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The New Pestilence


Aug 17, 2023
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I see where the Centers For Disease Control in dear ol' Unclesamistan are warning folk about rising cases of RSV. That was a new one on me, so I googled it. RSV---Respirtory Syncitial Virus---is, one reads, "characterized by mild cold-like symptoms." That's right. The CDC wants us to knot our shorts over a variety of cold. Scratch "Centers for Disease Control." Make that "Centers for Emotional Manipulation." Because pandemics are just too good a concept to let languish.

Proof, I aver, that yes Virginia, you bloody well can be too safe.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Centers for Emotional Manipulation
I hope enough people 'woke up' and started to take notice of the direction in which this project of civilization is being nudged. The problem with so-called pandemics is that there is money to be made pushing 'cutting edge' treatments. There were smart doctors who figured out how to manage a severe corona infection using readily available and inexpensive drugs. They were either ignored or even ridiculed (horse paste, anyone?) because effective and inexpensive treatments weren't part of the approved paradigm of subscription vaccine management and medical passports.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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It's the only way they can conjure up enough mail-in votes.


Sep 16, 2023
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To err on the side of caution is not unreasonable. However I do think there are differences with this above-mentioned contagion and more serious ones. Ideally - and rightfully - these institutions should not have any ulterior or political interference. Unfortunately the public at large is easily swayed by ideas and the lot.


May 27, 2023
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I see where the Centers For Disease Control in dear ol' Unclesamistan are warning folk about rising cases of RSV. That was a new one on me, so I googled it. RSV---Respirtory Syncitial Virus---is, one reads, "characterized by mild cold-like symptoms." That's right. The CDC wants us to knot our shorts over a variety of cold. Scratch "Centers for Disease Control." Make that "Centers for Emotional Manipulation." Because pandemics are just too good a concept to let languish.

Proof, I aver, that yes Virginia, you bloody well can be too safe.
So are you saying the the CDC is lying about rising cases of RSV? Or that people shouldn't be cautious about diseases with cold like symptoms?


Aug 17, 2023
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I hope enough people 'woke up' and started to take notice of the direction in which this project of civilization is being nudged. The problem with so-called pandemics is that there is money to be made pushing 'cutting edge' treatments. There were smart doctors who figured out how to manage a severe corona infection using readily available and inexpensive drugs. They were either ignored or even ridiculed (horse paste, anyone?) because effective and inexpensive treatments weren't part of the approved paradigm of subscription vaccine management and medical passports.
"Nudged"? Try stampeded.
Post automatically merged:

So are you saying the the CDC is lying about rising cases of RSV? Or that people shouldn't be cautious about diseases with cold like symptoms?
I am saying that the disease is too minor to warrant mention. I am in the demographic COVID tended to kill, by the by. There was much to be said for the old berserkers.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Try stampeded.
Yes, it appears that way in the short term perspective. Nudging occurs over a much longer time frame with relatively smaller bits of social engineering.

With respect to the virus du jour, I'm inclined to believe that RSV is actually a bigger deal than it may have otherwise been simply due to the fact that people who got jabbed with artificial genetic code designed to produce a toxic protein have, in a certain percentage of the population, impaired immune systems. Their bodies learned to tolerate the toxic spike proteins, and to some extent the virus itself. Is it any wonder that viral and bacterial infections occur more often and with greater severity when the immune system gets messed up by a failed cancer treatment technology? (mRNA was intended to train the immune system to detect cancerous cells by their protein signatures. It didn't really work out.)

The mRNA jabs are not actual vaccines in the way that MMR, Polio, and Smallpox were back when I was a kid. As I pointed out repeatedly to my mass-media-consuming, slightly-older-than-Boomer parents, the paperwork from their jabs stated clearly that they were only intended to lessen the chances of hospitalization in cases of infection. The media, of course, lied. The politician, naturally, lied. And a significant portion of the population lined up for their "free" jabs.


Aug 17, 2023
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Yes, it appears that way in the short term perspective. Nudging occurs over a much longer time frame with relatively smaller bits of social engineering.

With respect to the virus du jour, I'm inclined to believe that RSV is actually a bigger deal than it may have otherwise been simply due to the fact that people who got jabbed with artificial genetic code designed to produce a toxic protein have, in a certain percentage of the population, impaired immune systems. Their bodies learned to tolerate the toxic spike proteins, and to some extent the virus itself. Is it any wonder that viral and bacterial infections occur more often and with greater severity when the immune system gets messed up by a failed cancer treatment technology? (mRNA was intended to train the immune system to detect cancerous cells by their protein signatures. It didn't really work out.)

