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The New Pestilence


Aug 17, 2023
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As far as I can tell the major conspiracy groups are political parties - always conspiring for power and money
Perhaps unavoidable. The problem is making an idol of what properly is tool. I despise most of what Kurt Vonnegut thought he stood for. Still one of his later novels was inspired in its trope of an island nation's "strong man" leader and its revolutionary firebrand in the hills having a gentleman's agreement to preserve the status quo. The former because it benefits him; the latter because he realizes there is no solution to the land's woes and his simple existence provides the narcotic of hope.

What scraps were left of America died on Whidbey Island on 8 DEC 84


May 27, 2023
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Just to make things clear (which I already I already tried, but here we go again). The point I was responding to was that RSV was too minor to even mention, and that mentioning or warning about a disease is a form of manipulation. Also, what qualifies as too minor, I mean I think mentioning even niche diseases wouldn't qualify as manipulation. The fact that most of the responses I get deliberately miss my point is concerning. I will not be responding to irrelevant points as I don't want to dignify bad faith.

These are the global averages. There is a lot of estimating being done, though they have been attempting to improve the models. By their estimates, RSV is directly responsible for 20 out of every 1000 deaths of children up to 5 years of age, globally.
Yes, estimation is a big part of science. Now if there was too much estimation that would mean it would warrant further research, you know what it wouldn't warrant? Not mentioning it.

But since you're team researchers should shut up about RSV, don't you think that ignoring it would make the models worse? You would then point to those worsening models to justify your position. In your perfect world, how would research ever get done?
The distinction is made between RSV-attributable and RSV-associated. The latter would be "in the causal chain."
This is quite common in health. Is smoking a health risk? No one dies from it, just from completely unrelated lung cancer. Smoking was just in the causal chain.

I think attributable would be a stronger link, but associated certainly doesn't fall into too "minor to even mention."
Now for some context. According to the CDC, leading causes of death for children under five in the United States are:
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  • Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities
  • Assault (homicide)
Okay, so it is not in the top three in the US. Does it that make it too minor to even warrant mention?

Just out of curiosity, if doctors are not allowed to anything about diseases that aren't in the top in the US, in fact not even be allowed to mention it, wouldn't the US start matching global averages? Or is there something inherent about the US that makes it immune?

Also, you take the CDC as a source? This makes things much easier. The CDC is reporting a spike in RVS related hospitalizations, thus are warning hospitals to be prepared. With this I think we can conclude the RSV is not too minor to not even warrant mention.
This prophylactic treatment would not eliminate RSV. The virus would continue to mutate and adapt to new conditions.
So your argument is because one type of treatment wouldn't completely eliminate a disease, that disease would be too minor to mention? This makes zero sense. It seems to me to make the opposite point.
f two infants died from a lightning strike and one from measles, then lightning would be the "leading cause of death" among that group.
I do think lightning would be worth at least mentioning in that case, yes. Infact, lightning is not even a leading killer now (as far as I know) yet I still have been told how to reduce risk around it, have I been manipulated? Or am I more knowledgeable?

Oh no! Doesn't initiation into hermetics have a section about what do if your animal gets struck by lightning? Franz Bardon is in on it!
Or more generally the thought of "how can all of science be wrong" / "how can all (or majority) of scientists be fools or frauds"...
You're completely missing the point. I was getting asked for statistic/research. But I was wondering how they could trust research since research is done by people who disagree with their position. The rest of your post doesn't provide a counter, since the point still stands whether it is conscious conspiracy or being part of a societal machine.

You guys act like sceptics and use sceptical arguments to make your points. This really appeals to my brain and I find it partially convincing. Only partially because you guys are not sceptics. You give me reasons to doubt research, for example your whole post, but you are not arguing for me to suspend judgement, you are arguing for positive positions. Like that vaccines are bad, the CDC is manipulating society, and mentioning a disease is a one form of that manipulation.

So my question is how do you know these things? If all the research is tainted by the machine then how do go from doubt to ascribing medical policy. What do you base it off of?

