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[Tutorial] Practice for people in constrained circumstances (eg prison) from Aidan Wachter's Changeling

Informative post.
I assume anything you can do in prison, you can do in a conservative household etc


Through pagan prison minister Jacqui Thackway-Winn, I have become aware that my books Weaving Fate and Six Ways have impacted at least part of the UK prison system. I wanted to add this appendix for those 'inside' interested in practicing magic using the approaches from my books. The suggestions here may also be of general interest for those who, for what-ever reason, find themselves in a very 'low tech, low materia, low freedom of movement' situation. Understand that this is still a good and profound-ly workable approach. Magic and the craft will always work the best when they respect and reflect your actual situation.

When we find ourselves with the least access to 'outer' forms of help, be that books, other practitioners, or specialized tools and materia, this is of-ten precisely the point where we need our magic the most. It's also the place where we need our connection to spirit the most, as well as the clearest mind we can manage. This information is not incarceration-specific. If we are in a living situation, country, or another context that constrains what we do due to access or safety reasons, we may need to practice very discreetly.

The real powers of magic are invisible to most people. Spirits and allies, energetic flows, clear minds and strong wills are beyond the ability of most humans to perceive. The inner work behind the physical forms is more than enough in many situations.

The only rule: Never concern yourself about the things you cannot access. You have what you need in your own body, mind, and spirit. Instead focus on what you can do. If you cannot burn candles, don't worry about it. Work with what you have. Suggested minimalist approaches include:
  • Sigils
  • Petitions
  • Spoken charms
  • Written charms
  • Energy work
  • Meditation
  • Imaginal work
  • Journeying
  • Prayer
  • Offerings to allies, spirits, and deities

A complete, fully functional, and highly effective magical practice can be build from using only a few of these approaches.

If you can't have incense, candles, or materia, the spirits know. They aren't bothered. Use and give what you can, and do your best to stay clear and sane within a situation that is often neither clear nor sane.

Water is always a good offering to spirits, along with raising energy and feeding it to them. Give them a bit of bread, a bit of your food. You can bless your food as offerings and then eat it yourself - this can be entirely silent or done in a way it will be seen as 'saying grace.' Charging all of your food and drink in this way can produce profound shifts. Offer your sweat to them when you exercise. Offer your calmness when you meditate. Offer your grief when that is what you are feeling.

These are all very low-tech, low materia approaches. You can convert nearly any method to use one or more of the above instead. Draw your sigils in water on paper or on a wall, focus deeply and gently on the energetic form of the sign, and know they persist even after the water has dried.

Remember that it isn't so much any one spell, ritual, or even approach used but what you bring to and what you need from the work that matters.

Remember that you are never really apart from your allies and the Field. We all inter-are with one another. The divisions we make between ourselves and the Others and the Field are largely illusory, distinctions of convenience or forgetfulness we believe in and so act as if true.

Remember that while you may be working to change your situation radically, there is also great power in radically accepting it. One does not preclude the other; they are one stone.

Remember that the self as a discrete unit is essentially an illusion. The egoic self can help us manage our day-to-day life, and it can also screw it up like nothing else. It's a tiny piece of who and what we are that likes to believe it's all there is. Don't buy what it's selling.

There is great power in Buddhist practice and thinking for those in highly constrained situations.

There is great power in prayer for those in highly constrained situations.

Know that you are in and of the Field.
Know that you have allies.
Know that the Mighty Dead are with you.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Very nice write up. You know, you may never be in a situation like prison, but that doesn't mean life circumstances won't change for better or worse. It has occurred to me before that a magical practice that assumes one has access to all the niceties of modern convenience creates dependence on Things rather than one's Will. People as diverse as Rolling Thunder (a 20th century native American shaman) and Gurdjieff performed magical feats without access to Crowley's books or Golden Dawn degrees (just for example) or any of the must-have paraphernalia that various books and systems of magic would have you purchase.
Sep 9, 2021
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Yes. You can have everything one moment and then the next next to nothing.
Having access to good family is a bonus in the case.
Society, companies, even friends can throw you under the bus.
Will and the work alone has sustained me more than a church has.
Luckily I have family and friends who offered to help me several times, and I'm still disabled (ie jobless). And technically homeless.
Yet I refuse to quit.
And that stubbornness sustains me.
So books like these, solutions like these are very helpful.
So thank you for the post.


Sep 1, 2023
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Just so I'm not accidentally stealing valour, this isn't my writing! It's an excerpt from Changeling by Aidan Wachter (I put that in the title but not the body of the post, which I now see and regret)

Changeling is only available in paperback but it's worth it. I refer to it constantly, it's so so rich with practices and ideas, you can't take it all in in one read-through. It's got 56 of these short chapters plus a dedicated Praxis section, so you're constantly wanting to flip to a particular section
Post automatically merged:

I shared a chapter on struggling with visualisation (or any other neurodivergent situation) here:
Sep 9, 2021
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Smoke, fire and water are three ways to manifest besides blood.
I appreciate this thread, because while not in prison, cannot use smoke or fire. Water as an offering or even wine is a great idea.


Aug 17, 2023
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Smoke, fire and water are three ways to manifest besides blood.
I appreciate this thread, because while not in prison, cannot use smoke or fire. Water as an offering or even wine is a great idea.
Personally, I have used fluids I consider somehow "charged." E.g., coffee, vodka.


Mar 21, 2024
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It is a great post @pixel_fortune ! I agree, the ego of the self can help us manage our lives as well as screw them up.

We need balance between the ego side and the humble side of our souls.