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Wizard Wars

Sep 9, 2021
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For all you seasoned adepts and magi who pulled themelves up in the magic world by their own bootstraps, how do you deal with wizards who have a bone to pick with you out of nowhere?
Are some people really that bored and malicious?
What are good grounds for magical war, vs self defense?
What's the best book on middle hand path or grey Magick cursing and binding?
I'm a newbie at those.


Jun 30, 2021
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Well, if you speak of things you notice right now, id say thats because of the queens death. I for myself im throwing as much evil in their portal for as long as possible, so it can leave. Not my bloodline, nor country, nor my deeds ever. If a warlock still doesnt want to let go of that shit, i just throw him/her with. Im done no more slavery.
And yes people are really that bad. Why do you think ifriet hate people? And theyre no fun either.
Best defense is offense. So i offense that death bitch and pray her son will follow her soon. They thought i would be done, but that was just 1 part of my family out of their gross hands.

You say youve been bad and you also have studied rhp, i can smell that on you. Now accepting that from the centre of what is the good you in you for yourself only, makes you grey, nothing else.

And you're not a newbie and you know it.


ᶜᵒᵍⁿⁱᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵇᵉʰᵃᵛⁱᵒʳᵃˡ ᶜʳʸᵒᵗʰᵉʳᵃᵖʸ
Jan 9, 2022
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For all you seasoned adepts and magi who pulled themelves up in the magic world by their own bootstraps, how do you deal with wizards who have a bone to pick with you out of nowhere?
I usually don't, because most of their attempts barely if ever reaches me, even if their doing their best. One of the most important thing is your actual health, in body, in mind and psyché. Most attacks and negative impulses are coming from wounded and unstable people, and a stable, healthy defense - just as your immune system - will not even bend.

In my case, it often happened that the sent attacks actually backfired, and caused troubles in these persons' life. Of course, these are cases I know about, I'm unsure and I truly don't care how much attacks actually happened. People liked to stick to child games, so who am I to judge them, but I didn't even have to put any effort into enjoy these funny outcomes.
Are some people really that bored and malicious?​
First of all yes, of course they can be, but these malicious intent are usually not coming from actual strength or sheer malice. It has countless reasons why people attack others, but what I noticed that many magicias are simply squirting their own ego out of their existence and living it by trying to use their powers to harm others if they have issues - which is their issues - and/or experiment, while others are simply have weak emotional control - so they try to cope with it by attacking others, or many cope with any other kind of issues in their life. It's indeed malicious, but not that type of sheer malice what you'd truly want to worry about, trust me.

It's like having a weapon in your hand. If someone tells you to "Shut the fuck up." you can ignore it and walk away with that weapon, because you know that this disrespectful behavior is truly worthless to even bother, because you confident enough to know where is your place and where is his, or you can decide to shoot him, because you are annoyed by that or offended. It's a scenario out of many. You want to worry of those who'll shoot you because why not? Because they just have the mood and because they are actually really confident about what they are doing, not involving any type of energy which would weaken the accuracy and effectiveness of their spell or aimed negative, malicious energies to hit the target.

At the end of the day you'll realize the reason is barely matters to a victim, no matter what. Moral is a fiction, so people who find joy or coping by being aggressive is just a way how we or any other being has been programmed. Live with it, and get stronger to not become a victim. It's not as depressing as it may sound, I think it's actually quite entertaining.
What are good grounds for magical war, vs self defense?​
I think it really depends on your situation, and how you actually would like to approach it. I'm all about my moods, however I'm really observant and calculating. I doubt that I actually had been attacked succesfully enough to made me wonder at all, what to do? I'd say, just measure your situation and be creative. Think about what type of energies you can manifest the most effective way to use it, and calculate what you can do with it. There are countless ways how you can handle a situation, so just be creative, whether you are defensive, protective or offensive.​
Sep 9, 2021
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I had at one time a book called 101 Curses or the like.
Also had The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook, a great reference and reading.


