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I was looking up the names of Angels associated with plants and found Sachluph, which is one of the Genies of the Nuctemeron.
In trying to understand the name I got carried away a bit and continued with the rest of them as well.
Some are genuine names / words from the Bible. Most are compounds of two words. Some were harder to figure out.

I remembered that Eliphas Levi wrote how the name Baphomet might in fact be “Ab Ho Temp” with the letters shuffled around, and so I played with the letters and saw that some names are inverted, others are switched around and others still have an unexpected meaning.

What this brings up is one of the recurring questions in Magick.
If you have no idea of what a name means, and you call on it thinking that it will do / be a certain thing, and you (believe that you) get the result that you were aiming for even if the spirit's name means something entirely different: Is this then the work of said spirit because it can also do that other thing, or did said spirit “put you through to” the correct entity, or was there no spirit in the first place and is the result the outcome of your own work / mind / imagination?

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Sep 9, 2021
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Interesting. Malkrakian Myste did some work back in 2018 on this, within OTO studies if Im not mistaken, and some words were a combination of 2-3 different languages, dead or alive.

I know with the Shem angels, there is the method of (Temurah?) taking three letters (typically consonants) and adding El or Iah to the end of it, forming the name of the angel. I have noticed with conjurations from Waite and others that there are names not known to me, so I started to look into it, keyword started.

Would be interesting when I have time to contribute to this and the project of the ... forget the name ... Rosicrucian monographs? The original project here on WF before it was moved to another site. Lingustic and Magic practices within Anthropology is my main passion, despite knowing tops a couple words of a handful of languages.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Interesting. Malkrakian Myste did some work back in 2018 on this, within OTO studies if Im not mistaken, and some words were a combination of 2-3 different languages, dead or alive.

I know with the Shem angels, there is the method of (Temurah?) taking three letters (typically consonants) and adding El or Iah to the end of it, forming the name of the angel. I have noticed with conjurations from Waite and others that there are names not known to me, so I started to look into it, keyword started.

Would be interesting when I have time to contribute to this and the project of the ... forget the name ... Rosicrucian monographs? The original project here on WF before it was moved to another site. Lingustic and Magic practices within Anthropology is my main passion, despite knowing tops a couple words of a handful of languages.
Far as I've found they're all Hebrew words in this case.
With the Shem it's an anagram of three verses of Genesis split up in 72 names of three letters. I found the way in which it is determined which suffix (EL or IH) is to be added and that someone sometime made a mistake or didn't know it and everybody copied it. There are 36 EL and 36 IH Angels in my version.

O, and the transcription project: I lost my password.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Is this then the work of said spirit because it can also do that other thing, or did said spirit “put you through to” the correct entity, or was there no spirit in the first place and is the result the outcome of your own work / mind / imagination?
I think that's a really important question that I constantly ask myself as I am working, but have found no definitive solid answer for. The best I can do is operate along the lines of a theory as I go, never relying on my personal assumptions (or trying not to) but just being receptive to what happens. My basic sense is that spirit names are like mathematical equations, or better, symbolic formulae. But these are in no way restricted to our personal understanding - this understanding must evolve with revelation, to which there is no end. If we think of a spirit's name as indicative of it's function, and we break it down into it's elements such as individual letters, I think this can help the intuition get a better grasp. More familiar entities, like say, an Archangel or Deity, already have a body of images that kind of constrain us in reception, though I do not think that our constraints imply any sort of restriction to spheres of operation on their part. Unfamiliar names perhaps imply modifications of the powers that lure us deeper into an evolving sense of what is possible.
But I have said in another thread that "the name is the thing named". That does not mean a spirit cannot have more than one name, though I think it would make sense that the name itself molds the manifestation of power into a certain function. I am keeping in mind Whitcomb's "Law" regarding "patterns of energies". I know that, like a spirit, I am a pattern, and I have more than one name (nicknames, username, titles, etc.). The rule of thumb I apply is generally astrological, so if I wanted to get to the root of the function of something like the Nuctemeron names, I would use something more abstract like the elements they are associated with and so forth.
Though "meeting" the spirit does change things. Sometimes a whole lot of things. There is an issue of essence that I think transcends the symbolic into a more personable interaction.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Very good points. As there are 7 here per hour it would make sense to link them to the planets / days in a month.
Though, as you said
meeting" the spirit does change things
Another time perhaps.


