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Occult Tutorials, News and Articles

Article-style posting for your detailed tutorials, news posts, and other such articles.
Often we are in such a state because we have not been breathing properly, and have mistaken an illusion for the real thing. 1. Begin rhythmic breathing to the count of 4 or 5 seconds - Breathe in 4, Hold 4, Out 4, Pause 4. Continue and repeat. 2. Begin Body Awareness. Notice where tension is and visualize a golden ball of light there resolving pain or tension, anywhere in the body until the entire body glows. 3. Sit comfortably, breathing rhythmically. 4. Perform the Qaballistic Cross...
A few hours ago, beloved occult author Jake Stratton-Kent passed away after months in the hospital due to a sudden stroke. This came as news to me only a few minutes ago, and not many details have been released yet, except presumably on his Patreon. I am truly gutted that I did not know sooner. May he rest in peace. https://www.patreon.com/jakestrattonkent
Simply said in the title. In addition to the seven Spirits of God, I will be collecting info on each archangel in turn, in a sephiroth manner, and their assistants, emissaries and so on. Sources will be cited. 1671797613 Starting in Earth, we have Sandalphon and Uriel/Ariel/Auriel. I have already covered Uriel in this post: https://wizardforums.com/threads/an-underrated-and-overlooked-arch-angel-who-is-critically-important-uriel.1949/ Sandalphon is next, then Gabriel. This will be daily to...
Im from mexico, i searching for any guide, i whant some occultism books, and, i whant to reach a "secta" with my partner. Plz help
I read a bit on this forum. And I have the following question. I like to talk about it and hope some get an idea about what I mean or talk about and I think it is a bit new to. We have had a lot of stuff. I wonder if many of us are old heathens and take old knowledge with us from long time ago and time is a weird thing and I do not go through all those details. I believe in your six sense and intuïtion. And many people have many visions. Without no doubt. My experience is that it is not...
Truly a tragedy. It's still accessible via Tor, but unless you have a premium account, it's pretty unusable because you have a shared IP and other people who download from the same Tor exit node count towards your daily quota.
Use of the Middle Pillar Ritual/Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram The Middle Pillar by Israel Francis Regardie, he lists several variations on use of both the Middle Pillar Ritual and the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, as well as the Qabbalistic Cross Ritual. If you think they are only used for demonic or angelic work, think again. Egyptian, Native American, etc variations exist in the book. It also has tons of info on practical use and psychology behind magic. Severely underrated and unread...
Hi, I am interested in learning about some demon summoning techniques with an emphasis on demonology themes from The Lesser Key of Solomon. I am also open to any other summonings, incantations, or black magick spells that could be useful for a novice esotericist.
Excerpt from the Book of Abrasax, derived from London Oriental MS 5525. 1. Begin the rite using the Adjuration of Metatron ([Tutorial] - The Adjuration of Metatron — a banishing / protection spell.) 2. When the Adjuration of Metatron is completed, maintain the visualizations created therein, to wit: the presence of Metatron at each side of the temple. 3. Incant thus: I adjure you by your name and your power, by your figure and your amulet of salvation and the places where you dwell! By...
Energy is like electricity. It exist, no matter what you do, and by itself is strong, but you can use it in many ways and forms if you know where to put, how to work with it. Have you ever heard about Tulpas? Beings who are designed by an actual person, fed by their own energy to the point they actually become able to have it's own consciousness, speak, think, act the way they want, and even develop themselves and their personalities - which sometimes even causes trouble to the 'creator'...
The Angels of the Shemhamephorash have gained a lot of popularity amongst magicians and witches of all kinds in recent years. "The 24 Triangles" is based on the short description of the Angels given by Ambelain in La Kabbalah Practique. All Psalms are given (and corrected) in the Latin of the Vulgate and the corresponding Hebrew. Through picking apart the names it became possible to explain the reasoning for their assigned powers, and alternative Psalms were added. The names of the...
Hey How do I go about Abermalin's magic squares? Do I replqce letters with a different alphabet? Just a piece of white notepad paper and a blue pen? Do I read the words? https://ibb.co/album/wJnGHW
While I do not normally work with the Saints, I have had good results with Saint Expedite, despite that I asked for a number of things at once. Below is the ritual I use for contacting Saint Expedite, which is a slightly modified version of the one found in 'strategic sorcery'. RITE: PRAYER TO SAINT EXPEDITE Saint Expedite, Noble Roman youth, martyr, You who quickly brings things to pass, You who never delays, I come to you in need -- (State your petition) Do this for me, Saint...
Friday night in front of the Frankfurt discotheque King Kamehameha. At the corner of Hanauer Landstraße, on the forecourt, people who have been thrown out, in their work suits and clothes, drunk and desperate, stagger and fall on their knees in pools of undefined liquids and vomit. Spectral beings feed on them, whirling just above their heads, draining them of multicolored pulsing spheres of life energy. The spindly creatures turn their faces to the pale moon and howl in triumph and...
"If you meet Buddha on the way - then kill him!" [Roshi saying] Everyone has heard the term karma at some point and will certainly have found one or the other explanation for it. So this is just a reminder: The term karma comes from Asian religions, Hinduism and Buddhism. Etymologically, karma (or kamma) can be traced back to the Sanskrit root "kr" meaning "to do". So karma means the "deed", but does not only describe the law of cause and effect of deeds, as is often wrongly assumed in...
RUNES ~ Historical Uses~ Runes were angular symbols meant to be scratched onto hard surfaces, such as wood, bone, or antler. Some later Anglo-Saxons did however write them with ink on parchment. Runes are first and foremost a writing system like any alphabet. Runes are meant to convey words and sentences. The majority of runic artefacts convey simple words or prosaic messages. However, any writing symbol can also be used for esoteric purposes (magic). There are a considerable number...
There's a lot of misinformation on the cemetery and I decided to write a guide for people that live remotely and can't find an irl teacher. The best cemeteries to work are ones that are neglected. The same is true for particular graves. Spirits that have been neglected are generally more willing to offer help in exchange for attention. This attention can be offering tobacco, liquor, money, or even mass/prayer. The cemetery has its own rules and magic. It is best to be introduced to the...
A lot of people miss the Inquisition: there was something about it - these medieval torture chambers and the great costumes and you got to see something of the world (at least the places where you could find decent heretics). Better still, inquisitors had the full support of medieval power, nobles, bishops and popes, for they could confiscate the lands and belongings of those who did not think along their lines. Waves of fear shook entire cities when an Inquisitor suddenly stopped and...
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas The central N in "tenet" can stand for Nahas (snake, fish/ichthys). "Setaer ro 's pinnah nahas" then meant: "The secret of the turning point is the snake". Nahas has the same numerical value as Messiah. In Gnostic representations we repeatedly see the snake nailed to the "tau", a symbol of the caduceus, the original symbol of magic. The relevant word is the Hebrew TOLa, beginning with a tau and translated as "worm". But this worm is not just any worm, it...
"And the first men who were formed and created were called the sorcerers of deadly laughter, the sorcerers of the night, the savages, the black wizards... Their strength was intelligence, they succeeded to know everything there was in the world. When they saw, then they knew everything that surrounded them and they contemplated the arch of heaven and that round face of the earth... (And the Creator said): "You know about everything... what should we do with them now? Just allow their...