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the Star & the Snake

“..The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light; these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake.”

This is something I have been tinkering with for a couple of years now, but I believe this is the final form. The purpose is building up, sensing and directing your energy.

  1. Focus on your center​
  2. Feel the energy there​
  3. Take a deep breath and sense the snake rising up​
  4. Exhale and push the energy into both your feet​
  5. Inhale and pull the energy into your hands​
  6. Exhale and push the energy back into your center
If you have gotten familiar with it, it can also be used in ritual. For that, do it standing up and repeat the cycle several times until you feel the moment is there. Inhale and sense the Snake rising, exhale deeply as the energy flows to your feet. Inhale very deep as you draw it to your hands as you clench your fists. Then step forward with your left foot and at the same time “throw” all the built up power to the target / sigil / image etc. as you exhale / scream a word of power or any noise that comes out.

I made a flashy color video to clarify what I mean...

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Maybe I am mistaking, but I see references to this in Crowley's Book of the Law, and it is where I stole the catchy title from. If you haven't read that particular book, I suggest you give it a look.
It was dictated to him on April 8,9 & 10 – so the next couple of days would be a very appropriate time to read it. Maybe you'll agree on what the Star and the Snake are.

Every man and every woman is a star.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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I do not think you are mistaken. Reading this, I immediately thought of a pair of verses in Chapter 2:

26. I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one.

This verse has been interpreted as indicating certain techniques of harnessing magical energy using the Serpent Power, as symbolized by Hadit.

The next verse sounds like a warning (it is), but it also indicates a technique in terms of the release of magical energy via control and focus without reserved reflection. So your “throw” and "scream" instruction would seem to fit with this.

27. There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.

Crowley himself believed the BOL was the most powerful grimoire ever (you think?), it’s surface words being a mere guise for the deep recipes of power within. I was recently back on the Kenneth Grant roller coaster, and much of his work is aimed at interpreting that power using a wide range of magical associations. In Cults of Shadow, Grant describes energy flows of subtle anatomy (chakras) which I think resonates with your method:

The next major marmas are located in the palms of the hands. The hands are the focus of intense streams of ojas or magical power. In the left palm the ojas is negative, passive, feminine, in the palm it is positive, active, masculine. When the palms are in close contact, as in prayerful mudras of the hands, there is an interchange and free flow of energy between the twin terminals. The Adept can inform the circuit thus formed with a current of will that sweeps through the body, cleansing it of accumulated poisons. He can also draw down the ojas from the ajna chakra and qoph*, concentrating it in the right and left hands and by placing of the palms upon certain marmas of another person’s body, can kill or cure at a touch.

*My note – qoph being the cerebellum or seat of the subconscious, which is connected to the root of the Fire Snake, symbolized in this work by ayin.

It seems you have hit the nail on the head, so to speak. The slide show is definitely helpful as a visual. I admire your work.
Sep 9, 2021
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I tried it and it worked or started to anyway. I was able to use the LBRP and LBRH Saturn with more effect. I am pretty sure this is a cause-effect.