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The Synagogue of Satan


Nov 4, 2023
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Lucas' stuff here reads like a poorly-conceived "Right Wing Conspiracy Post Generator" googled up on some obscure alternative search engine.
Or a set of ideas refracted through a poorly educated mind which can only conceive of things in near-cartoon terms?

This state of affairs temporarily serves those who want to discredit politically antinomian ideas before they've had a hearing on their own terms but it's a bad long term strategy. Hiding complexities and making ideas taboo will simply cause them to burst out in far less controlled forms and that's already happening, rapidly in fact. I, for one, am probably not going to enjoy what is coming; cultivated, bi, LHPers in the "scary old house on the hill" have historically not done well when the mob picks up pitchforks and torches. Que sara, sara.

"These backward hicks think that Jews run the world" is much easier to mock/deal with than looking at what happens when game theory meets in-group preference. Probably because the latter is so well known to sociologists and so well represented in sociological literature among every group but one. There's something in Dave Chappelle's joke:
"If they're Black, it's a gang. If they're Italian, it's the mob. If they're Jewish, it's a coincidence and you should never speak about it"
To "never speak about it", even though the facts are looking you plain in the face, even though the links can be found by anyone with a modicum of open-mindedness and curiosity, means that secular Western society has privileged the essentially religious (and foreign to the West) idea of the "Chosen People".


Apr 10, 2023
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Or a set of ideas refracted through a poorly educated mind which can only conceive of things in near-cartoon terms?

Adding layers of specious and pseudo-intellectual rhetoric not make the basic idea of “Jew World Order” less cartoonish.

I, for one, am probably not going to enjoy what is coming; cultivated, bi, LHPers in the "scary old house on the hill" have historically not done well when the mob picks up pitchforks and torches. Que sara, sara.

Translation: I never thought leopards would eat MY face



Don’t be so glum though, you’ve still got a once in a lifetime chance to pave your path to Valhalla in the blood of Judeo-Bolsheviks:

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Aug 17, 2023
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Or a set of ideas refracted through a poorly educated mind which can only conceive of things in near-cartoon terms?

This state of affairs temporarily serves those who want to discredit politically antinomian ideas before they've had a hearing on their own terms but it's a bad long term strategy. Hiding complexities and making ideas taboo will simply cause them to burst out in far less controlled forms and that's already happening, rapidly in fact. I, for one, am probably not going to enjoy what is coming; cultivated, bi, LHPers in the "scary old house on the hill" have historically not done well when the mob picks up pitchforks and torches. Que sara, sara.

"These backward hicks think that Jews run the world" is much easier to mock/deal with than looking at what happens when game theory meets in-group preference. Probably because the latter is so well known to sociologists and so well represented in sociological literature among every group but one. There's something in Dave Chappelle's joke:

To "never speak about it", even though the facts are looking you plain in the face, even though the links can be found by anyone with a modicum of open-mindedness and curiosity, means that secular Western society has privileged the essentially religious (and foreign to the West) idea of the "Chosen People".
Chappelle's jest is accurate, though a bit dated. This season, Palestinians are the trendiest "pets for progressives."
Post automatically merged:

Chappelle's jest is accurate, though a bit dated. This season, Palestinians are the trendiest "pets for progressives."
Adding layers of specious and pseudo-intellectual rhetoric not make the basic idea of “Jew World Order” less cartoonish.

Translation: I never thought leopards would eat MY face



Don’t be so glum though, you’ve still got a once in a lifetime chance to pave your path to Valhalla in the blood of Judeo-Bolsheviks:

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Did that nasty man just try to whack Wintruz' pee-pee?


Aug 17, 2023
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Or a set of ideas refracted through a poorly educated mind which can only conceive of things in near-cartoon terms?

This state of affairs temporarily serves those who want to discredit politically antinomian ideas before they've had a hearing on their own terms but it's a bad long term strategy. Hiding complexities and making ideas taboo will simply cause them to burst out in far less controlled forms and that's already happening, rapidly in fact. I, for one, am probably not going to enjoy what is coming; cultivated, bi, LHPers in the "scary old house on the hill" have historically not done well when the mob picks up pitchforks and torches. Que sara, sara.