The mRNA jabs are not actual vaccines in the way that MMR, Polio, and Smallpox were back when I was a kid. As I pointed out repeatedly to my mass-media-consuming, slightly-older-than-Boomer parents, the paperwork from their jabs stated clearly that they were only intended to lessen the chances of hospitalization in cases of infection. The media, of course, lied. The politician, naturally, lied. And a significant portion of the population lined up for their "free" jabs.
Well, yeah. The nudging has been going on for a very long time. I recall being struck back in grad school by how the phrase "expert opinion" was insinuated into popular discourse as a "corrective" of "uninformed opinion." Thank you John Dewey


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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It is one of the leading cause of death among infants.
In which countries, among what demographics, and at what ages? And how do the current or recent numbers compare to 2020 and previous years? Also, do not use percentage increases. If one person died from leprosy in the United States in one year, and two people died in the next, that's a 100% increase in deaths, a doubling of relative risk of death by leprosy (& worthy of a nation wide lockdown, no doubt) if reported by mainstream hype and boosterisms. Furthermore, effective vaccines cannot be made for pathogens which mutate often and rapidly. This Fact was conveniently forgotten in the face of billions of US$ in profits fed through an already corrupt and crumbling system the last few years.

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How well do these vaccines work?

One dose of RSV vaccine provides protection against RSV disease in adults ages 60 years and older for at least two winter seasons, when RSV normally circulates.
  • In adults ages 60 years and older with healthy immune systems, one dose of the RSV vaccine Arexvy was 83% effective in preventing lung infections (like pneumonia) due to RSV during the first RSV season after vaccination. During the second RSV season after vaccination, one dose of Arexvy was still 56% effective against lung infections.
  • In adults ages 60 years and older with healthy immune systems, one dose of the RSV vaccine Abrysvo was 89% effective in preventing lung infections (like pneumonia) due to RSV during the first RSV season after vaccination. Based on early results from the second RSV season in a large study of how well the vaccine works, Abrysvo continues to provide protection, but the second season is ongoing and final results have not yet been released.
This is fraud. These are not preventing infection or transmission, which used to be the accepted definition of a "vaccine." Calling the useless Flu shots "vaccines" has been the way to corrupt the language, but it's no different than a bait and switch con game. People equate what was accomplished with smallpox to the word "vaccine." Using statistics as propaganda has gone on for so many decades. Remember that famous statin drug Lipitor? Its cited statistical benefit looked impressive, but that was a relative benefit, meaning it provided a negligible actual benefit when comparing those taking the drug with a control group. All drugs have the potential for adverse effects which can negate any purported benefits. But damn did they make billions in profit from statins!


May 27, 2023
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In which countries, among what demographics, and at what ages? And how do the current or recent numbers compare to 2020 and previous years? Also, do not use percentage increases. If one person died from leprosy in the United States in one year, and two people died in the next, that's a 100% increase in deaths, a doubling of relative risk of death by leprosy (& worthy of a nation wide lockdown, no doubt) if reported by mainstream hype and boosterisms. Furthermore, effective vaccines cannot be made for pathogens which mutate often and rapidly. This Fact was conveniently forgotten in the face of billions of US$ in profits fed through an already corrupt and crumbling system the last few years.

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How well do these vaccines work?

One dose of RSV vaccine provides protection against RSV disease in adults ages 60 years and older for at least two winter seasons, when RSV normally circulates.
  • In adults ages 60 years and older with healthy immune systems, one dose of the RSV vaccine Arexvy was 83% effective in preventing lung infections (like pneumonia) due to RSV during the first RSV season after vaccination. During the second RSV season after vaccination, one dose of Arexvy was still 56% effective against lung infections.
  • In adults ages 60 years and older with healthy immune systems, one dose of the RSV vaccine Abrysvo was 89% effective in preventing lung infections (like pneumonia) due to RSV during the first RSV season after vaccination. Based on early results from the second RSV season in a large study of how well the vaccine works, Abrysvo continues to provide protection, but the second season is ongoing and final results have not yet been released.
This is fraud. These are not preventing infection or transmission, which used to be the accepted definition of a "vaccine." Calling the useless Flu shots "vaccines" has been the way to corrupt the language, but it's no different than a bait and switch con game. People equate what was accomplished with smallpox to the word "vaccine." Using statistics as propaganda has gone on for so many decades. Remember that famous statin drug Lipitor? Its cited statistical benefit looked impressive, but that was a relative benefit, meaning it provided a negligible actual benefit when comparing those taking the drug with a control group. All drugs have the potential for adverse effects which can negate any purported benefits. But damn did they make billions in profit from statins!
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So there are some numbers, but can I ask how you could possibly trust any statistics? I mean the vast majority of scientists and doctors are not anti vaccine/medicine, so they must be in on the fraud. If they are the ones doing the studies, wouldn't anything they produce be false to keep up the conspiracy?