Jun 30, 2021
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Tru, but god damn! Makes a lots of gods leave without having to do much. And silly, but that bitch is called now queen of decency, so yes shit, fuck, ass, damn, may she rot in hell! And put some porn up, anything undecent works.

Not just now, but eh leave such an oppurtunity to the other side, me thinks not.

Btw theres is one thing i do like about the brits. They have a female version of the middle finger: make a rabithand with pointyfinger and middle finger and have the palm of your hand face you. Then throw those fingers in the air like a woman would her legs. One can make it worse by putting ones tongue inbetween the 2 fingers afterwards and wiggle it.

Thats how you curse a fucking bitch ho queen.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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wizards who have a bone to pick with you out of nowhere
Why do you seem to attract this? You've been making threads like this for a while, there's always someone or thing latching on to your chakras or an entity sent to harass you.

Clear your mind, banish, take a break from reading advices and chill.

Be the master of your mind instead of letting someone feed you bullshit to make you dependent on them.


May 22, 2022
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Tru, but god damn! Makes a lots of gods leave without having to do much. And silly, but that bitch is called now queen of decency, so yes shit, fuck, ass, damn, may she rot in hell! And put some porn up, anything undecent works.

Not just now, but eh leave such an oppurtunity to the other side, me thinks not.

Btw theres is one thing i do like about the brits. They have a female version of the middle finger: make a rabithand with pointyfinger and middle finger and have the palm of your hand face you. Then throw those fingers in the air like a woman would her legs. One can make it worse by putting ones tongue inbetween the 2 fingers afterwards and wiggle it.

Thats how you curse a fucking bitch ho queen.
ITT: Mudras of the Bronx


Jun 30, 2021
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Mudras of Charlois, rotterdam. Still the shithole of shitholes. I know who i am and they know too. Why do you think i stand next to royal blood in such occasions?


Feb 10, 2022
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@Telafiel, I agree with what you say. Yet, having experienced weakness through and through, while being weak you can't just easily quit being a victim to whatever powers are overwhelming you. And then you have a hard time to find out how to cope with all the shit. Getting strong and being able to defend yourself or even getting that strong that you don't even realize any attacks, can be a long and winding road. ;)


May 22, 2022
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Mudras of Charlois, rotterdam. Still the shithole of shitholes. I know who i am and they know too. Why do you think i stand next to royal blood in such occasions?
Ah, Sharloys. At least the Sultan Lounge offers enjoyable Tajines.


Jun 30, 2021
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Oef both very wrong. Sjaarloos and my home made tajine is wayy better. I went to morocco and my muminlaw had to kick out all the women when i was cooking. They wanted to learn from me. And their family cooks for their royals, so go figure...

Restaurant sultan is good for when you want to impress guests and dont want to bother your wife with it. 😉


ᶜᵒᵍⁿⁱᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵇᵉʰᵃᵛⁱᵒʳᵃˡ ᶜʳʸᵒᵗʰᵉʳᵃᵖʸ
Jan 9, 2022
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@Telafiel, I agree with what you say. Yet, having experienced weakness through and through, while being weak you can't just easily quit being a victim to whatever powers are overwhelming you. And then you have a hard time to find out how to cope with all the shit. Getting strong and being able to defend yourself or even getting that strong that you don't even realize any attacks, can be a long and winding road. ;)
It's not about "quit being the victim", it's about making actual effort to understand how things works, and realize what are the most effective weapons against you, and one of them is literally in hand, wherever you go; because that weapon is actually you. You will never be truly successful until you understand yourself and the fact how great is your own role/importance when things comes to magic - or technically anything you would go for - whether you are the attacker, the attacked or a protector.
You can spend a lifetime with reading books and buying tons of items believing they have actual power and still stuck with the same and many issues - and how many magicians making these mistakes - because you didn't make any step further for the one thing which wield the most power and will stay with you life by life, no matter what.

Your biggest enemy is not any other magician neither - even if they can mean real threat and I never stated it can't happen -, but your fears, excuses, blocks, wrongly set focuses and illusions are worse than any of them. I've seen countless people starting to panic when things come to curses or even the slightest suspicion of getting cursed, which literally fed this whole situation.

