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People who do spells for others for money


May 24, 2021
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Okay so people who offer services for money and charge other people how would someone know if you were legit or not ? They just put their trust in you and believe that it's gonna work? Also do you work with spirits to help assist you. Most people can probably do it for themselves and also okay say a spell that is for money what if someone said they would pay you went they got the money to know it was real or what not? Would you do that or? Just curious. Just feel if you do spell work and was confident in your work you would be okay with it. Can someone ask to be rich or is it just for a couple 100 dollars ?


Aug 29, 2021
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yes people sell magic...it’s nothing new, people have been doing it for thousands of years. How does one know if their legit 9r not, in the magic game it’s best to know the person if they have integrity and won’t just take your cash and run...and many many people do that, just take the cash And do nothing or do a spell knowing it may not work

Most don’t do money on promises...there’s no guarantees in magic.

If a magician can make you rich don’t you think they’d make themselves rich?


May 24, 2021
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Love you're reply and I figured all that honestly just want to see what others would have to say. Also you think there is anyone that can guarantee everything with their Magick. Maybe by working with deities to assist them? That still wouldn't garentee anything.


ᶜᵒᵍⁿⁱᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵇᵉʰᵃᵛⁱᵒʳᵃˡ ᶜʳʸᵒᵗʰᵉʳᵃᵖʸ
Jan 9, 2022
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Okay so people who offer services for money and charge other people how would someone know if you were legit or not ?
You don't know. This is not something you know, even the person you'd pay for it is not sure if it would work or not - in the case if he'd really at least try to do something for you -. It's usually about your trust and belief you put into the person and the hoped result, and the success of the process even if it is non-existent, because the person just takes your money and goes back to mind his own life.

The beautiful part in magic is, that even if you think you don't really have the capability if casting spells succesfully and changing your life in a way you'd really like to, you still can do it. If you find something where you can put your hope, heart, you already on a good way for it. It's about the quality of the energies you generate and surround yourself with, when you truly believe that a spell got casted on, or spirits were asked to help you; you starting to create this process by yourself, surrounding yourself and start to form your future.
Some people don't believe in "magic", because they are not aware of the creator status of the soul, and doesn't even realise that they are already creating their own present and future, even unconsciously. Imagine what a human could do if he'd be aware of his true identity (which is transcendental) and would finally start to understand and evolve, practice it.

There is nothing non-ordinary in magic, that is the truth.

This is a part of the soul's nature what no one can take away, and being human is a great opportunity to actually use this, however a lot of human using it without consciousness and responsibility - and we are all know what happens when you actually start to use or do something with consciousness and responsibility, both state is a life-changer but the direction is different -.
People who realized their capability, powers and focus on this tend to call themselves magicians for example, and some who realize that this is in everyone, probably leave this sooner or later or never even thinked about calling themselves magician, leaving the idea to try to categorize themselves or their interest. Of course, there is no wrong in calling yourself magician, or witch or whatever you want, just be aware of what you are really doing and do not blind yourself during the path.

I've been communicate with spirits since my birth and still, I work with them, building connections with them - some Gods, Demons, Angels, ther kind of entities and Egregores too -, I use my powers to protect others, bring health, abundance, guide others, convey messages from one dimension to another, and so on, the list is very long BUT even after all of these, I have a hard time calling myself magician.
Can someone ask to be rich or is it just for a couple 100 dollars ?​
No? I mean, yes you can but there is no guarantee that you'll be. Also there is a difference between "I wan't to be rich" or "I want a lot of money". You can be rich in many ways, and a practiced one knows well that when they are working they must be very-very certain and also accurate with what they asking for. Some Demon actually likes to teach soar lessons for inconsistent conjurers with giving them stuffs they obviously don't wanted, but they just screwed something up and now they have to pay for that. This is actually a very-very common mistake not only in these cases.

Selling magic is the perfect scam, I'd say.​
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Jan 27, 2022
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Touching "positive" magic, magic compatible with "mutually compatible self-actualization" with the hand of Mammon, one of the great spirits of wanton self, is the surest way to corrupt it or break it entirely.

It's like in
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. That pool of power has been touched by something vast and dark and comes with a taint that decays those who touch it.

Nothing I buy, even if I use it to make a totem of magic, goes in the way I got it. It must in fact be as divorced from it's original form or purpose as it may be.

Wire I use for things of this form of magic are generally the scraps from other pursuits, or in the end given away freely because this is an act of denaturement.

If you are seeking instruction or tools, many exist in the void, and in particular this corner of it who will help you and guide you to make or do what you must without making deals, and I am one such!


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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I would venture to bet most spell for money stuff is a scam. Unless you intimately know the person, you have literally no idea of anything. If you put all your belief into them, perhaps it would give them power, but how do you know they're not actually doing a spell intended to make you give THEM more money. As you say, there's just no way to know, and people are thieves. Trust no one.