Another weird thing I noticed was that only the first couple of sentences were even relevant to what I said, the rest was a non sequitur about vaccines and medical errors. Why might that be? If I didn't know better I think you were moving the goal post and trying to get me off topic. A very common/deceitful tactic of internet debate. But you are a reasonable person, you wouldn't be trying to deceive me, would you? :(

Also, with the time you spent getting information that was irrelevant you could've looked up the answers to all your questions.

Now, this was a conversation between me and OP. While I see a lot of medical type conspiracy stuff on the Internet I usually don't engage, but since it's coming from a fellow in the occult arts I decided I should at least understand where they were coming from, might learn something. I wanted to know if we disagreed on information or values. They seemed to imply that the CDC giving a warning to people (although when I looked it up they weren't warning normal people they were warning hospitals so they could be prepared) was a form of manipulation. So I asked if the CDC was lying or if rvs didn't warrant concern. They said it was too minor to even mention, so I pointed out a reason it wasn't minor. I want to know what qualifies as minor in OP's eyes. My definition is clearly different, as I don't even think reminding people when it is cold and flu season is an evil conspiracy.

I still have many unanswered questions like:
  • What is too minor to mention?
  • Should we censor medical professionals if what they have to say might cause fear in some people?
  • If causing fear is an issue, wouldn't spreading conspiracy theories be an issue? Whether of they were true or not they cause fear, just look at the fear addled posts in this thread.
  • What is even the motive of the conspiracy?
  • If the motive is profit, then wouldn't the problem be with private pharmaceutical companies? Not the CDC?
  • My acupuncturist charges money, does this make them part of the conspiracy? If not, why not?
I got more to say but I think I'll write something up and post it in a new thread since it's not really a reply but a whole new conversation.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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So there are some numbers
Thanks for the link.

"As the primary measure, we estimated that there were RSV-attributable deaths accounted for 2% of all-cause deaths in children aged 0–60 months. Approximately 45% of these RSV-attributable deaths occurred in the first 6 months of life, with RSV being in the causal chain in about 4% of all-cause deaths for post-neonatal infants. Although not being a common cause of deaths in the neonatal period, RSV was in the causal chain for about 19% of RSV-attributable deaths in children aged 0–6 months."​
These are the global averages. There is a lot of estimating being done, though they have been attempting to improve the models. By their estimates, RSV is directly responsible for 20 out of every 1000 deaths of children up to 5 years of age, globally.

"We previously estimated that there were 118 200 RSV-associated deaths [globally] from acute lower respiratory infection in children aged 0–60 months in 2015, but this was based on limited data, through an indirect excess mortality approach that relied on the statistical correlation between RSV morbidity and acute lower respiratory infection mortality.​
The distinction is made between RSV-attributable and RSV-associated. The latter would be "in the causal chain." For example, a malnourished child in India dies of pneumonia and it is believed that RSV was "in the causal chain."
"One of the major differences between in-hospital mortality data and community mortality data included in our study is the time of testing. RSV was often tested upon admission in hospital-based studies, whereas in community mortality studies, only post-mortem samples were tested. It is widely acknowledged that RSV could predispose individuals to secondary bacterial infection, the latter of which could be lethal. Therefore, it is likely that some of the RSV-attributable deaths could not be captured by post-mortem testing alone as RSV would probably be undetectable by the time of testing."​
Now for some context. According to the CDC, leading causes of death for children under five in the United States are:
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  • Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities
  • Assault (homicide)
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Going back to the Lancet paper, the word "vaccine" comes up seven times. They would like to have a jab for pregnant mothers which could conceptually pass on short-term immunity to the fetus. Their theoretical "vaccine" would not prevent infection or transmission in the way that traditional vaccines did.