"These backward hicks think that Jews run the world" is much easier to mock/deal with than looking at what happens when game theory meets in-group preference. Probably because the latter is so well known to sociologists and so well represented in sociological literature among every group but one. There's something in Dave Chappelle's joke:

To "never speak about it", even though the facts are looking you plain in the face, even though the links can be found by anyone with a modicum of open-mindedness and curiosity, means that secular Western society has privileged the essentially religious (and foreign to the West) idea of the "Chosen People".
A man wiser than I did remark that the question of the authorship of the Protocols pales when one simply asks into how closely its pages describe actual circumstances afoot.


Mar 21, 2024
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And who angers nations and throws them into wars?

"Wars are the Jewish harvest." (Werner Sombart)

"International Jewry forced Europe into war, not only to enrich itself immensely, but also to start a new Jewish world war through it." (Article in The Jewish World, January 16, 1919)

“The Independent Order B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) was founded in New York in 1843 by Eastern Jews (Ashkenazis) at the behest of the Rothschilds. The impetus for its creation was the uproar of the world public over the Jewish ritual murder in Damascus (1840). It is exclusively a Jewish Masonic order, to which essentially all Masonic lodges in the world are subordinate. The highest leadership of Freemasonry is right here. The Order carries out world Jewish politics in grand style – it unleashed the Bolshevik revolutions in Russia in 1905 and 1917, the revolutions in Germany and Hungary in 1918 and 1919, World War I and World War II. world war, and then 2,638 revolutions and coups around the world. His financial support is the Rothschild banking empire..." (Miroslav Dolejší, private correspondence, 1998)


The Jews in the Judgment of the Ages:
The manners of this accursed nation had already spread to all lands; the vanquished imposed their laws on the victors.(Seneca)

The Jews are an abomination to the human race... They despise all that is holy to us, while they are allowed all that we consider criminal and impious... They are the most wicked people.(Tacitus)

So desperate, utterly evil, poisonous and devilish are these Jews who for fourteen hundred years have been and are our calamity, our pestilence and our misfortune. (Martin Luther)

The little Jewish nation dares to flaunt an implacable hatred of all nations, always superstitious, always eager to seize another's property by deceit, humble in misfortune, indignant in success. The Jews are the worst scoundrels that have ever soiled the face of this earth. (Voltaire)

In almost all the countries of Europe there is at the same time a powerful, hostile-minded state, which is in continuous war with all states and nations, and which weighs so heavily on many of their members: that state is Jewry. – – – I do not believe... that it is so terrible only because it forms a separate and tightly connected state, but mainly because this state is built on hatred of the entire human race. (Johann Gottlieb Fichte)

There will come a time when all nations among which Jews live will understand that the question of whether to leave everything as it is or to expel the Jews is a question of life and death. (Ferenc Liszt)

The Jews are to blame for all the great disasters of my (French) nation. It was the same with all other nations, and all will be forced to defend themselves against the Jews and protect themselves from them. (Henri de Rochefort)

Even in the most educated circles of society it now sounds as if from one mouth: "The Jews are our misfortune." (Heinrich von Treitschke)

When the Jews achieved freedom, they had nothing else in mind than how to enrich themselves and suppress our Czech nation in every possible way. (Karolina Svetlá)

Ulrich Fleischhauer; THE ORIGINAL PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION - Expert opinion, drawn up on behalf of Court of Justice No. V in Bern


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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And who angers nations and throws them into wars?

"Wars are the Jewish harvest." (Werner Sombart)

"International Jewry forced Europe into war, not only to enrich itself immensely, but also to start a new Jewish world war through it." (Article in The Jewish World, January 16, 1919)

“The Independent Order B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) was founded in New York in 1843 by Eastern Jews (Ashkenazis) at the behest of the Rothschilds. The impetus for its creation was the uproar of the world public over the Jewish ritual murder in Damascus (1840). It is exclusively a Jewish Masonic order, to which essentially all Masonic lodges in the world are subordinate. The highest leadership of Freemasonry is right here. The Order carries out world Jewish politics in grand style – it unleashed the Bolshevik revolutions in Russia in 1905 and 1917, the revolutions in Germany and Hungary in 1918 and 1919, World War I and World War II. world war, and then 2,638 revolutions and coups around the world. His financial support is the Rothschild banking empire..." (Miroslav Dolejší, private correspondence, 1998)


