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May 24, 2021
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hello everyone I am new to magic and just joined WF, complete newbie. Been interested in magic for so long and finally actually working toward figuring out what it is I want to do. Any words of advice please let me know thank you


Apr 20, 2021
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Hello, don't worry too much, you'll make some sense out of it all in time..
Best advice to start off with - do not rush! Burnout is a real threat when dealing with unfamiliar subjects, as you get overloaded with information you have no idea how to handle. Some stuff out there is dangerous and can really fuck up your life if you have no idea what you're messing with.
Take the time to learn the basics! They are absolutely necessary if you want to achieve any tangible results. Meditation is a very good place to start, as well as focus training exercises. After that, one of the first practical skills you'll need to learn will be how to ground and center yourself, as well as cleanse and banish the space you'll be working in.
Some beginner texts might aid you in starting your journey, I can easily recommend "The Sorcerer's Secrets: Strategies in Practical Magick" and "Protection and Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual", both written by Jason Miller and are reputable sources to learn from.
Good luck and don't hesitate asking any questions.


May 24, 2021
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Okay thank you for the information/advice. I have actually been meditating for some years now on and off. I got back into probably about 3 months ago. My problem is yes all the information I do read does confuse me and I don't really know what my next step is. I haven't really tried for work with any ditties or anything besides the fact that I just bought a statue for santa muerte, candles, incense, and so on. I need/want to learn how to ground myself and cleanse and banish the space I am working in as you said. Honestly I want to learn how to do everything which I know will take a long time but will most def be worth it. I guess I'm leaning more to the side of chaos magick. I want to eventually know how to do readings, bless people and perform all different types of spells. Voodoo has caught my interest, santeria, and even the goetia. Im sure these are things that I will lean a little further down the line. Sometimes I feel if I don't have a personal teacher or someone guiding me i won't really know anything and how to do things. I've also thought maybe certain deities can and would assist me in what I want to do and learning. I don't know honestly its alot but I am definitely trying and doing as much as I can. For now I guess I'm working on meditation and just really expanding my knowledge.


Apr 20, 2021
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No matter which path you end up choosing later down the line, the foundation is pretty much the same for everyone, so don't stress about choices too much just yet. Try to keep a calm mind and take in information bit by bit at your own pace, create a journal where you write down what you learn, your thoughts etc. if you start documenting your research it will become a lot easier. Don't start with deities or entities right from the get go, just focus on your basic training and add things little by little as you learn. No need to rush anywhere.
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