I'd allow a little leeway for things like tarot readings. You're not just paying for someone's made up spell, supposedly. You can usually see them shuffle the cards, do the card pull, and do their interpretation. If you know anything at all about tarot, you can sort of gauge if you're being fed bullshit or if they really seem to understand the card meanings. At least there is SOME physical process involved worth potentially paying for.


Apr 25, 2021
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Okay so people who offer services for money and charge other people how would someone know if you were legit or not ? They just put their trust in you and believe that it's gonna work? Also do you work with spirits to help assist you. Most people can probably do it for themselves and also okay say a spell that is for money what if someone said they would pay you went they got the money to know it was real or what not? Would you do that or? Just curious. Just feel if you do spell work and was confident in your work you would be okay with it. Can someone ask to be rich or is it just for a couple 100 dollars ?
The vodous don't work for free or I wouldn't charge. The vodous require offerings and more often sacrifice and neither are costs anyone should expect an adept to absorb.
As for the validity and efficacy question it depends on your tradition. My name carries weight on three continents, but it is the people of Motolikope and the members of my lineage that validate my medicine. Locally, I have helped businesses thrive and people deal with... troubles. This is another good reason why community is important. The people knows who to go to for help and who to avoid.
Vodous enhance medicine. More importantly, they see what you cannot and protect you from the unforeseeable while you work. Witches and sorcerers are supremely confident of their abilities. To wield the forces that so many do, they need to be. But it also makes them certain they've covered all of their bases. The priest knows his limitations, so we enter the simplest of situations with a veritable army of spirits, ancestors, and divinities.
Finally, I do no work without payment up front. I've tried to work on speck before and the result was being cheated by someone who later came back to beg me to take my spirits off of them. For the record, I've never asked my vodous or ancestors to avenge, revenge or assault for me. The vodous, my vodous, are spirits of morality and justice (among other things) and would injure me if I was to send them against someone unjustly so I just don't. I leave matters of justice for me to them. Anyway, you make them pay up front to avoid causing problems for yourself and the people you're trying to help.
---Money, Medicine, and Magic---
Many people in our sphere consider money to be a bad thing. It isn't. Money, cash, is an oath. A promise. It's literally in the name. Promissory note. There are spirits that are a corruption of this social arrangement; the exchange of an oath for something of value. They are Greed, Tyranny, and Lust for Power. But there are spirits who are the honor of these social contracts. They sanctify the exchanges of oaths for goods and services. We do not reveal these spirits, these vodous, because sorcerers and witches would try to bind them like they do everything else. I'd rather not have to start "liberating" spirits. That gets messy.
Mutual need unites us, humans I mean. And the spirits of money exemplify that interdependence. So don't shy away from paying for medicine, craft, and work. There is tremendous good in it.


Jan 27, 2022
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Adding sacrifice is something of a difference from normal white magic. It is adding, generally, pain for the sake of increasing the expressed intent.

It is an extra ingredient, and a powerful one, to be sure insofar as it improves the results.

Even so, were I to do as much, I would find different sacrifices than money, and.make sure they know the mechanics of the thing.


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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Mutual need unites us, humans I mean. And the spirits of money exemplify that interdependence. So don't shy away from paying for medicine, craft, and work. There is tremendous good in it.
This doesn’t really address the issue. It makes sense to pay for someone’s time, but the fact someone charges money does not exclude them from being fakes. The person paying takes all risk, and there are a lot of scammers out there.


Aug 29, 2021
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Adding sacrifice is something of a difference from normal white magic. It is adding, generally, pain for the sake of increasing the expressed intent.

It is an extra ingredient, and a powerful one, to be sure insofar as it improves the results.

Even so, were I to do as much, I would find different sacrifices than money, and.make sure they know the mechanics of the thing.
Normally the sacrifice is painless the priest must not cause the animal pain.....BUT there are some curses that the animal indeed suffers, the point being that the suffering goes to the enemy.


Jan 27, 2022
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Normally the sacrifice is painless the priest must not cause the animal pain.....BUT there are some curses that the animal indeed suffers, the point being that the suffering goes to the enemy.
The pain of the sacrifice is not the pain I'm talking about. Obviously using something else's non-consenting pain is the worst kind of black magic.

That's the sort of thing used to curse people, to bring an intent to cause pain.

Usually sacrifice is felt by the person who has lost that thing or deprived the world of it, and that emptiness is the peg on which the intent is hung.


Aug 29, 2021
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The pain of the sacrifice is not the pain I'm talking about. Obviously using something else's non-consenting pain is the worst kind of black magic.

That's the sort of thing used to curse people, to bring an intent to cause pain.

Usually sacrifice is felt by the person who has lost that thing or deprived the world of it, and that emptiness is the peg on which the intent is hung.
Huh? Please elaborate

i only ask because not all sacrifices are for curses


Jan 27, 2022
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Huh? Please elaborate

i only ask because not all sacrifices are for curses
So, I study the mechanics of magical ritual academically, so that when someone says 'thats all woo and garbage nonsense' I can say 'no, it works this way, these are the operational principles' and to do so with completely normal English and well understood phenomena.

It's a lot of work.

Magic is, generally, the focusing and creation of "intent" or "invasive belief".