KjEno186 mentioned the medicine can have side effects (which I agree with, not sure why they bothered trying to argue this) but side effects are things studied by researchers. So where can they get this information? This is my point.
You are an occultist. Does the scientific consensus validate - or ever recognize anything occult? Does that mean they are all frauds... or lying to themselves... or part of some secret anti-occult cabal?
Exactly! No one gets mad at a biologist if they don't mention the soul body. If you go to a financial planner and they don't suggest a demonic pact, no one thinks you have "gone to sleep." Infact, any money magick book you read will praise the the suggestions from the financial planner, saying of course you have to take mundane action to get results. If you do a ritual and then sit in your room all day don't expect much. But we still pity those who only have the financial planners advice, they could work for a life time and still see no results, it is best to have both.

But heaven forbid a doctor suggest mundane strategies to deal with disease, they are a fraud... or lying to themselves... or part of some secret anti-healing cabal.

As far as I can tell the major conspiracy groups are political parties - always conspiring for power and money
Agreed, making politics a competitive team sport encourages some less than wholesome behavior.

This get into larger point about society control, it usually is not a secret cabal, but exists in plain sight. Here is an experiment you can try yourself. Go outside, decide that you are no longer controlled by society, commit a crime, record results. What came to control you? Was it vaccines, Jewish space lasers, 5G, or was it men with guns?


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I'm inclined to believe that RSV is actually a bigger deal than it may have otherwise been
I shouldn't have to repeat what I wrote before you even made your first comment in this thread, @I_am_suprised ...

It is one of the leading cause of death among infants.
This was what the National Geographic magazine said in November 2022:
Children’s hospitals across the United States are raising the alarm that their beds have filled up with young patients struggling to breathe. This year, the culprit is not coronavirus but respiratory syncytial virus—more commonly known as RSV.​
RSV is not a new pathogen. The virus infects some 64 million people a year worldwide. But it poses a particularly high risk to adults over 65 and to children, who are more likely to require hospitalization. Globally, RSV causes about 160,000 deaths a year—including more than 100,000 children under the age of five. Still, there isn’t a vaccine for the disease or any treatments available for general use.​
But solutions are on the way. Experts say that a monoclonal antibody treatment for RSV could be approved by the end of the year, and a vaccine could be rolled out in time for the 2023 RSV season. Pfizer said on November 1 that its vaccine is 81 percent effective in an infant's first 90 days of life and 69 percent effective through the first six months of life. The company plans to file for approval of its RSV vaccine candidate by the end of 2022. (Why vaccines are critical to keeping diseases at bay.)​
(Thanks to Tor browser for getting me past the damn "enter an email to read the rest" privacy-violating garbage! Hyperlinks were removed from the quote for this forum post.)
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The under-five mortality rate refers to the probability a newborn would die before reaching exactly 5 years of age, expressed per 1,000 live births. In 2021, 5.0 million children under 5 years of age died. Globally, infectious diseases, including pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria, remain a leading cause of under-five deaths, along with preterm birth and intrapartum-related complications.​
The global under-five mortality rate declined by 59 per cent, from 93 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 38 in 2021. Despite this considerable progress, improving child survival remains a matter of urgent concern. In 2021 alone, roughly 13,800 under-five deaths occurred every day, an intolerably high number of largely preventable child deaths.​
I'm willing to grant that RSV is a 'contributing factor' to a large number of preventable deaths and that current estimates are possibly under-representing the impact of this virus. I take issue with a pseudo-vaccine because of the Number Needed To Treat in order to attempt to lower this cause of death from ~160,000 per year, by their own estimate of vaccine efficacy of ~70%, to less than 50,000 would be in the hundreds of millions of people. This surely is a pharma company wet dream, especially getting it on the childhood immunization schedule in the United States...


The question no government, NGO, or major media corporation (Nat Geo is owned by Disney) seems to be asking is, what cheap and readily available effective treatments and generic drugs could be used effectively to reduce deaths 'attributed to' RSV? Nat Geo said, "there isn’t a vaccine for the disease or any treatments available for general use" (as of Nov 2022). It's called an IMMUNE SYSTEM, which is the reason RSV doesn't KILL the 64 million people estimated to get it every year!!!

For shits and giggles, here's a "conspiracy" for you to enjoy:

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Aug 17, 2023
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I shouldn't have to repeat what I wrote before you even made your first comment in this thread, @I_am_suprised ...

