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Mar 29, 2024
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My name is Forneus. I've been into Magick from 2019 (in spiritual development, 2014). I was introduced to this world by the unknown energy, who used to hurt me a lot in 2018, ruining my psyche and everything around. It turned out a very evil girl put a love binding curse on me, because she wanted career in my branch, and me to be her slave. When I finally broke that spell, I started studying and practising.
The first succesful spell I did was a curse in 2020 on a young junkie who started threatening me. After a month, everything started collapsing in his life, and after a year, he told me he was sorry ;)
In 2021 I did more successful spells, in 2022 I started doing Goetia and banishing spells, in 2023 I did a few succesful exorcisms and healed two people and a cat :love:
Now I'm devoting Hecate, Ganesh, Lakshmi and Shiva.
It's an honor to me to be a part of the community.
Have a beautiful day!
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