status within the religion of Progress because they are functionally Products which Train the Immune System to Recognize and Attack those predatory pathogens which ought to be relegated to the history books but are somehow still with us (obviously because not everyone has availed themselves of the sacraments...) - originally posted by someone else, probably on JMG's blog, but I cannot recall the source.

Now, I'm a practical person, so I have a few practical demands to restore trust in vaccines as a common medical treatment:

1. Revoke any and all immunity from legal liabilities granted to vaccine manufacturers, especially the 1986 law in the United States granting special protection from lawsuits for vaccines put on the childhood immunization schedule.

2. Fine, imprison, and execute any pharmaceutical corporation executives who profit from deadly products.

3. Remove pharmaceutical advertisements from television.

Taking into account my earlier points, however, that vaccines have effectively become sacraments, I refuse them on principle that they are someone else's magic - someone else's secrecy (their magical potency against me), someone else's crossroads (with limited choices offered to the rest of us), and someone else's boundaries (which are not my boundaries). If you're a magician, you might try looking past the convenient stories of the news media and at the deeper manipulations which are going on. Don't make decisions based on fear.
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The Fuckers are indeed at it again, this time with more "computer modelling" for outbreaks of Bird Flu.

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"Among those working on the models is Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist whose chilling projections of the Covid outbreak led the UK Government to impose the first lockdown."​
In case anyone doesn't know who Neil Ferguson is, in a saner reality than Clown World, he was arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. However, in our reality he's on the loose and still employed, for now. (I have no proof of the existence of any alternate realities, but one can dream.)

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So, what's the program? Hint: it's not about keeping you healthy and free.
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