This was what the National Geographic magazine said in November 2022:
Children’s hospitals across the United States are raising the alarm that their beds have filled up with young patients struggling to breathe. This year, the culprit is not coronavirus but respiratory syncytial virus—more commonly known as RSV.​
RSV is not a new pathogen. The virus infects some 64 million people a year worldwide. But it poses a particularly high risk to adults over 65 and to children, who are more likely to require hospitalization. Globally, RSV causes about 160,000 deaths a year—including more than 100,000 children under the age of five. Still, there isn’t a vaccine for the disease or any treatments available for general use.​
But solutions are on the way. Experts say that a monoclonal antibody treatment for RSV could be approved by the end of the year, and a vaccine could be rolled out in time for the 2023 RSV season. Pfizer said on November 1 that its vaccine is 81 percent effective in an infant's first 90 days of life and 69 percent effective through the first six months of life. The company plans to file for approval of its RSV vaccine candidate by the end of 2022. (Why vaccines are critical to keeping diseases at bay.)​
(Thanks to Tor browser for getting me past the damn "enter an email to read the rest" privacy-violating garbage! Hyperlinks were removed from the quote for this forum post.)
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The under-five mortality rate refers to the probability a newborn would die before reaching exactly 5 years of age, expressed per 1,000 live births. In 2021, 5.0 million children under 5 years of age died. Globally, infectious diseases, including pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria, remain a leading cause of under-five deaths, along with preterm birth and intrapartum-related complications.​
The global under-five mortality rate declined by 59 per cent, from 93 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 38 in 2021. Despite this considerable progress, improving child survival remains a matter of urgent concern. In 2021 alone, roughly 13,800 under-five deaths occurred every day, an intolerably high number of largely preventable child deaths.​
I'm willing to grant that RSV is a 'contributing factor' to a large number of preventable deaths and that current estimates are possibly under-representing the impact of this virus. I take issue with a pseudo-vaccine because of the Number Needed To Treat in order to attempt to lower this cause of death from ~160,000 per year, by their own estimate of vaccine efficacy of ~70%, to less than 50,000 would be in the hundreds of millions of people. This surely is a pharma company wet dream, especially getting it on the childhood immunization schedule in the United States...


The question no government, NGO, or major media corporation (Nat Geo is owned by Disney) seems to be asking is, what cheap and readily available effective treatments and generic drugs could be used effectively to reduce deaths 'attributed to' RSV? Nat Geo said, "there isn’t a vaccine for the disease or any treatments available for general use" (as of Nov 2022). It's called an IMMUNE SYSTEM, which is the reason RSV doesn't KILL the 64 million people estimated to get it every year!!!

For shits and giggles, here's a "conspiracy" for you to enjoy:

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I like your post's closing.

Otherwise, I can only reiterate my point all along: we are ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED by our masters to live in a state of fear. That is never a good mindset. It is far, far more despicable when we start panicking at what are not serious maladies. Most despicable are magi who tremble along with the rest. A big part of our path is supposed to consist of overcoming both the fear---and the reality---of physical death. So I apologize to no one who inculcates fear. A death rate involving 0's and decimal points is not worth the sweat off my b***s. I know because mine have dropped far enough to permit inspection.


May 27, 2023
Reaction score
I shouldn't have to repeat what I wrote before you even made your first comment in this thread
Oh, so this was just a "well technically" correction. All the signs of bad faith were just imagined by me, it was just a bit of misunderstanding. We agree on the fundamentals but not the details. A bit weird that you're arguing with me and not people who have much more fundamental disagreements with you, but okay.

Since the fine points of statistics are not my main concern I'll concede to the stats you provided and to your interpretation of them. Pointing out of course, that they do not undermine my main critique.

Man, it is lovely clearing up a miscommunication and realizing that you have a lot more common ground. I'm sure there will be nothing later in your post that'll completely undermine this goodwill.
I take issue with a pseudo-vaccine
And there it is. Speaking of repeating ourselves, I ask you, in what way is this even relevant to anything I said? Of course you've ignored answering this twice before and I don't expect anything different from you now. After your first response I asked myself how much energy I wanted to put into this, my answer was until a resolution or until you've made three posts that try to persuade me with dishonest tactics. As that was the third time I have no choice but to conclude that you are acting in bad faith.