The Jews in the Judgment of the Ages:
The manners of this accursed nation had already spread to all lands; the vanquished imposed their laws on the victors.(Seneca)

The Jews are an abomination to the human race... They despise all that is holy to us, while they are allowed all that we consider criminal and impious... They are the most wicked people.(Tacitus)

So desperate, utterly evil, poisonous and devilish are these Jews who for fourteen hundred years have been and are our calamity, our pestilence and our misfortune. (Martin Luther)

The little Jewish nation dares to flaunt an implacable hatred of all nations, always superstitious, always eager to seize another's property by deceit, humble in misfortune, indignant in success. The Jews are the worst scoundrels that have ever soiled the face of this earth. (Voltaire)

In almost all the countries of Europe there is at the same time a powerful, hostile-minded state, which is in continuous war with all states and nations, and which weighs so heavily on many of their members: that state is Jewry. – – – I do not believe... that it is so terrible only because it forms a separate and tightly connected state, but mainly because this state is built on hatred of the entire human race. (Johann Gottlieb Fichte)

There will come a time when all nations among which Jews live will understand that the question of whether to leave everything as it is or to expel the Jews is a question of life and death. (Ferenc Liszt)

The Jews are to blame for all the great disasters of my (French) nation. It was the same with all other nations, and all will be forced to defend themselves against the Jews and protect themselves from them. (Henri de Rochefort)

Even in the most educated circles of society it now sounds as if from one mouth: "The Jews are our misfortune." (Heinrich von Treitschke)

When the Jews achieved freedom, they had nothing else in mind than how to enrich themselves and suppress our Czech nation in every possible way. (Karolina Svetlá)

Ulrich Fleischhauer; THE ORIGINAL PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION - Expert opinion, drawn up on behalf of Court of Justice No. V in Bern
What utter crap. ""The Jews are our misfortune" was a popular nazi slogan, and I don't even have to comment on the real provenance of the Protocols, the blood libel myth and the disgusting Stürmer cartoon are unadulterated racism and fascism as well. We should have a rubbish bin sub-section here for antisemitic conspiracy theories, though in this case it's just dumb clumsy propaganda.


Aug 17, 2023
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What utter crap. ""The Jews are our misfortune" was a popular nazi slogan, and I don't even have to comment on the real provenance of the Protocols, the blood libel myth and the disgusting Stürmer cartoon are unadulterated racism and fascism as well. We should have a rubbish bin sub-section here for antisemitic conspiracy theories, though in this case it's just dumb clumsy propaganda.
The Protocols authorship is a red-herring. Their relative veracity is the real rub. Look at the US: blacks and progressives can burn with impunity if the target is some nebulous authority-in-general. Let protesters take aim at Israel and THAT brings official pushback. The Yank Right pisses its pants trying to lay the spectre of Anti-Semitism. Now run along to your synagogue petting-zoo, my boy.


Sep 14, 2022
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At the global level of the Synagogue of Satan (Talmudic-Kabbalist, organized Jewry and Freemasonry controlled by it) there are figures from all over the world. So also the West and the East. It's a war against humanity! For his total enslavement and universal world rule! Ukraine's war with Russia is part of it. And for this total enslavement of humanity, the Synagogue of Satan will use modern technologies that are terrifying.

"The greatest achievements of science and technology are being turned in the hands of Jewish leaders into tools to establish the most brutal slavery and oppression in the history of the world."
(Oleg Platonov)

This quote from the (shockingly) revealing work below characterizes the world's current drama:

As can be easily deduced from this stunning overview, behind the scenes of official world politics, in the ultra-secret "temples" of Lucifer openly invoking the pro-lodge masons, there is absolutely nothing as it is behind the scenes. While here, for example, Israel and Iran threaten each other with a devastating war, thus keeping the world in fear for a decade and a half, or when the USA accuses Saudi Arabia and many other Arab states of cultivating and supporting the "terrorists" of September 11, 2001, the powerful of all these countries sit "fraternally" together under the all-seeing eye of Lucifer, and consult with "brothers" from a dozen other nations about every next step toward the final subjugation of the globe!
(Johannes Rothkranz; Superlodges Rule the World, p. 52)

In all government cabinets, all over the world, sit Jews, Freemasons or their permitted tools!

