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[Help] Pet bones

Someone's asking for help!


Apr 20, 2021
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Let me start by paying respects to my beloved brittish shorthair Sparta, who had to be put down about a year ago. She was suffering a lot and all other options were already exhausted. I buried her in the yard close to the surface and put a sizable stone on top. I'm still in grief over losing her and have been thinking about taking her skull with me from the start, maybe the entire skeleton along with it (as separating the two doesn't seem dignified to me). Perhaps she might even become my familiar.
Any advice on what would be the best way to do this? Any rites, offerings? I would probably be making something like an Egyptian style canopic jar out of clay to house the bones in. Just don't want to leave her when the time for moving comes eventually.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend and pet. I do know rituals to conjure and seat the dead but they are designed for human spirits. Although, if I actually think about it, I don't see why it couldn't work for an animal spirit. If you'd like, I can post it here tomorrow morning when I have some time or you can PM me and I can send it to you directly tomorrow morning.


Apr 20, 2021
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That would be wonderful! I think it might be good if you posted it, for others to potentially make use of it :)


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend and pet. I do know rituals to conjure and seat the dead but they are designed for human spirits. Although, if I actually think about it, I don't see why it couldn't work for an animal spirit. If you'd like, I can post it here tomorrow morning when I have some time or you can PM me and I can send it to you directly tomorrow morning.
Yeah, please do post it on the forum for everyone's benefit :)

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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Here is a general overview of how one can conjure and seat a spirit of the dead. While I have never seated an animal spirit into a vessel, I don't see why it couldn't work.

First, you want to obtain the vessel itself. If you are a skilled artisan with clay or wood or other such materials you can certainly make it or you can purchase it. Doesn't have to be anything specific but common vessels are jars, small boxes like jewelry boxes, toy/doll coffins, hollow-clay dolls, etc. Once you've obtained the vessel you would then want to cleanse and bless/consecrate it for the purpose of housing a spirit of the dead. In this instance, I would suggest doing so through the office of a spirit sympathetic to necromancy, such as St Cyprian, Bune, any of the various deities associated with death or the dead or any spirits you personally venerate that govern the dead. Once the vessel has been consecrated for use, you then want to begin gathering items that will go into the vessel in order to attract, bind/seat and constrain (doesn't have to have a negative connotation) the spirit to that vessel. These items should not be random items and should be sympathetic to necromantic magic, death energy/essence and the type of spirit you're seating (what attracts a Slyph Elemental may not be the same thing that attracts a shade of the dead). First would be the obvious items like roots, herbs, minerals, bones and a few crystals to anchor the spirit and also amplify the energies of the other items in the vessel. Some examples of necromantic items would be cypress, mandrake, graveyard dirt, used and rusted coffin nails, human hair or fingernails, human bones (usually a skull but can be any bone), and depending on the kinds of tasks the spirit would perform other items would be included as well such as bullets, a knife or machete, animal organs like hearts or eye balls, etc. But this is for an animal spirit so I'd say use the above examples as inspiration for what could be substituted to better fit an animal spirit. However, you definitely want to put at least one of the bones from the animal's skeleton (I believe you said you have it) into the vessel. Then you'd want to consecrate the items for the purpose of housing a spirit of the dead. The vessel and the items can be consecrated at the same time if you'd like.

Once you have your consecrated vessel and items, next you'll want to seat the spirit. Since this is an animal spirit and you not only have it's bones, but a personal relationship with the animal, conjuring them shouldn't be too difficult. You can design the ritual actions yourself but again I would suggest going through the office of a spirit who actively works with the dead, be it a psychopomp, a death deity, your ancestors, etc. It should be stated here that I have never worked with animal spirits in this capacity so I cannot say how the actual process of seating it will go. With humans, you either force them or negotiate a "contract" with them. I cannot say if it is the same for animals but I can't imagine it being much different. The ritual here would serve two purposes:

1) conjure the spirit
2)seat the spirit

Once you've conjured it you would then work to seat it. Its your ritual so I won't tell you how to seat them but you will have to convince (or force) the spirit into the vessel. Since this is your pet, I don't see that being that big of an issue. Once seated, you want to thank the presiding necromantic spirits you utilized during the consecration and conjuring/seating rites by giving an offering of tobacco smoke or rum. Both must come from your mouth, meaning you'll have to blow smoke or spit/spray rum out of your mouth onto their sigil or effigy or what have you. If you don't smoke, that's fine as you don't have to inhale. Same if you're uncomfortable with drinking the rum. If you're still against it I would seek other appropriate necromantic offerings such as coins, blood (preferably not yours and an animals) or incense smoke. After thanksgiving has been done, you now have a seated spirit within the vessel. You will want to feed this spirit periodically. Usually fetishes are fed blood, rum, tobacco smoke, etc. Good luck. Cheers mate.


Apr 20, 2021
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Thank you very much for writing this! It helps a lot in clarifying what needs to be done.
I take a lot of pride in crafting things myself, so the vessel would most definitely be handmade out of clay over a longer period of time and then fired.
I've built a little project furnace outside, which I'm gonna start testing once the weather conditions are suitable.
There is a rather clear vision in my head of the vessel - I can picture a canopic jar, large enough so the entire skeleton can fit inside, with a spell written on it's side in hieroglyphs and lid that is shaped as a cat's head, which would house the skull.
I'm thinking perhaps I should write a spell calling for the vessel to be protected by Bastet..
As far as consecration goes, I might just call for Anubis, sticking with the Egyptian flavor.
I also have no issues with using tobacco or rum, so that works out just fine for me.

I haven't really worked with the dead before, besides getting rid of something that was causing disturbances in the house..
I'm not even sure what it was exactly.
I suppose working with your dear pet is as good of a place to start as it can get.

By the way, I hope you don't mind If I PM you in case any more specific questions arise in time?


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend and pet. I do know rituals to conjure and seat the dead but they are designed for human spirits. Although, if I actually think about it, I don't see why it couldn't work for an animal spirit. If you'd like, I can post it here tomorrow morning when I have some time or you can PM me and I can send it to you directly tomorrow morning.
So my tired ass zoned out for a second and thought your avatar was a picture of Jesus, then as I was reading your post I was like, "Huh, giving help to reunite somebody with their beloved cat? This guy really is Jesus!" 😆

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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by the way, I hope you don't mind If I PM you in case any more specific questions arise in time?

Not at all mate. Feel free to PM me any time with questions or just to chat about the occult.


Apr 16, 2021
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Thank you very much for writing this! It helps a lot in clarifying what needs to be done.
I take a lot of pride in crafting things myself, so the vessel would most definitely be handmade out of clay over a longer period of time and then fired.
I've built a little project furnace outside, which I'm gonna start testing once the weather conditions are suitable.
There is a rather clear vision in my head of the vessel - I can picture a canopic jar, large enough so the entire skeleton can fit inside, with a spell written on it's side in hieroglyphs and lid that is shaped as a cat's head, which would house the skull.
I'm thinking perhaps I should write a spell calling for the vessel to be protected by Bastet..
As far as consecration goes, I might just call for Anubis, sticking with the Egyptian flavor.
I also have no issues with using tobacco or rum, so that works out just fine for me.

I haven't really worked with the dead before, besides getting rid of something that was causing disturbances in the house..
I'm not even sure what it was exactly.
I suppose working with your dear pet is as good of a place to start as it can get.

By the way, I hope you don't mind If I PM you in case any more specific questions arise in time?

A couple things I would like to add to what TGK said. Mind you, this is my own opinion coming from someone who is currently deep into necromantic practices as an Espiritista and as a soon to be Palero, and it's a different approach than the Egyptian style jar you are talking about.

First of all, the level of ascension your pets spirit achieved will determine what is possible. There's a chance its still around and willing to work, but there's also a chance it reached it's purpose and isn't available in the same form anymore. I would also add divination in between the steps of conjuring and seating. Even if you manage to pull the spirit down, you need some form of divination to confirm whether or not that spirit wants to work with you. Even more so with a pet. I can't imagine a beloved pet would be against it, but out of respect for the animal, divination should still be done. If with cards, do a reading to see if you have the animals blessing and what the outcome of housing its spirit. If with something like cowry shells, pendulum, etc, just ask yes/no questions.