My position was A. You argue against B, and then act like you've done something. You want me to defend B so you can argue on turf you're more familiar with. I continue to point out that debunking B has nothing to do with A, and I never even took position B. Then with the article you linked you now brought in C. Now you can feign offense that you have to repeat that you don't want to argue A, but what really is eating at you is that your debate bro tactics aren't working.

The saddest part is that while I was expecting you to use dishonest tactics, I thought you'd mix it up between posts. But, you ended up using the same one each and every time. Like look at these:
Most despicable are magi who tremble along with the rest

I know because mine have dropped far enough to permit inspection.
My position is wrong because I tremble with fear! How does that follow logically? How can they possibly have this knowledge? Who knows, who cares! At the very least they switched tactics from post to post, they keep things interesting. It is like you forgot there was more than one form of sophistry.

If you want to argue B, C, or even D make a new thread and make that the topic. Although I warn you, I may have different positions on these topics than the ones you've projected onto me. In some instances I may not have a position at all. This all I have to say to you on this topic.

So I apologize to no one who inculcates fear.
This is coming from the guy posting paranoid schizo ramblings.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Oh, so this was just a "well technically" correction. All the signs of bad faith were just imagined by me, it was just a bit of misunderstanding. We agree on the fundamentals but not the details. A bit weird that you're arguing with me and not people who have much more fundamental disagreements with you, but okay.

Since the fine points of statistics are not my main concern I'll concede to the stats you provided and to your interpretation of them. Pointing out of course, that they do not undermine my main critique.

Man, it is lovely clearing up a miscommunication and realizing that you have a lot more common ground. I'm sure there will be nothing later in your post that'll completely undermine this goodwill.

And there it is. Speaking of repeating ourselves, I ask you, in what way is this even relevant to anything I said? Of course you've ignored answering this twice before and I don't expect anything different from you now. After your first response I asked myself how much energy I wanted to put into this, my answer was until a resolution or until you've made three posts that try to persuade me with dishonest tactics. As that was the third time I have no choice but to conclude that you are acting in bad faith.

My position was A. You argue against B, and then act like you've done something. You want me to defend B so you can argue on turf you're more familiar with. I continue to point out that debunking B has nothing to do with A, and I never even took position B. Then with the article you linked you now brought in C. Now you can feign offense that you have to repeat that you don't want to argue A, but what really is eating at you is that your debate bro tactics aren't working.

The saddest part is that while I was expecting you to use dishonest tactics, I thought you'd mix it up between posts. But, you ended up using the same one each and every time. Like look at these:

My position is wrong because I tremble with fear! How does that follow logically? How can they possibly have this knowledge? Who knows, who cares! At the very least they switched tactics from post to post, they keep things interesting. It is like you forgot there was more than one form of sophistry.

If you want to argue B, C, or even D make a new thread and make that the topic. Although I warn you, I may have different positions on these topics than the ones you've projected onto me. In some instances I may not have a position at all. This all I have to say to you on this topic.

This is coming from the guy posting paranoid schizo ramblings.
I simply say the obvious: the world was stampeded into an overreaction a few years back. The architects of it are up to more of the same. That opinion is almost mainstream, or at least lapping its marge. Aside from that, I call upon people to show some courage. Humans live longer than ever before and cower more than ever before. To scorn that as despicable is scarcely paranoid or schizoid. You want to keep on eating the blue pill, fine. You're already beneath my contempt.