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Uh who called the based department?
But seriously, the Jews as a group are just under the same control of divine forces as any other group of people.
They just have a good place right now due to Charlemagne initially.
I know a few Jewish people and they are fine people.
Sep 9, 2021
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Personally, I prefer a hands off foreign policy idea. Quit funding other countries and take care of ours first. However, if you want stable employment, join the arms industry.
As fer Jew-Hatin, that's outdated for about 80 years or so. Some man with a funny mustache kinda hates them pretty bad. Mommy issues.


Aug 17, 2023
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Personally, I prefer a hands off foreign policy idea. Quit funding other countries and take care of ours first. However, if you want stable employment, join the arms industry.
As fer Jew-Hatin, that's outdated for about 80 years or so. Some man with a funny mustache kinda hates them pretty bad. Mommy issues.
Well yes. Like Marx said: anti-semitism would die when the Europeans had judaized themselves. Which they have with a vengence. Congratulations to all those who are incapable of despising what they have collaborated in doing to themselves/
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Uh who called the based department?
But seriously, the Jews as a group are just under the same control of divine forces as any other group of people.
They just have a good place right now due to Charlemagne initially.
I know a few Jewish people and they are fine people.
Try singing that tune in Gaza.
Mar 13, 2023
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Hopefully this doesn't need to be said but there is no central masonic agency or rule; each jurisdiction is completely sovereign, and having rights to it's own jurisdiction as long as it follows the landmarks. The landmarks are that agreement by which a charter, which is a warrant to work, is issued.

Also, the anti-Semitism is pretty disgusting here.

I'm off to the woods for the night so I won't be on... I'll have to address more if this later.
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The B'nai B'rith is not nor as it ever been a Masonic organization. It is a Jewish fraternity founded in respondents deplorable treatment of the Jewish people that provided funeral services, took care of windows and provides sons a trade/skill.

Like Masonry it takes care of windows and orphans. I would not be surprised to find out a Jewish mason started it, but it is not masonic.
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Also while Masonry is in no way a political organization our structure is very anti-globalist.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2023
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Hopefully this doesn't need to be said but there is no central masonic agency or rule; each jurisdiction is completely sovereign, and having rights to it's own jurisdiction as long as it follows the landmarks. The landmarks are that agreement by which a charter, which is a warrant to work, is issued.

Also, the anti-Semitism is pretty disgusting here.

I'm off to the woods for the night so I won't be on... I'll have to address more if this later.
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The B'nai B'rith is not nor as it ever been a Masonic organization. It is a Jewish fraternity founded in respondents deplorable treatment of the Jewish people that provided funeral services, took care of windows and provides sons a trade/skill.

Like Masonry it takes care of windows and orphans. I would not be surprised to find out a Jewish mason started it, but it is not masonic.
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Also while Masonry is in no way a political organization our structure is very anti-globalist.
Anti-globalist in what way? Do you mean decentralized?
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Hopefully this doesn't need to be said but there is no central masonic agency or rule; each jurisdiction is completely sovereign, and having rights to it's own jurisdiction as long as it follows the landmarks. The landmarks are that agreement by which a charter, which is a warrant to work, is issued.

Also, the anti-Semitism is pretty disgusting here.

I'm off to the woods for the night so I won't be on... I'll have to address more if this later.
Post automatically merged:

The B'nai B'rith is not nor as it ever been a Masonic organization. It is a Jewish fraternity founded in respondents deplorable treatment of the Jewish people that provided funeral services, took care of windows and provides sons a trade/skill.

Like Masonry it takes care of windows and orphans. I would not be surprised to find out a Jewish mason started it, but it is not masonic.
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Also while Masonry is in no way a political organization our structure is very anti-globalist.
Anti-Semitism? Noel Ignatiev made a career calling for the extermination of whites and he (and his ilk) cry foul at a little pushback?
Mar 13, 2023
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Anti-globalist in what way? Do you mean decentralized?
Post automatically merged:

Yes, again every jurisdiction of Freemasonry is sovereign. There is no central authority in Freemasonry nor any overarching relationship for the world. Our structure is inherently anti-Globalist.

Anti-Semitism? Noel Ignatiev made a career calling for the extermination of whites and he (and his ilk) cry foul at a little pushback?