So, you have a weapon which meant to overcome technically anything if well used, then what is the problem here? The problem is that you can be pretty much controlled - you don't have to even scratch magical levels in this one, just look around in social media and marketing, it's all about sense manipulation and mindcontrol, building up fear, anxiety, self-esteem disorder, lack of self-confidence etc.. Unfortunately, there are countless ways how we can let ourselves to get manipulated or manipulate ourselves directly - which is probably the worst -.
Getting strong and being able to defend yourself or even getting that strong that you don't even realize any attacks, can be a long and winding road.​
Oh, indeed. I'm more than aware of this and in fact, the "long and winding road" actually means more than a short lifetime. 🙂

As you may see, we're all on different level and yes, we all start on a different level when we born already, because we all continue our journey where we last finished, and sometimes we manage to carry some things with ourselves. Indeed, some people carries many knowledge, wisdom and power carved in their life what they fought for, suffer for, risk for, and sweat blood for and earned already, so they have an advantage, but this is not because they are spoiled. It's because they went for it in spite of the circumstances.
Look at the evolution. The still alive creatures are a fruit of a LONG history, a truly tiring and ceaseless fight for survival to evolve and be able to stand still. Wherever you go you can see, real strength / power never comes free.

My life was, in spite of how many things I managed to bring with myself, still was a terrible fight, where several rape attempts, molestation, domestic violence and murder attempts, also suicide happened. Was it easy to carry out? Of course not, but easy times will not make strong people nor make you evolve and overcome what you face. What life ultimately taught to me:
  • You're alone a complete being
  • Weakness is a choice
  • Taking care of yourself, loving yourself and fighting for yourself; these are all YOUR duties, so not expect anyone to do these for you
Yes, this life of mine was about to give a different lesson to me at this time, than I got in the previous ones. Or maybe I just failed in those. All what matters is to take the lessons you get, because it all part of your development, to become stronger.

A wise Spirit once said; "[...] Comparing themselves to those around them lead to weakness and stunts their growth."
It has it good side, but if our mind is poisoned, it'll lead to our own fall. We're all fighting a war on different levels. What is the point of comparing ourselves to anyone else around? The only thing what truly matters is to be strong enough to fight those fights which are meant to be yours. This is the reason why you have those fights, and not any others'. Your soul is pretty much knows what it's doing, so trust in it. Or should I say, trust in yourself?

Last edited:


Feb 10, 2022
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  • You're alone a complete being
  • Weakness is a choice
  • Taking care of yourself, loving yourself and fighting for yourself; these are all YOUR duties, so not expect anyone to do these for you

1 + 3 have my full agreement.

2: of course you can always choose to pretend to be strong and fight. Yet your strength might be so little, that you still will be the weak side in the battle and you will lose and suffer. I am not only talking about magical attacks, but about life in general, as you do in your posting too. There is a point, where pretending to still be the strong person who is able to fight back, while all the debris is falling down on you, means not only lying to yourself, it might also mean breaking you completely and losing even the little you could've saved otherwise. Knowing, understanding, loving, caring and fighting for yourself means being bloody honest to yourself. So no, weakness is not always a choice.


ᶜᵒᵍⁿⁱᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵇᵉʰᵃᵛⁱᵒʳᵃˡ ᶜʳʸᵒᵗʰᵉʳᵃᵖʸ
Jan 9, 2022
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1 + 3 have my full agreement.

2: of course you can always choose to pretend to be strong and fight. Yet your strength might be so little, that you still will be the weak side in the battle and you will lose and suffer. I am not only talking about magical attacks, but about life in general, as you do in your posting too. There is a point, where pretending to still be the strong person who is able to fight back, while all the debris is falling down on you, means not only lying to yourself, it might also mean breaking you completely and losing even the little you could've saved otherwise. Knowing, understanding, loving, caring and fighting for yourself means being bloody honest to yourself. So no, weakness is not always a choice.
Depends on what you call weakness. Weak will is weakness you can chose. The proof is simple. If I'd chose to be weak willed, I'd be dead for about more than three times now. Fear is no exception. Fear an feeling you can decide to let it to control your life or not and I'm telling this because I know what I'm talking about. These were fights and moments, situations where nobody care about me and where I truly had to learn how to fight for myself. In a lifestate where humans or any living being are the most vulnerable: as a child.