Jun 30, 2021
Reaction score
in the beginning of my journey i had an huge argument with several death medicine men. the world we spoke about back then had reached a point where the death thought they were healing and i was telling them that if they would keep working for big pharma they would do the opposite. it was an almost circular deathtrap were we had to realign. some of the death understand what we believe in, others not so much and one could wonder if slave owners souls went in hiding, etc. anyways i saw too much and was told to shut up or get killed. it came close to death, tru.

and now i have 2 opinions: 1 we are going the wrong way, with all this money making medicine. i did my research and when you are an old school medicine man, like in witchcraft, warlockery, etc. the system works like that. so if one is doing witchcraft and making money out of it, i find it hypocrite to be against the way it goes. one should be looking up to those medicine men who were able to buy the whole world with it. dont we all have will to power and these people made it.
2 we are, as humanity in a danger zone with sunflares becoming more normal and we have set up a new protection way and are creating bodies who can handle all that shit. cause the last time such events were in the sky big religion got born and well it works, but humanity has learned some new technical stuff and is doing it different this time. we have space garbage floating around earth, we have worldwide wifi and whatnot. we even got official legal aliens on our side.

so survival of the fittest in the low lanes is what makes us angry. cause the top knows it needs to alter humanity, they dont want to know them by face and name though, cause it hurts. the stupidest part of this is that the ones on the down low who know say ah ok virginia is not my back yard. just like the ones in virginia go damn hit government cause shit goes wrong here. its like a local rain shower now instead of a world wide flood.

sadly for usa their indigenous people made it known that it is their karma to live. they even had crystal skulls involved and ceremonies to come together. so again those medicine men....


Aug 17, 2023
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in the beginning of my journey i had an huge argument with several death medicine men. the world we spoke about back then had reached a point where the death thought they were healing and i was telling them that if they would keep working for big pharma they would do the opposite. it was an almost circular deathtrap were we had to realign. some of the death understand what we believe in, others not so much and one could wonder if slave owners souls went in hiding, etc. anyways i saw too much and was told to shut up or get killed. it came close to death, tru.

and now i have 2 opinions: 1 we are going the wrong way, with all this money making medicine. i did my research and when you are an old school medicine man, like in witchcraft, warlockery, etc. the system works like that. so if one is doing witchcraft and making money out of it, i find it hypocrite to be against the way it goes. one should be looking up to those medicine men who were able to buy the whole world with it. dont we all have will to power and these people made it.
2 we are, as humanity in a danger zone with sunflares becoming more normal and we have set up a new protection way and are creating bodies who can handle all that shit. cause the last time such events were in the sky big religion got born and well it works, but humanity has learned some new technical stuff and is doing it different this time. we have space garbage floating around earth, we have worldwide wifi and whatnot. we even got official legal aliens on our side.

so survival of the fittest in the low lanes is what makes us angry. cause the top knows it needs to alter humanity, they dont want to know them by face and name though, cause it hurts. the stupidest part of this is that the ones on the down low who know say ah ok virginia is not my back yard. just like the ones in virginia go damn hit government cause shit goes wrong here. its like a local rain shower now instead of a world wide flood.

sadly for usa their indigenous people made it known that it is their karma to live. they even had crystal skulls involved and ceremonies to come together. so again those medicine men...
On the whole, a pretty good assessment. Beats heck outts Mr. Don't Worry Be Happy whom I went off on earlier.


Jun 30, 2021
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thanks, im sitting here with those opinions and medicine skill. my conclusion is fuck off and the spirits conclusion is tough luck. thankfully its luck ;)


May 27, 2023
Reaction score
I simply say the obvious: the world was stampeded into an overreaction a few years back. The architects of it are up to more of the same. That opinion is almost mainstream, or at least lapping its marge. Aside from that, I call upon people to show some courage. Humans live longer than ever before and cower more than ever before. To scorn that as despicable is scarcely paranoid or schizoid. You want to keep on eating the blue pill, fine. You're already beneath my contempt.
A courageous person can hear information without panicking, acting as appropriate. The one who is infirm of mind will hear the same information and conclude the world is out to get him, scared completely witless. Sometimes information is just information. Ignorance is not the same as bravery.

You're already beneath my contempt.
I'm devastated.


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I feel the need to offer an apology for writing, "I shouldn't have to repeat what I wrote before you even made your first comment in this thread." It is clear that @I_am_suprised had in fact posted a comment before I wrote, "I'm inclined to believe that RSV is actually a bigger deal than it may have otherwise been."

You give me reasons to doubt research, for example your whole post, but you are not arguing for me to suspend judgement, you are arguing for positive positions. Like that vaccines are bad, the CDC is manipulating society, and mentioning a disease is a one form of that manipulation.