I don't know who Noel Ignatiev is and, in the context of this conversation, I do not care. He has nothing to do with me nor Freemasonry. If there are demographics and parties who deny human decency to others then cry when it is done then, shane on them and yes they have made an argument for those graces not being entitled to ones fellow man. However, it would be a stupid argument to suggest a radical minority invalidates the rights or livelihood of a victimized majority. For whatever he is guilty if, that doesn't justify nor validate what Jewish people have been going through for millenia now.


Aug 17, 2023
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Yes, again every jurisdiction of Freemasonry is sovereign. There is no central authority in Freemasonry nor any overarching relationship for the world. Our structure is inherently anti-Globalist.

I don't know who Noel Ignatiev is and, in the context of this conversation, I do not care. He has nothing to do with me nor Freemasonry. If there are demographics and parties who deny human decency to others then cry when it is done then, shane on them and yes they have made an argument for those graces not being entitled to ones fellow man. However, it would be a stupid argument to suggest a radical minority invalidates the rights or livelihood of a victimized majority. For whatever he is guilty if, that doesn't justify nor validate what Jewish people have been going through for millenia now.
You rage against Anti-Semites, yet do not bother to learn about our opponents? That's either laziness or willful ignorance. Like the schoolmaster who breaks up a scuffle and whips the boy whose clothing style irks him. Mark my words, God's Chosen People have invited their misfortunes, whatever the Western stooges parrot. You, like most, are a victim. The intellectual equivalent of the catmite-toy in some Jannizary barracks, who knows no other life.
Mar 13, 2023
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You rage against Anti-Semites, yet do not bother to learn about our opponents? That's either laziness or willful ignorance. Like the schoolmaster who breaks up a scuffle and whips the boy whose clothing style irks him. Mark my words, God's Chosen People have invited their misfortunes, whatever the Western stooges parrot. You, like most, are a victim. The intellectual equivalent of the catmite-toy in some Jannizary barracks, who knows no other life.

Incorrect, it is intellectually and morally lazy to be prejudiced against an entire race if people or ethnic group based on your views or interactions with a particular individual or group. You probably don't even realize the term semitic refers to more than just Jewish identity.

You also don't seem to realize that being Jewish is of a twelve-fold inter-tribal covenant surrounded by and immersed with culture, language and heritage - not an ideology, kabal, irder or political regime.

Your argument amounts to "this dog bit me, probably because I was a dick, so we have to euthanize all dogs"

Or "because I don't like this Jewish person, I'm glad they were out into camps and faced genocide".

It is a childish argument, and fairly demented.

Make sure you know exactly who you are upset with, say what you mean, and mean what you say.


Nov 4, 2023
Reaction score
Incorrect, it is intellectually and morally lazy to be prejudiced against an entire race if people or ethnic group based on your views or interactions with a particular individual or group. You probably don't even realize the term semitic refers to more than just Jewish identity.

You also don't seem to realize that being Jewish is of a twelve-fold inter-tribal covenant surrounded by and immersed with culture, language and heritage - not an ideology, kabal, irder or political regime.

Your argument amounts to "this dog bit me, probably because I was a dick, so we have to euthanize all dogs"

Or "because I don't like this Jewish person, I'm glad they were out into camps and faced genocide".

It is a childish argument, and fairly demented.

Make sure you know exactly who you are upset with, say what you mean, and mean what you say.
I understand that this is directed at Xeno (who, I can assure you, understands the etymological and semantic history of "semitic" - it's generally a good idea to never presume that someone knows less than you - your spelling and grammar, at least, do not warrant otherwise), however, given that such exalted company is presently engaged in an, erm, "unforeseen hiatus" I will hazard what he's suggesting and await his correcting me upon his return...