"For example, assuming that RSV passive immunisation could confer 70% protection to infants aged up to 5 months, then this could directly avert up to 864 000 RSV-associated acute lower respiratory infection hospital admissions and 26 800 RSV-attributable deaths globally per year."​
The number needed to treat to attain this estimated reduction in hospitalization and deaths would number into the billions. This prophylactic treatment would not eliminate RSV. The virus would continue to mutate and adapt to new conditions. The jabs themselves, as I mentioned in my previous post, lose effectiveness rapidly and come with adverse effects. As an aside, the rabies vaccine has cancer as a known side effect. That's why the laws in the United States require pets to receive the vaccine instead of people. All medical treatments require full knowledge and consent of potential benefits alongside adverse events. The issue with many new drugs and vaccines is that they have not been sufficiently tested for long term effects. How can proper consent be given? How DARE governments REQUIRE these products via mandates as the recent fiasco with COVID made abundantly clear.
Because pandemics are just too good a concept to let languish.


Aug 17, 2023
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It is one of the leading cause of death among infants.
Something is ALWAYS the leading cause of death. The phrase is a tautology. If two infants died from a lightning strike and one from measles, then lightning would be the "leading cause of death" among that group. "Leading cause of death" is NOT necessarily "excessive cause of death." When folks tell me heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans, I always ask, "And what would you prefer to have as the leading cause of death? Something has to head the list."

My point is that people are being manipulated here. They were stampeded into a COVID panic and now can be tweaked at whim by public health authorities. A few extra death are a small price to pay for a revitalized and more courageous populace.


Aug 31, 2021
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In Australia in 2017 we lost more to the winter flu (a collection of Covid viruses) than we did in 2019.

Meanwhile the UK is getting ready for a measles pandemic

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How desperate is that?


Aug 17, 2023
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In Australia in 2017 we lost more to the winter flu (a collection of Covid viruses) than we did in 2019.

Meanwhile the UK is getting ready for a measles pandemic

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How desperate is that?
How desperate? That is the whole question innit? I see the link to The Guardian, a newspaper edited by Chicken Little if I am not mistaken. I mean really, they correctly predicted what? Twelve of the last two epidemics, wasn't it?
Post automatically merged:

Two weeks ago, at least a few media sources fretted that Nipah virus from India might be this season's thing, the virus that went viral. There was a certain amount of effort that went into spinning monkey pox the same way about a year back. On slow news days, one can see stories where Dr. Fauci speculates about "the next pandemic." It seems that where folk once talked about sex, now they pander fear.

In this vein---or out of it rather---I am minded of the diary Tormey Cicely published some decades back. She writes of events in Hungary after the Great War. The Spanish flu---busy killing scads more than ever did the war---gets about three paragraphs in her 400+ pages. Can one imagine any document written in the West circa 2020 that would not be one long COVID whinge-rant, despite its being relatively mild compared with the Spanish flu?
Last edited:


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
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Apr 12, 2021
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Something is ALWAYS the leading cause of death. The phrase is a tautology. If two infants died from a lightning strike and one from measles, then lightning would be the "leading cause of death" among that group. "Leading cause of death" is NOT necessarily "excessive cause of death." When folks tell me heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans, I always ask, "And what would you prefer to have as the leading cause of death? Something has to head the list."
That's a very salient point. "Leading cause of death is NOT necessarily excessive cause of death." is an idea far too many people fail to grasp.

On the topic of:
So there are some numbers, but can I ask how you could possibly trust any statistics? I mean the vast majority of scientists and doctors are not anti vaccine/medicine, so they must be in on the fraud. If they are the ones doing the studies, wouldn't anything they produce be false to keep up the conspiracy?

Or more generally the thought of "how can all of science be wrong" / "how can all (or majority) of scientists be fools or frauds"...

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I don't think all of science is either "wrong" or "fraudulent"... however... having been involved in academia to a... let's say "original research" level (which, mind you, is not that high. Some research degrees, masters degrees MANDATE that you MUST contribute ORIGINAL research to be awarded your degree - and I have).

I've learned that most research... probably around 50% (if not more at this point) is generated by people who simply want to obtain their current degree as a stepping stone towards their future goals (Masters or PhD). They aren't doing that research because they WANT to... what they want comes later.... what they are doing now is just a means to an end, and they have to pass various biased obstacles to get to their end goal.