Yes, I am arguing for positive positions. I have bias. I use words to attempt to convince others to at least follow my line of reasoning. I do not claim to have all the answers. I am wary of extraordinary claims as they require extraordinary evidence. I've been around for over half a century. I've seen the changes over time. If I seem anti-pharma, it is only due to the excesses that I perceive in the medical system. I manage my elderly father's medications every day since he has mild dementia. My mother is mostly medication free other than getting regular eye injections for macular degeneration. If she can avoid going blind by using these products, I can certainly be grateful for their availability.

Why should I have doubts? I have learned a lot about diet and exercise over the last couple of decades. I believe one should take responsibility for one's health instead of using medications to manage symptoms of poor lifestyle choices. I went from being a vegan prior to 2011 to advocating a low sugar diet since then. I read Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories, because someone challenged me on my assertions that T. Colin Campbell's The China Study was amazing research supporting plant-based diets. After this change, I did a lot more reading on the topic and concluded that what passes for mainstream dietary guidelines is simply what is profitable for the corporations that produce the products that constitute a majority of the Standard American Diet. Further recommended reading: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price; Lierre Keith's The Vegetarian Myth; John Yudkin's Pure, White, and Deadly.

The next point is a bit personal. I hate with a passion the fact that the medical system circumcised me as a baby. That was in the 1960s, a time when doctors and hospitals did it to most American boys, often without asking the parents. I'm going to say, if you like how you are, that's great. I didn't ask for it, and I wasn't given a choice. My research on this showed that there was no solid science to back up industrial scale cosmetic surgery on tens of millions of babies. It was profitable, and that was all that really mattered to the medical system. This isn't the thread to discuss circumcision, and I wouldn't even read a thread about it on this forum. But you wanted context, yes?

I made a lot of Hispanic friends in the late 1980s, and in doing so I learned some inconvenient facts about the United States' relationships with Central and South American countries. The average American heard about the Contras, the Sandinistas, and the weapons deal with Iran. It was all sanitized for popular consumption and to protect the appropriate interests involved. Meanwhile, people living in grinding poverty were targeted by militias armed by the United States. Sound familiar? This playbook has been repeated over and over again. Let me quote something from the Nobel Prize website. Harold Pinter received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005, and you can read his speech here:

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...But this ‘policy’ was by no means restricted to Central America. It was conducted throughout the world. It was never-ending. And it is as if it never happened.​
The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in 1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven.​
Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place throughout these countries. Did they take place? And are they in all cases attributable to US foreign policy? The answer is yes they did take place and they are attributable to American foreign policy. But you wouldn’t know it.​
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.​
I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self love. It’s a winner. Listen to all American presidents on television say the words, ‘the American people’, as in the sentence, ‘I say to the American people it is time to pray and to defend the rights of the American people and I ask the American people to trust their president in the action he is about to take on behalf of the American people.’​
It’s a scintillating stratagem. Language is actually employed to keep thought at bay. The words ‘the American people’ provide a truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance. You don’t need to think. Just lie back on the cushion. The cushion may be suffocating your intelligence and your critical faculties but it’s very comfortable.​
Do you TRUST them? Do you think that the vicious control doesn't also extend within the borders of the United States and its captive allies? When the former president came up with his "warp speed vaccines," I did not accept the proffered view that by taking them we could "get our lives back." No! My rights and bodily autonomy were never on the table. I fortunately live in a Southern state of the US where much of the stupidity of lockdowns passed quickly.

Nevertheless, the "nudging" continues as different manipulations are tried out on segments of the population. If they don't report on it, you've been programmed to believe it's not really happening. People are dying as a result of taking the Covid jabs, but it's 'not really happening,' because the mainstream news media isn't reporting on it. Why? Cui bono?

