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TGK's New Website Is Now LIVE!!!!

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
Hello all! I just created a website/blog and it is now live. Not much content on it yet as I just started it literally today however, you can find my musings, service offerings and other ways to contact me on the site. That's right, I'm back to offering occult services.....well.....partially. I will NOT be offering ritual or spellcasting services. Some of you may remember during the first incarnation of WF that not only was I against us offering services since non-occult practitioners don't understand that magic isn't a 100% guarantee, but also when Crow did allow services I had a terrible experience. Super demanding clients, super high expectations, not respecting my time, energy & resources, or the limitations of the occult. That left a bad taste in my mouth so I will only be offering advisory and consultancy services. Thanks for checking out my new corner of the internet!

Also be kind because I have no idea how to build a site so some things might be a bit clunky lol

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The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
If anyone knows how to get rid of that lame ass "Learn More" button on my homepage, please help. I can't remove it in the Edit or Customize sections and Google is no help. And idk code :cry: PLAZE HALP


Jul 15, 2021
Reaction score
I am happy that you made your own website/blog and that you started something which can have a lot of growth for you. I sympathise with you, TGK. I think will frequent it and support you and your website/blog. How the website/blog is called? You're still working on it?
Super demanding clients, super high expectations, not respecting my time, energy & resources, or the limitations of the occult.
Could you explain more?

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
I am happy that you made your own website/blog and that you started something which can have a lot of growth for you. I sympathise with you, TGK. I think will frequent it and support you and your website/blog. How the website/blog is called? You're still working on it?

Could you explain more?

As for the super demanding clients.......not sure if you remember from back then but there was like a 2 month period where literally everyone (regular members) was asking for Crow to allow respected members to offer occult services. So Crow came to us mods and asked what we thought. I was against it because IMO most of the clientele would be non practitioners, which means they don't know how magic works and understand it's limitations. However, Crow created a marketplace and allowed us to offer services. I was reluctant but I did. I started getting clients almost right away and for the most part, it was fine. But there was a few people who gave me such a bad taste that I stopped offering services shortly before Crow closed down the marketplace. These people were, of course, non practitioners so their expectations were out of control. One case that really sticks out is a girl who wanted me to do a love spell on her ex. I did a reading and told her it wouldn't work out so it's not wise to proceed. I would literally get a barrage of messages from her begging me to do the spell. She even literally just sent me money out of nowhere on Paypal with a note saying "do the spell now!!!" I sent it back and she sent it back WITH MORE MONEY! Then she threatened to call me a scam, which as a young practitioner, scared me. So I eventually did the spell. It worked, she sent me several messages about how things are back to normal with them, blah blah blah......until a month later when things weren't so good. She hits me again trying to send me money to fix it. I turned her down saying I shouldn't have done the first one according to the reading. The threats came again so I blocked her. She tried to start some nonsense on the forum but Crow saw her for what she was and she was one of the few people he perma-banned. There were several instances like this with other clients but she sticks out the most due to the threats and the fact that she literally threw money at me.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
Reaction score

As for the super demanding clients.......not sure if you remember from back then but there was like a 2 month period where literally everyone (regular members) was asking for Crow to allow respected members to offer occult services. So Crow came to us mods and asked what we thought. I was against it because IMO most of the clientele would be non practitioners, which means they don't know how magic works and understand it's limitations. However, Crow created a marketplace and allowed us to offer services. I was reluctant but I did. I started getting clients almost right away and for the most part, it was fine. But there was a few people who gave me such a bad taste that I stopped offering services shortly before Crow closed down the marketplace. These people were, of course, non practitioners so their expectations were out of control. One case that really sticks out is a girl who wanted me to do a love spell on her ex. I did a reading and told her it wouldn't work out so it's not wise to proceed. I would literally get a barrage of messages from her begging me to do the spell. She even literally just sent me money out of nowhere on Paypal with a note saying "do the spell now!!!" I sent it back and she sent it back WITH MORE MONEY! Then she threatened to call me a scam, which as a young practitioner, scared me. So I eventually did the spell. It worked, she sent me several messages about how things are back to normal with them, blah blah blah......until a month later when things weren't so good. She hits me again trying to send me money to fix it. I turned her down saying I shouldn't have done the first one according to the reading. The threats came again so I blocked her. She tried to start some nonsense on the forum but Crow saw her for what she was and she was one of the few people he perma-banned. There were several instances like this with other clients but she sticks out the most due to the threats and the fact that she literally threw money at me.
Oh wow, fuck that shit. People are so nuts about love spells, it seems like one of those things everybody first asks to do.


Jul 15, 2021
Reaction score
Hey, TGK!
As for the super demanding clients.......not sure if you remember from back then but there was like a 2 month period where literally everyone (regular members) was asking for Crow to allow respected members to offer occult services.
I think that happened before I signed up for the first time. In 2012? Or maybe it happened and I didn't pay too much attention. It was posted in the Lounge section? It doesn't matter too much now, haha
That's awesome, haha. You could have told her that you don't guarantee anything and that she pays you for the act (the operation) which you do for her, not for what happens afterwards. You give her evidence, proof that you did your part and that's it.
she literally threw money at me.
Hahah, again, that's awesome.

Would you open yourself again to offer paid help? 😉