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[Archive] [The God-King] Spell To Break a Curse

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.
There are times when we believe that magic has been used against us. Here is a spell that will break the power of a curse:

The magic contained within is best done on Saturn's Day (Saturday), preferably at night between 10:00pm and mid-night. Moon phase should be dark, but any moon will do. Take some agrimony, chamomile, Lily of the Valley and nutmeg. Grind them together into a powder. Get a fire-safe container, such as an old cooking pot, and a lighter or matches. Go outdoors to a wooded area and cast your circle according to the rules of your tradition.

Sit within the circle and sprinkle a bit of the herbs listed above around, however keep the bulk of it in the fire-safe container. Call upon your inner power as you sprinkle the herbs around the circle. When you feel ready, light a match or spark a flame with your lighter. Say these words as you light the powdered mixture:

In the cover of night please hear my plea
By the fire that burns I summon thee
Those spirits that dwell within the planes
I conjure thee now, I conjure thee by name:


Spirit of immortal earth
I call thee now to break this curse
The nutmeg burns with flames galore
And as it burns, the curse shall be no more​

If done properly the curse should be lifted within a few days and all should be as it was.



Aug 26, 2023
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Preparing to use this spell as soon as possible. I've needed something like this forever and had no idea where to look. Thank you so much.


Nov 9, 2023
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What if the said things are not available in my place? Say not available in my country.


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: [Archive] [The God-King] Spell To Break a Curse
SUBTOPIC: Alternative Approaches
※→ deep money, et al,

What if the said things are not available in my place? Say not available in my country.

In the beginning, almost none of the contemporary magic, rituals, and practices were available. And if you drop back to the basics, you will begin to make development on your own. You will have you own Grimoire - creating it and maturing it as your understanding grows.

Things that everyone has. You only need in very small quantities. These are the things the very first practitioners had

◈ A bowl (cauldron)​
◈ Fingernail clipping ( keratin)​
◈ Salt (a crystal)​
◈ Sanctified ground (venerated and blessed)​
◈ Blood (your identity)​
◈ A small simple candle.​

One of the very first things you must do is to decide, very carefully, if you are a practitioner that:
Focuses your attention to something spiritual in nature.
(A Supreme Being, or a deity • one or more, or the First Cause, or the Creator, or some supernatural guardian(s), et cetera)
Focuses on the deriving your power from the forces or objects identifiable in the universe.
(The original forces that set the conditions for the creation of the Universe)


You can begin to make your own inactations, spells and prayers.​
Establish your own binding rituals.​
You can begin to form the basic amulets (for protection) and talisman (consecrated power with reach).​
You can establish your own circle center of focus and power.​

This is the simple things (going back 3000 years or more).

This is the starting point by THUMBNAIL SKETCH
I'll stop here. If this is where you are headed, and you want more detail, let me know.

Most Respectfully,