My parents and my younger sister got the shots. I didn't. I had Covid exactly once in January 2021. I didn't need to go to the hospital, though I lost my sense of smell for months afterward. My mother hasn't had Covid, but apparently she doesn't trust the shots since someone she knows tested positive and told her, and my mother backed up to avoid breathing the air near the person. My sister got sick and tested positive recently. I don't know how many boosters she's had. I maintain that these shots, along with any others that lose effectiveness rapidly like the one for RSV, are pseudo vaccines. They do not provide the durable immunity that vaccines used to provide. There were other effective treatments discovered by doctors throughout the world, but to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization for these jabs, there could be no official recognition of such potential treatments. Why? Cui bono?
Post automatically merged:

Edit: There were other effective treatments discovered by doctors throughout the world to treat Covid, but to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization for these jabs, there could be no official recognition of such potential treatments. Why? Cui bono?
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
A courageous person can hear information without panicking, acting as appropriate. The one who is infirm of mind will hear the same information and conclude the world is out to get him, scared completely witless. Sometimes information is just information. Ignorance is not the same as bravery.

I'm devastated.
A co-opted person can construe submission to any indignity as "appropriate." Playing the catamite is never discretion. I can see we're gonna have to stary calling you Ganymede, no?
Post automatically merged:

I feel the need to offer an apology for writing, "I shouldn't have to repeat what I wrote before you even made your first comment in this thread." It is clear that @I_am_suprised had in fact posted a comment before I wrote, "I'm inclined to believe that RSV is actually a bigger deal than it may have otherwise been."

Yes, I am arguing for positive positions. I have bias. I use words to attempt to convince others to at least follow my line of reasoning. I do not claim to have all the answers. I am wary of extraordinary claims as they require extraordinary evidence. I've been around for over half a century. I've seen the changes over time. If I seem anti-pharma, it is only due to the excesses that I perceive in the medical system. I manage my elderly father's medications every day since he has mild dementia. My mother is mostly medication free other than getting regular eye injections for macular degeneration. If she can avoid going blind by using these products, I can certainly be grateful for their availability.

Why should I have doubts? I have learned a lot about diet and exercise over the last couple of decades. I believe one should take responsibility for one's health instead of using medications to manage symptoms of poor lifestyle choices. I went from being a vegan prior to 2011 to advocating a low sugar diet since then. I read Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories, because someone challenged me on my assertions that T. Colin Campbell's The China Study was amazing research supporting plant-based diets. After this change, I did a lot more reading on the topic and concluded that what passes for mainstream dietary guidelines is simply what is profitable for the corporations that produce the products that constitute a majority of the Standard American Diet. Further recommended reading: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price; Lierre Keith's The Vegetarian Myth; John Yudkin's Pure, White, and Deadly.

The next point is a bit personal. I hate with a passion the fact that the medical system circumcised me as a baby. That was in the 1960s, a time when doctors and hospitals did it to most American boys, often without asking the parents. I'm going to say, if you like how you are, that's great. I didn't ask for it, and I wasn't given a choice. My research on this showed that there was no solid science to back up industrial scale cosmetic surgery on tens of millions of babies. It was profitable, and that was all that really mattered to the medical system. This isn't the thread to discuss circumcision, and I wouldn't even read a thread about it on this forum. But you wanted context, yes?

I made a lot of Hispanic friends in the late 1980s, and in doing so I learned some inconvenient facts about the United States' relationships with Central and South American countries. The average American heard about the Contras, the Sandinistas, and the weapons deal with Iran. It was all sanitized for popular consumption and to protect the appropriate interests involved. Meanwhile, people living in grinding poverty were targeted by militias armed by the United States. Sound familiar? This playbook has been repeated over and over again. Let me quote something from the Nobel Prize website. Harold Pinter received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005, and you can read his speech here:

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...But this ‘policy’ was by no means restricted to Central America. It was conducted throughout the world. It was never-ending. And it is as if it never happened.​
The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in 1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven.​
Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place throughout these countries. Did they take place? And are they in all cases attributable to US foreign policy? The answer is yes they did take place and they are attributable to American foreign policy. But you wouldn’t know it.​
It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.​
I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self love. It’s a winner. Listen to all American presidents on television say the words, ‘the American people’, as in the sentence, ‘I say to the American people it is time to pray and to defend the rights of the American people and I ask the American people to trust their president in the action he is about to take on behalf of the American people.’​
It’s a scintillating stratagem. Language is actually employed to keep thought at bay. The words ‘the American people’ provide a truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance. You don’t need to think. Just lie back on the cushion. The cushion may be suffocating your intelligence and your critical faculties but it’s very comfortable.​
Do you TRUST them? Do you think that the vicious control doesn't also extend within the borders of the United States and its captive allies? When the former president came up with his "warp speed vaccines," I did not accept the proffered view that by taking them we could "get our lives back." No! My rights and bodily autonomy were never on the table. I fortunately live in a Southern state of the US where much of the stupidity of lockdowns passed quickly.