May 26, 2022
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This is one of the issues I have with the spirit model. How is it that I can draw a “seal”, which is often nothing more than a bunch of squiggles, and call a name, often translated multiple times, often from a now-dead language, and find the spirit I’m looking for? Etymology is so complex that a career can be made of it, and sometimes the professional won’t be much more confident than the neophyte with an internet full of dictionaries. Even if you get words and names correct, how can you be certain of the pronunciation?

I’ve found something of a workaround by meshing the spirit and energy models, and regarding spirits as the “patterns of energy” mentioned by @stalkinghyena . If creation is a chaotic mess like I suspect, spirits would be the astral quanta falling into a particular pattern either by chance or purposeful manipulation. This explains a couple of things to me:
  • How people worldwide can work with a spirit at the same time; the pattern can be made more than once without being affected qualitatively.
  • Why spirits aren’t always wandering around sticking their nose into my business; they flash in and out of existence as the pattern forms and dissolves

It also allows for errors in naming and calling a specific spirit. I disagree with the hyena about the name being the thing named - the thing is what the thing does, and these spirits do things suited to that particular pattern of energy. So when you butcher the name and intent of a spirit, but you think you’re calling Thotchulostit who will drive your enemies mad with paranoia, you help form a pattern of energy that does just that. The more well known (and simpler) the pattern, the easier it is to connect with and sustain.

This theory is a work in progress, but it’s helped circumvent that pesky doubt that lurks around the corner.
Sep 9, 2021
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I would say, as I'm currently studying Gaelic and the Celtic/Keltoi people's, that you need to invest your time in learning dead languages, for example Biblical Hebrew and Classical Greek.
An exercise I did on my work breaks would be to lay down on a tree well slab and stare at the sky, and start pronouncing Hebrew letters in strings and permutation and note effects occurring around me.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This is one of the issues I have with the spirit model. How is it that I can draw a “seal”, which is often nothing more than a bunch of squiggles, and call a name, often translated multiple times, often from a now-dead language, and find the spirit I’m looking for? Etymology is so complex that a career can be made of it, and sometimes the professional won’t be much more confident than the neophyte with an internet full of dictionaries. Even if you get words and names correct, how can you be certain of the pronunciation?

I’ve found something of a workaround by meshing the spirit and energy models, and regarding spirits as the “patterns of energy” mentioned by @stalkinghyena . If creation is a chaotic mess like I suspect, spirits would be the astral quanta falling into a particular pattern either by chance or purposeful manipulation. This explains a couple of things to me:
  • How people worldwide can work with a spirit at the same time; the pattern can be made more than once without being affected qualitatively.
  • Why spirits aren’t always wandering around sticking their nose into my business; they flash in and out of existence as the pattern forms and dissolves

It also allows for errors in naming and calling a specific spirit. I disagree with the hyena about the name being the thing named - the thing is what the thing does, and these spirits do things suited to that particular pattern of energy. So when you butcher the name and intent of a spirit, but you think you’re calling Thotchulostit who will drive your enemies mad with paranoia, you help form a pattern of energy that does just that. The more well known (and simpler) the pattern, the easier it is to connect with and sustain.

This theory is a work in progress, but it’s helped circumvent that pesky doubt that lurks around the corner.
Yes. Especially with names that are really just descriptions it isn't hard to imagine that in a very distant past someone was "possessed by rage (or whatever)" and this word was passed into another language where it became anthropomorphized into a spirit by those who (unintentionally or unwillingly) wanted to feel this energy. I saw something like this in the Goetia, where sometimes a Persian word similar to the name describes a power assigned to it, while a similar word in Hebrew describes the reported appearance of that spirit.

It's why I always try to be flexible in my opinions on whether these brings are demons/gods etc or thought forms that were brought into this world by the ones who called them through the years.