If you are a masters student who needs a good grade to proceed to your doctorate, and your masters supervisory board has some collective bias... are you going to be a hero and risk sacrificing your future career and every prospect of your goal to go toe to toe against established authority figures in your field as a mere graduate student? Who will believe you and take your side? Would you rather not just suck it up and get through your masters and phd, submitting whatever bullshit will get you the highest result possible and THEN join a research group and do original research?

Aha, there's the conundrum. In that process, not only are you producing and publishing biased and engineered results in original research that contributes to the body of evidence against the actual truth you initially wanted to disseminate? Not only that, but through the process of bending to the will of your academic superiors for anywhere from 5-15 years, you yourself naturally end up indoctrinating yourself into their biased thinking point.

And that's the issue with modern "academic research" and "studies". Well, one of the issues.

Another point is that the further a subject moves away from MATH, the harder it is to have your work itself stand on it's own and prove your point. In maths, you prove something with IRREFUTABLE axioms, logic, and calculations. If yous biased supervisor even foolishly attempts to say it's not right, you can easily appeal to the community as a whole, who can in most cases read your paper with little to no contextual understanding and still come to the same conclusion and validate your findings.

Physics is similar, although, some subject matter context may be required. Chemisty a little more...

And that's it. That's where you can draw a line in the sand. Because from Biology onwards (to the more esoteric and... lets say... less factual... less logical fields of study - medicine -> psychiatry -> psychology etc) it becomes MUCH MUCH harder for your work to stand on it's own. That's where we enter the realm of "studies" come in. And truly I don't know any other way to say this, but... if you really read most of these studies it will become clear to you how woefully inadequate they are when it comes to acertaining FACTS. Yes, many of them provide fairly valuable information regarding trends, probabilities, good suggested models to handle various situations etc... but almost none of the more applied sciencfe fields' studies are ever going to provide you with FACTS. It's simply not possible with the need to sample small selections, the difficulty in weeding out bias... and the muddled line between correlation and causation.

Another point. Look at what happened with Theranos. How a few uneducated, unqualified but fairly intelligent and ambitious individuals over the span of a decade or so managed to fool some of the largest players in industry, gain 100s of millions in investments, skirting around regulatory authorities, fooling independent auditors/verifiers... literally up to the highest levels of corporate america/ american govt. The point here being all of these supposedly sacred, oathbound fields of study and practice have been corrupted and devolved into a capitalist industrial machine where learning, understanding, technological progress have degraded to be nothing more than a means to accumulate more profits and wealth.

That's not to say there haven't been outstanding benefits and leaps of progress that for all we know could have only succeeded in a profit-driven, capitalistic society... it's just that over time, this type of economy/government/society tends to lead towards rewarding recurring profits as opposed to actual curing/absolving of suffering.

To summarise.. it's not that all scientists are fools and/or frauds. It's that they are also part of a much larger system. A system which is so big, powerful and complex that even if a majority of scientists stood up against, they would pale in comparison to the overall weight and power of the multi-field, global, political-military-commerical-tech-industrial-complex machine. Whether no one, or one person, or a small cabal, or a multi-national, highly-faceted cooprerative runs it... it is a big heavy machine, with inertia, and at this point, may be beyond even human control.

That's the takeaway here.

We are all born into this machine. Scientists too. They go to the same schools, where they are programmed. They go to agenda and bias ridden universities, where they are programmed. They join corporate and government funded research groups, where they are programmed. On and on and on until they've done programming themselves.

You are an occultist. Does the scientific consensus validate - or ever recognize anything occult? Does that mean they are all frauds... or lying to themselves... or part of some secret anti-occult cabal? Or is the more likely explanation that over millenia the drifting sands, the tumbling stones of fledgeling human thought and conciousness has coalesced into a huge, monolithic, rolling ball of rock who's path we all hopelessly yield to?

Of course, there's people like us. Outliers. There's also the crazy crackhead conspiracy theorists. Scientists used to be outliers. They used to be diven by the sole purpose of seeking the truth, finding out how the world works, looking for answers and pioneering the cutting edge of knowledge and technology.

Of course there's still a few scientists like that. But with the boom in the tertiary education industry, and the massive rise in people taking up the mantle of scientist for reasons other than the above... most "scientists" these days are just regular people.

And as we all know... sometimes...

people are retarded.png


Aug 17, 2023
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An interesting note from yesterday, though I lost the link, in Unclesamistan at least some scientists have resorted to "samizdat"---circulating data offline---in order to spread findings about the late shamdemic. Maybe google "samizdat" and "science" or "COVID."