Nevertheless, the "nudging" continues as different manipulations are tried out on segments of the population. If they don't report on it, you've been programmed to believe it's not really happening. People are dying as a result of taking the Covid jabs, but it's 'not really happening,' because the mainstream news media isn't reporting on it. Why? Cui bono?

My parents and my younger sister got the shots. I didn't. I had Covid exactly once in January 2021. I didn't need to go to the hospital, though I lost my sense of smell for months afterward. My mother hasn't had Covid, but apparently she doesn't trust the shots since someone she knows tested positive and told her, and my mother backed up to avoid breathing the air near the person. My sister got sick and tested positive recently. I don't know how many boosters she's had. I maintain that these shots, along with any others that lose effectiveness rapidly like the one for RSV, are pseudo vaccines. They do not provide the durable immunity that vaccines used to provide. There were other effective treatments discovered by doctors throughout the world, but to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization for these jabs, there could be no official recognition of such potential treatments. Why? Cui bono?
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Edit: There were other effective treatments discovered by doctors throughout the world to treat Covid, but to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization for these jabs, there could be no official recognition of such potential treatments. Why? Cui bono?
The dude you're replying to---"I am surprised"---reminds me a lot of an old song from the 80's ( by Kraftwerk maybe?). The key line o' lyrics runs, "There is nothing could go wrong/ There is nothing should go wrong/ Repeat, repeat/Repeat, repeat."
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Aug 17, 2023
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We already had a "comeback" in China this August. The present version was like a mild flu. I tried it.

The cure for Covid will be hanging the authorities from the nearest lamp-post. A moderately nasty brand of flu was used to terrorize the world. This as an exercise in velvet-glove neo-Stalinism. The gloves come off later.

Man up, get your case of the aches an' sniffles and get on with life.
Sep 9, 2021
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For most flus as a child, we got coca cola syrup, NyQuil, a pot to throw up in, a blanket and television and a couch.


Aug 17, 2023
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For most flus as a child, we got coca cola syrup, NyQuil, a pot to throw up in, a blanket and television and a couch.
If my dad was feeling as flush as I was (claiming to feel) bad I got hot lemonade with honey and a shot of Old Sunny Brook bourbon.


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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FDA Signs Off on Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine, Despite Safety Risk

The FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) in May
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and an analysis published by the FDA. The analysis showed no increase in preterm births in high-income countries and a numerical increase in upper-middle-income countries driven by South Africa.​
The FDA’s VRBPAC committee cleared the shot even though four of the 14 committee members, including Dr. Paul Offit, said Pfizer’s data was inadequate to support its safety. Dr. Offit, a pediatrician and recognized expert in virology and immunology, was concerned by GSK’s results because its vaccine was “almost identical” to Pfizer’s.​
The problem isn't that a treatment has adverse effects, as anyone who has been exposed to pharma ads knows well enough by now. It's that pesky informed consent which requires any offered medical treatment to come with an explanation of anything that can go wrong. For this very reason, 'fast tracking' drugs and vaccines to market presents a very real danger since there are never sufficient long term studies for all adverse effects to be known. Indeed, products and chemicals ranging widely from weed killers to plastic bags come with warning labels. RSV shots should also come with warnings that they may cause premature births leading to death.



Aug 17, 2023
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I see today that Pfizer is suing Poland for vaccine the latter refuses to pay for. The Poles apparently changed their minds about the shite. Pfizer, like the Mafia, says, "F*** you. I want my money."

You gotta side with Pfizer. This IS, after all, a matter of health. Healthy profits.


Aug 17, 2023
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Big business as usual.
One hopes the many will remember that the next time the "Great Progressive Moral Equivalent of War For Health" is launched. Hopes while knowing to a certainty one might as well expect swine to recite Swinburne. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me constantly and call it democracy.