Sacrifice can be used one (or more) of two ways in magic: as a goad for the intent, and/or as a design of the intent.

Sacrifice used as a goad, and as a goad alone, is "I gave up this thing to strengthen the design of my intent"

A: Sacrificing some fetish of your own history, such as shattering a crystal you have held in your pocket since you were a small child, would act as a constant powerful reminder of the intent you sacrificed unto.

B: Sacrificing a living thing, and knowing that this is a thing you did along a ritual of intent cements the intent with the knowledge of what you did. It attaches guilt and blood on your hands to the intent.

C: Contrast this with sacrificing an animal with the intent to cause pain (which I will not explain deeply because that is dangerous knowledge).

Not all all B implies C, but C generally implies B.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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I really don't like the idea of killing animals and I'll even go out my way to get a fly out of my house alive.
However, there was a time when I had a lot of fruitflies in my house and there was an individual that i really hated. I would address the flies individually as that person before squashing them with my fingers.


Aug 29, 2021
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So, I study the mechanics of magical ritual academically, so that when someone says 'thats all woo and garbage nonsense' I can say 'no, it works this way, these are the operational principles' and to do so with completely normal English and well understood phenomena.

It's a lot of work.

Magic is, generally, the focusing and creation of "intent" or "invasive belief".

Sacrifice can be used one (or more) of two ways in magic: as a goad for the intent, and/or as a design of the intent.

Sacrifice used as a goad, and as a goad alone, is "I gave up this thing to strengthen the design of my intent"

A: Sacrificing some fetish of your own history, such as shattering a crystal you have held in your pocket since you were a small child, would act as a constant powerful reminder of the intent you sacrificed unto.

B: Sacrificing a living thing, and knowing that this is a thing you did along a ritual of intent cements the intent with the knowledge of what you did. It attaches guilt and blood on your hands to the intent.

C: Contrast this with sacrificing an animal with the intent to cause pain (which I will not explain deeply because that is dangerous knowledge).

Not all all B implies C, but C generally implies B.

Yes I get that...though not all sacrifices are animal. Again I don’t think the voodoo priest was discussing a curse...he was just discussing sacrifices

some spirits demand sacrifices

God in the Bible had sacrifice in his law yet in biblical history he told the people I do not need nor want your sacrifice.

so why did God want sacrifice...there are many explanations, the sacrifice was an Archetype, take your sin into this poor animal and it dies though it’s you who deserves it, but again not every sacrifice was an animal...and money can be used as sacrifice so to speak

the daily prayers Gods people say throughout the world are a form of sacrifice.

also the animal at least in Kabbalah, as all things have a holy spark, when it was sacrificed it was elevated. How? Idk


Apr 25, 2021
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Adding sacrifice is something of a difference from normal white magic. It is adding, generally, pain for the sake of increasing the expressed intent.

It is an extra ingredient, and a powerful one, to be sure insofar as it improves the results.

Even so, were I to do as much, I would find different sacrifices than money, and.make sure they know the mechanics of the thing.
I must admit to being at a loss at what "normal white magic" is, but in Vodou sacrifice is obligatory and expected and white medicine is the only kind I deal in.


Apr 25, 2021
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This doesn’t really address the issue. It makes sense to pay for someone’s time, but the fact someone charges money does not exclude them from being fakes. The person paying takes all risk, and there are a lot of scammers out there.
This is a problem inherent in the west because the work is not supported by society. There is no agency of validation. Scammers can only prey on the unwary but in the west the majority of people involved in the occult go it alone. In such instances you must take your chances.
So, I study the mechanics of magical ritual academically, so that when someone says 'thats all woo and garbage nonsense' I can say 'no, it works this way, these are the operational principles' and to do so with completely normal English and well understood phenomena.

It's a lot of work.

Magic is, generally, the focusing and creation of "intent" or "invasive belief".

Sacrifice can be used one (or more) of two ways in magic: as a goad for the intent, and/or as a design of the intent.

Sacrifice used as a goad, and as a goad alone, is "I gave up this thing to strengthen the design of my intent"

A: Sacrificing some fetish of your own history, such as shattering a crystal you have held in your pocket since you were a small child, would act as a constant powerful reminder of the intent you sacrificed unto.

B: Sacrificing a living thing, and knowing that this is a thing you did along a ritual of intent cements the intent with the knowledge of what you did. It attaches guilt and blood on your hands to the intent.

C: Contrast this with sacrificing an animal with the intent to cause pain (which I will not explain deeply because that is dangerous knowledge).

Not all all B implies C, but C generally implies B.
If Vodou had anything to do with magic, particularly as you explain it, there might be merit to your corollary. As it is, Vodou is not a magical system (that would be dzo or aze) it is a spiritual system or discipline; a religion if you will.
I'm being presumptuous, but I'd hazard to say West African Vodou might not be as within your wheelhouse as you initially thought. I'm not challenging your expertise on magic, I'm just certain of my grasp concerning my own specialty. What might apply to magic doesn't necessarily apply to Vodou.