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Brand new from James Howard Kunstler:

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“Using the #FauciLiedPeopleDied trend is a great way to show your friends you’re a conspiracy theorist.” –Dr Anthony Fauci​
So, here’s what you might have learned over the weekend if you ventured into the thickets of alt news: in April and May of 2021, the president (“Joe Biden”), the whole White House Covid Response Team (Andy Slavitt & Co), and everyone in the WH communications office, the US Surgeon General (Vivek Murthy), senior officials of the CDC including director Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, head of NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID were all freaking out, holding crisis meetings, and sending blizzards of emails among each other after being informed by a Pfizer safety report that the miraculous new mRNA Covid vaccines produced significant cases of myocarditis and blood-clotting abnormalities. ...​
When billions of dollars from the government passes into the pockets of major corporations in the medical industry, is it not the duty of the citizenry to demand transparency and accountability? When politicians begin to decide what kinds of medical treatment must be uniformly given across the board to every citizen no matter what their individual medical needs may warrant, no matter what their conscience may allow, is this not cause for serious concern that cannot simply be brushed off by thought stopping remarks like "conspiracy theorist"? For those who don't know, "thought stoppers" are phrases used by cults to prevent their followers from actually questioning the cult narratives. Think about that for a moment.

Where is the media in all of this? Kunstler states his viewpoint in that blog post. I grew up during the Cold War. We were told that our freedom of the press was superior in every way to the censored, state-run media in countries like China and the Warsaw Pact. Even back then, however, people like Noam Chomsky were warning us that the media was not actually "free." Everyone saw and heard the wall of identical COVID propaganda throughout 2020 and 2021 coming from every major media outlet. If you search for "lockstep" on the internet, they have the audacity to say that this was a "conspiracy theory."

"They continue lying about all of this to this day even as they appear to prepare for a replay of a pandemic." - Kunstler

If all of this makes any of you too uncomfortable, then just go back to sleep. Let the egregores do with you as they please.


Aug 17, 2023
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Brand new from James Howard Kunstler:

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“Using the #FauciLiedPeopleDied trend is a great way to show your friends you’re a conspiracy theorist.” –Dr Anthony Fauci​
So, here’s what you might have learned over the weekend if you ventured into the thickets of alt news: in April and May of 2021, the president (“Joe Biden”), the whole White House Covid Response Team (Andy Slavitt & Co), and everyone in the WH communications office, the US Surgeon General (Vivek Murthy), senior officials of the CDC including director Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, head of NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID were all freaking out, holding crisis meetings, and sending blizzards of emails among each other after being informed by a Pfizer safety report that the miraculous new mRNA Covid vaccines produced significant cases of myocarditis and blood-clotting abnormalities. ...​
When billions of dollars from the government passes into the pockets of major corporations in the medical industry, is it not the duty of the citizenry to demand transparency and accountability? When politicians begin to decide what kinds of medical treatment must be uniformly given across the board to every citizen no matter what their individual medical needs may warrant, no matter what their conscience may allow, is this not cause for serious concern that cannot simply be brushed off by thought stopping remarks like "conspiracy theorist"? For those who don't know, "thought stoppers" are phrases used by cults to prevent their followers from actually questioning the cult narratives. Think about that for a moment.

Where is the media in all of this? Kunstler states his viewpoint in that blog post. I grew up during the Cold War. We were told that our freedom of the press was superior in every way to the censored, state-run media in countries like China and the Warsaw Pact. Even back then, however, people like Noam Chomsky were warning us that the media was not actually "free." Everyone saw and heard the wall of identical COVID propaganda throughout 2020 and 2021 coming from every major media outlet. If you search for "lockstep" on the internet, they have the audacity to say that this was a "conspiracy theory."

"They continue lying about all of this to this day even as they appear to prepare for a replay of a pandemic." - Kunstler

If all of this makes any of you too uncomfortable, then just go back to sleep. Let the egregores do with you as they please.
Well said. Sadly, three generations have been raised on the prescription to lie low and enjoy consumer goods. Heck, I often visit a far Right Satanist forum, complete with high praise for the Third Reich and all. They fall all over themselves warning against "extremism" and "operating within the law." Which reduces their whole programme to a variety of LARP-ing.


Aug 31, 2021
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As far as I can tell the major conspiracy groups are political parties - always conspiring for power and money