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Planetary magick with uranus and neptune?


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: Planetary magick with Uranus and Neptune?
SUBTOPIC: Use in Rituals...
※→ Trialectical_Materialist, et al,

I do not know many believers still practicing "Rituals" involving Uranus and Neptune.

Does anyone use uranus or neptune in planetary rituals? I've heard of a few people doing it and I've recently flirted with adding them to an octogram, but I was curious as to if anyone has done this extensively.

However, there is a little-known author of magical works (
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© 2010 by Raven Digitalis, Llewellyn Publication ) that writes of such rituals (Chapters 9 and 10). I have a ".pdf" copy of this book in my Grimoire Library. If you want a copy, send me your e-mail address,

I also have a source from another author you may have heard of (
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© 2010-12 Christopher Warnock ). If you want it, I'll send it along.

Planetary Magic is in the realm of "Astrology" which is a subject I know next to nothing about. I know just enough to craft a few "Talisman." I have my own Astrology Chart and can tell you that I am a "Taurus" in "Cancer Rising (
in Ascendant)." But, like other aspects of Astrology, I use it so little, I forget what it all means and have to look these things up.

Astrology and Tarot Card Readings can be quite fascinating. But it requires an in-depth understanding achieved through daily practice (
even if it is for maintaining only familiarization).


Most Respectfully,


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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RE: Planetary magick with Uranus and Neptune?
SUBTOPIC: Use in Rituals...
※→ Trialectical_Materialist, et al,

I do not know many believers still practicing "Rituals" involving Uranus and Neptune.


However, there is a little-known author of magical works (
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© 2010 by Raven Digitalis, Llewellyn Publication ) that writes of such rituals (Chapters 9 and 10). I have a ".pdf" copy of this book in my Grimoire Library. If you want a copy, send me your e-mail address,

I also have a source from another author you may have heard of (
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© 2010-12 Christopher Warnock ). If you want it, I'll send it along.

Planetary Magic is in the realm of "Astrology" which is a subject I know next to nothing about. I know just enough to craft a few "Talisman." I have my own Astrology Chart and can tell you that I am a "Taurus" in "Cancer Rising (
in Ascendant)." But, like other aspects of Astrology, I use it so little, I forget what it all means and have to look these things up.

Astrology and Tarot Card Readings can be quite fascinating. But it requires an in-depth understanding achieved through daily practice (
even if it is for maintaining only familiarization).


Most Respectfully,
Do not ask people for their email adress please. If you want to share a book then post it in the Library 👍


Apr 10, 2023
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I could be wrong but I feel like planetary magick is generally built from the models of old time astrology and the attendant systems correspondences. If I’m not mistaken, in ancient astronomy Neptune was not observable and Uranus was faint and assumed to be a fixed star. Since so much theory was built on the assumption of seven planetary spheres (including the sun and moon) before the sphere of the fixed stars, I reckon adding an eighth and ninth would have ruined a lot of people’s days.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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7 classical "planets", yeah: sun, moon, Venus, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. The modern planets were considered higher frequencies of the classics...i forget which ones.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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I've tried to incorporate the extra-Saturnine planets, though I think their meanings and powers are somewhat vaguer than the traditional planets - and that's the point. They are more shadowy, their meanings less established, empty vessels that can be filled with New Age bubbly or the Lovecraftian cocktails of Kenneth Grant. In the latter case, it should be noted, Pluto is of greatest importance as "Yuggoth", but essentially Kether in his Qabala.

In terms of magic specifically, I've narrowed down some basic powers that can be drawn from Neptune and Uranus.
Neptune is the planet of revolution, of innovation, advancements and technology, "Progress". Revolution can translate to rebellion, and it's trident symbol could be a Luciferian symbol.

Uranus is more about illusion and mysticism. Mysticism can either be of the lofty purified nature or of the ecstatic-erotic type (of course, this is a detriment, thank the prudes). The illusion aspect can be compared to mass marketing, the allurements of fads and such. Mass hypnosis and delusions. Unconventional forms of sexuality up to outright deviancy.

Pluto might as well be added as it in the same class - power, in the Machiavellian sense, but also wealth, and this being shadowy. Pluto is in some sense revealer and concealer, depending on sign and aspect.

The concepts above are really incomplete, but those ideas could be targets of ritual action. If one were to time rituals then one should consider the aspect of these in the chart, just as with another other body. I question the sign rulerships and dignities I have seen, as they are often different and I wonder if they really need to apply - but once it's in your head, lol, ...oh well.
If one were to just focus on their individual powers, then contemplation, meditation, make a talisman, etc. Given the lack of thousands of years of knowledge about them, I think one can be really creative with these things.

The associations of "higher octaves" of the inner planets I think is just a way to grasp and assimilate the new to the old in astrology, probably inspired by planetary assignments to fixed stars like Sirius or the Pleiades - which one can make talismans for BTW. It makes sense that Uranus would be the higher octave of Venus, but I have seen it assigned as Mercury. Likewise, Neptune as a higher Jupiter (which would mince with is being grafted on Chockmah by some) or Mercury, given it's somewhat chaotic influence. I know I have seen talismans for the three planets, but based on an interpretation of established tradition. Given the periods when these planets were discovered, (or dismissed as a planet altogether, as in the case of Pluto), it seems that there is much more flexibility of interpretation, but I have seen it to where they tend to dominate an astrologer's awareness.