He's not extrapolating his views from an experience of one individual person who "bit" him but he's considering a strong trend among Jews towards the anti-Western, anti-tradition, Far Left. This is beyond Karl Marx although Marx is a watershed moment in the modern world. Jewish overrepresentation on the Far Left is simultaneously
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by Jewish authors themselves. This overrepresentation was especially the case in the Soviet Union where in 1939, despite (according to
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) making up just under 3 million of the Soviets' 175.5 million population, Jews dominated in government positions, including, via
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, and
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, as three successive heads of the GULAG system, with many Jews in subordinate positions in that brutal system which had a major role in the murder
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. To put that into perspective, the highest claimed figure for Jewish victims of the Holocaust is 6 million. I often wonder why so few Westerners have even heard of the earlier, numerically greater atrocities which took place in Soviet Union (maybe Spielberg should make a movie about it?). It is worth bearing all of this in mind when wondering why so many of the nations that formed the Soviet Union welcomed the Germans as liberators and collaborated with them during the war. Today, Russia makes a great play on that historical fact, especially in Ukraine.

Speaking of the Germans, it's also worth mentioning that enormous Jewish overrepresentation on the German Far Left before 1933 involved Kurt Eisner, who was Jewish, literally forming a
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, the same principality which would later be the most ardently pro-Nazi. The role of Rosa Luxemburg, the co-leader of the Communist Party of Germany, in the November Revolution which overthrew all traditional pillars within German society is also indicative of a trend that sought to sow chaos and then violently overthrow governments before the dust cleared.

"Ah!", I can hear some thinking, "Of course Jews would want to overthrow countries where they were oppressed!". Jews were well integrated into pre-Hitler German society but even if we leave that out of the equation, it doesn't explain
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or massive Jewish overrepresentation on the American Far Left. In the case of America, even today (thankfully) few are likely to give much time to literal card-carrying communists, but there is real Jewish overrepresentation in academic anti-Whiteness, which is an avowedly, openly Marxist means of attacking American norms and ideas. When I was part of the academy the books of people like
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, Ruth Frankenberg, Judith Butler, Theodore Allen, Ella Shoat, etc., etc., etc., were dominant in the humanities but still, by the standards of wider society, niche. However, in the past 15 years those ideas have made spectacular inroads into American culture, largely with the help of the media. Terms like "white privilege" are now de jure but the roots of those terms and the ideology behind them are often not known to the people repeating the slogans.

As always, I am open to having my mind changed on this; there are, of course, non-Jews involved with these movements too. Yet, it's the fact that a tiny demographic is so overrepresented that is never explained. I have yet to encounter one scholar willing to debate the representation discrepancy. Either they pretend that they haven't heard or else they simply scream "Antisemitism!" at facts while turning their attentions to obvious lunacy such as QAnon, implying that such brain rot is somehow, tenuously, connected with noticing historical patterns.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I understand that this is directed at Xeno (who, I can assure you, understands the etymological and semantic history of "semitic" - it's generally a good idea to never presume that someone knows less than you - your spelling and grammar, at least, do not warrant otherwise), however, given that such exalted company is presently engaged in an, erm, "unforeseen hiatus" I will hazard what he's suggesting and await his correcting me upon his return...

He's not extrapolating his views from an experience of one individual person who "bit" him but he's considering a strong trend among Jews towards the anti-Western, anti-tradition, Far Left. This is beyond Karl Marx although Marx is a watershed moment in the modern world. Jewish overrepresentation on the Far Left is simultaneously
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by Jewish authors themselves. This overrepresentation was especially the case in the Soviet Union where in 1939, despite (according to
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) making up just under 3 million of the Soviets' 175.5 million population, Jews dominated in government positions, including, via
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, and
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, as three successive heads of the GULAG system, with many Jews in subordinate positions in that brutal system which had a major role in the murder
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. To put that into perspective, the highest claimed figure for Jewish victims of the Holocaust is 6 million. I often wonder why so few Westerners have even heard of the earlier, numerically greater atrocities which took place in Soviet Union (maybe Spielberg should make a movie about it?). It is worth bearing all of this in mind when wondering why so many of the nations that formed the Soviet Union welcomed the Germans as liberators and collaborated with them during the war. Today, Russia makes a great play on that historical fact, especially in Ukraine.

Speaking of the Germans, it's also worth mentioning that enormous Jewish overrepresentation on the German Far Left before 1933 involved Kurt Eisner, who was Jewish, literally forming a
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, the same principality which would later be the most ardently pro-Nazi. The role of Rosa Luxemburg, the co-leader of the Communist Party of Germany, in the November Revolution which overthrew all traditional pillars within German society is also indicative of a trend that sought to sow chaos and then violently overthrow governments before the dust cleared.