Secondly, the vessel you use, yes should/could contain "necromantic" items, but really what you are trying to achieve is creating a microcosm for that housed spirit to operate in. It should mimic your environment as much as possible. Not just graveyard dirt, but dirts from all types of locations. Water from all different places, different stones, gems, sticks, bugs, animal bones, etc. You want to create a mini world in which that familiar spirit has everything necessary to do what it needs to. And over time you can add more items to it based on your current needs. Just make sure to use a non-organic vessel such as clay or iron. You don't want it rotting away with different things you feed it.


Apr 20, 2021
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I remember reading a little on Palo Mayombe and was already somewhat familiar with Palero's Pot, thanks for reminding me. It's also great to hear there's someone here who can speak about it from an authentic perspective. I'm still not exactly sure what other items I'll decide on adding at this point, but I think it will become more clear to me in time. Even if I won't be able to succesfully call or seat the spirit, the urn will serve as a nice memorial and a resting place that I'll be able to take with me at the very least.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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A couple things I would like to add to what TGK said. Mind you, this is my own opinion coming from someone who is currently deep into necromantic practices as an Espiritista and as a soon to be Palero, and it's a different approach than the Egyptian style jar you are talking about.

First of all, the level of ascension your pets spirit achieved will determine what is possible. There's a chance its still around and willing to work, but there's also a chance it reached it's purpose and isn't available in the same form anymore. I would also add divination in between the steps of conjuring and seating. Even if you manage to pull the spirit down, you need some form of divination to confirm whether or not that spirit wants to work with you. Even more so with a pet. I can't imagine a beloved pet would be against it, but out of respect for the animal, divination should still be done. If with cards, do a reading to see if you have the animals blessing and what the outcome of housing its spirit. If with something like cowry shells, pendulum, etc, just ask yes/no questions.

Secondly, the vessel you use, yes should/could contain "necromantic" items, but really what you are trying to achieve is creating a microcosm for that housed spirit to operate in. It should mimic your environment as much as possible. Not just graveyard dirt, but dirts from all types of locations. Water from all different places, different stones, gems, sticks, bugs, animal bones, etc. You want to create a mini world in which that familiar spirit has everything necessary to do what it needs to. And over time you can add more items to it based on your current needs. Just make sure to use a non-organic vessel such as clay or iron. You don't want it rotting away with different things you feed it.
Excellent expansion to my overview. Precisely why I stated elsewhere on the forum my plans for deeper discussion and topics on necromancy. Would love to see you post more on this as well!


Jul 18, 2021
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Not at all trying to be a dick but...why? What will your pet's function be? If it were protection wouldn't you rather opt for something a little more ferocious than a dog? Or is it because you want your pet back? I'm not opposed to necromancy or anything but don't dead things generally prefer to sleep unless there is a specific task they are motivated for? Again, not trying to be a dick and I'm sorry about your dog.


Apr 20, 2021
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Not at all trying to be a dick but...why? What will your pet's function be? If it were protection wouldn't you rather opt for something a little more ferocious than a dog? Or is it because you want your pet back? I'm not opposed to necromancy or anything but don't dead things generally prefer to sleep unless there is a specific task they are motivated for? Again, not trying to be a dick and I'm sorry about your dog.
There's a couple of reasons. First one on the surface level is a simple reunion. My beloved cat had to be put down due to being very sick and tortured, it was way too early for her. She had a lot of dignity and a strong spirit, but her death, as well as the months leading up to it were heartbreakingly lacking it. At the very least I don't want to leave her when I eventually move and provide her a fitting resting vessel by my side. Another reason is potentially acquiring a familiar to aid me with magickal endeavors.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Something just came to mind that would be interesting to research for this. Japan's traditional system of magic called Omnyodo has a way of binding animal familiars to these origami-like figurines. And allegedly, that would give them a physical body to use.


Apr 20, 2021
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That's interesting for research purposes, though as far as traditional native magick goes - you have to do it all the way traditionally, which isn't really for me, At least in this case.