I'm not biased about myself, I value the fight I fought alone and I know that so many other people are out there who know what it truly means, and should never feel bad about overcoming what they had to face so early, or any period in their life.
If my confidence about myself discourages or demotivates others, it's something they have to investigate in themselves. I don't feel bad when I see a strong person, I have no reason to. I don't have reason to question whether someone is pretending or not, because the truth is; if he truly does, he'll face the consequences, if not, he is pretty much can stand on his ground.
I'm not talling you to live in a dream, and believe that you are Superman, and jump off of a skyscraper. I'm telling you to realize the potential in you and do not let that things you can overcome, overcome you instead. And yes, the more fight you win the more things you can achieve and the stronger you can grow.

As I suggested to the OP; measure. There is a reason why I'm talking about get know yourself and understand yourself, no matter what circumstances you are in, because it's really important to make a good choice, which is going to be YOUR choice. Not mine, not his or her, but yours. Even if you just decided to follow a suggestion; you did the final step, you pay the price. So decide wisely!
Knowing, understanding, loving, caring and fighting for yourself means being bloody honest to yourself. So no, weakness is not always a choice.​
Being bloody honest with myself is the only reason I'm alive. This is why I'm telling, as a survivor, it's a decision. Nobody can change my mind about this particular thing, and I'm sure that ultimately, it doesn't matter for you nor anyone else, because my story is my Cross, I can't do more harm to you than you can do to yourself.​


May 22, 2022
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What happens is:

A knock on the door, outside the disciple of another wizard, very polite, very sleazy. He carries a package wrapped in dark paper: A gift from his master for me. In recognition of my achievements and in humble friendship, yada, yada.
I react very friendly, denying the "honour" and the gift and send him back.

Then I ring up one of my disciples. I hand him a package that still another wizard managed to be placed at my door without further notice. And send him to the first wizard with it. Then I take my black paper and envelope, draw a nice sigil on the paper with with white ink. And send it to him with the postal service.

This is how wizards make war. In fact these letters and packages are extremely old. Nobody knows what's in them but you must be out of your mind to open them. You do not want to get entangled in what seems to be a decades old vendetta of unknown origin.

And yes, there is love and care in this. Something only we understand.


Jun 30, 2021
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and i play mailmaid. its fun when you know how. otherwise not so much. its a bit like flirting, some know some better dont.
i can play stupid too and open the mail. thats bad, very bad. so i get punished and discordia wins again.
Hail Eris! and dont forget your hotdog its friday...
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Sep 29, 2021
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We do not take "presents" from other wizards. Never.
I swear I've met people who need this tattooed on their foreheads.

@OP, I've found that a good prevention measure is found through honest and sincere spiritual work. The more you inflame yourself with prayer and have genuine spiritual contact, the more you will be elevated by those spirits and they will stand by you.

The best protected people I know are those who have built strong relationships with the other side through work and in some cases worship.

They'll get a message in a dream that there was some action taken against them, and usually come out if it having to do little more than a short cleansing bath and prayers of thanksgiving to their spirits. These people are fine within a day, and blessed within a week, all thanks to the way they live their lives with their spirits.

And Öwnchef is right, don't take presents from wizards...except me, I promise nothing is cursed, I just hoard too many trinkets.


Jun 30, 2021
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You remind me of the days i was hoarding for xmas tree ornaments. It is becoming a beautiful tree... And i asked bad santa to protect it. We had a long conversation and in the end we came to a deal: we go to war together, i just like it too much.

So to me the ones who take a bath and go forth are boring, i rather go kill crush and destroy myself. Whats the fun in doing nothing? But then again those people have a more demanding mundane life then i have.

So we all differ in dealing with unwanted presents, but in the end if you dont move long enough a present becomes a current and a source becomes a river.