"Ah!", I can hear some thinking, "Of course Jews would want to overthrow countries where they were oppressed!". Jews were well integrated into pre-Hitler German society but even if we leave that out of the equation, it doesn't explain
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or massive Jewish overrepresentation on the American Far Left. In the case of America, even today (thankfully) few are likely to give much time to literal card-carrying communists, but there is real Jewish overrepresentation in academic anti-Whiteness, which is an avowedly, openly Marxist means of attacking American norms and ideas. When I was part of the academy the books of people like
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, Ruth Frankenberg, Judith Butler, Theodore Allen, Ella Shoat, etc., etc., etc., were dominant in the humanities but still, by the standards of wider society, niche. However, in the past 15 years those ideas have made spectacular inroads into American culture, largely with the help of the media. Terms like "white privilege" are now de jure but the roots of those terms and the ideology behind them are often not known to the people repeating the slogans.

As always, I am open to having my mind changed on this; there are, of course, non-Jews involved with these movements too. Yet, it's the fact that a tiny demographic is so overrepresented that is never explained. I have yet to encounter one scholar willing to debate the representation discrepancy. Either they pretend that they haven't heard or else they simply scream "Antisemitism!" at facts while turning their attentions to obvious lunacy such as QAnon, implying that such brain rot is somehow, tenuously, connected with noticing historical patterns.
Well put.


Nov 4, 2023
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Well put.
In light of my above comment, I would like to add a clarification. After an earlier post on a similar subject, a user DM'd me asking how I can reconcile something as individualistic as the LHP with seemingly collective ideas about Jews. Additionally, my favourite Bolshevist on the forum believes me to be a Nazi (not because of a careful reading of what I have written but because key words are detected and calm rationality then goes out the window). While I rather enjoy that, I do think truth is best served by being clear: I do not think there is a biological reason why Jews have predominated among the furthest reaches of the Far Left. I think the roots are tribally psychological.

If a Protestant or a Catholic came to me and said they wanted to take up LHP practice, my first port of call would be to talk to them about the ways in which Protestant/Catholic programming has influenced them. Even if they've been brought up in a secular environment, they will have imbibed sectarian programming to some extent and it all becomes suddenly clear when the Protestant realises that their ideas about initiatory success are tied to money/job and the Catholic realises that they cannot even masturbate without guilt joining the party. It's not controversial to talk about types of Christian programming in these terms. However, it is controversial to talk about Judaism and its programming.

Just as Protestantism and Catholicism have their programs, so too does Judaism and the most destructive of these are tied with the notion of being the "chosen people". For religious Jews, if they're not outright hostile towards the goyim, this "chosenness" carries with it a sense that they have been charged by God with carrying forward the human race. This belief (along with some Nepotism) is at the core of Jewish overrepresentation among Nobel prize winners and within prestigious industries (retconned as proof of God's covenant with them). It is not an accident that the founder of Communism was Jewish, as Communism is essentially a secularisation of Jewish theology, complete with the idea of carrying forward or "liberating" mankind by force. This, of course, has always ended as badly as any intelligent person would predict but programs are deeply rooted and so you will see the same people willing to make the same mistakes over and over again no matter what chaos and waste results. The same programming is at play among Marxist academics. In a sense, those who are not from a Jewish background but who engage in such fields have Judaised themselves because they have adopted programming that has its roots in Judaism.

For my part, I am not prepared to cover my eyes, ears and mouth and pretend that none of this is going on - no more than I would pretend that Catholicism makes for healthy sexual attitudes. What I have described is real and, because of how influential it is, it will lead to disaster for everyone (as it already is) if it is not recognised publicly. If that means people who cannot control their jerking-knees say I am "literally Hitler", that's alright with me. Being called a Nazi doesn't push my buttons in the way it does others. Equally, I am not prepared to feed into someone else's insane notion about a monstrous, non-existent deity giving them a role as unasked for saviour of mankind.

While I would tell a Protestant that de-programming might mean spending a week as a hobo or a Catholic to play Whore of Babylon, I would tell any prospective Jewish LHPer that their de-programming must involve sitting down, shutting up and recognising that others may do a far better job of leading mankind to the Promised Land than they ever could. If that upsets them, or others, they're no different from the robots they'd like to lead.