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Christianity + Occult


Apr 28, 2021
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I agree again with mart on the statement of:

No one thing or being can take control of ones own destiny. Faith is a leap not a restriction
I disagree. Do you think we decide what happens to us when we die? I think its in the hands of more powerful entities.
May 18, 2021
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i dont believe in fearing the unknown or letting it influence our decisions. We only get to do this once, what if everyone is wrong about that? or right cant let that effect our decisions here and now. just my thoughts


Apr 20, 2021
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I disagree. Do you think we decide what happens to us when we die? I think its in the hands of more powerful entities.
You asked a question because you wanted to know. Meaning you don't have solid basis for disagreeing, only preconceptions and church doctrine.
It is said you can influence your reincarnation to some degree, if you make enough spiritual advancement while you're alive. I personally have a feeling that at some point we are able to choose whether we want to reincarnate or move on to higher planes of existence, but that might be dependant on the sum of our past lives.


Jun 30, 2021
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my first steps into the occult started when i already was a moslim for over 20 years. i got the same fears as mentioned above. what will happen to my soul??
i decided to eat pork. i almost puked, but i did it anyways. i was shaking with fear and all that stuff, but nothing happened. i was still me, my soul was still my soul. it didnt get punished nor did i get expelled from being one of gods children. it took some time to realise that we create a sort of prison in our mind for our selves, where there are rules that dont have anything to do with believing in god.

so overall what you are facing is a discussion with your mind, when you listen to your heart and follow things that way it gets easier and you will understand from within that yes occult and christianity go together. why else would you be on this site and asking questions ;)

an idea is to take up meditating, so you learn to hear your inner voice better.
also reading the bible with an open mind and exploring all the ideas that pop up helped me a lot. a lot of the stories in the bible whether tru or false have deeper meanings ie are occult. learning to understand those stories and looking where they fit or do not fit your paradigm keeps you out of the blasphemy lane. ;)


Jun 14, 2021
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With no sarcasm at all intended... what kind of God do you believe in? There was a lot in Christianity I couldn't stomach, simply because I couldn't imagine ever doing such things even to my cat, much less my own children. I couldn't imagine a loving god even having much patience LISTENING to people say he would do such things, much less actually doing them; not just from a faith, what I felt, perspective, but just from a common sense (to me) perspective. For me, that ended in me walking away from Christianity, but I know others who simply reconciled that doctrine didn't accurately reflect their god.

Personally, I think that we have more choice than we imagine when we die, as to what happens next; and I suspect where we end up has a lot to do with who we claim, and who claims us. No doctrine or text to support it, just what I think. 😄


Jun 30, 2021
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my god is the One who states the One is incomprehensable and is outside of our domain. so i might say in a sense the same god you found. i also totally dont understand why some things happen and why i am put in this place. and i totally agree with the future you picture. no doctrine or text to support that either. ;)


Jun 14, 2021
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Very much so. That was what I was suggesting to Lemongrass; the answer is perhaps as simple as, as a Christian, does it make sense to him that his God considers occult rituals blasphemous? Though, of course, in many ways, that's not simple at all.


Apr 16, 2021
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Starting with researching how other cultures integrate Christianity into their occult could help give you an idea of the variety of practices one could take on without getting outside of your comfort level. As has been stated, Hoodoo, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Hermetics, all have Abrahamic ties.

You might might also want to look into how Hispanic cultures blend the too as well. In the Caribbean you’ll find paths like Espiritismo which heavily uses Christian based practices. In Central and South America you’ll find folk magic connections to Catholicism.

Remember that wherever Spain, Portugal and Rome could land a ship on, they did everything they could to convert the indigenous people. Even going as far as learning the indigenous culture and showing them similarities between Christianity and their beliefs to make them more willing to convert. Those encounters resulted in a wide variety of occult practices being developed with Christian influences. All of that resulted in a way bigger melding of Christianity and the occult than you think.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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With no sarcasm at all intended... what kind of God do you believe in? There was a lot in Christianity I couldn't stomach, simply because I couldn't imagine ever doing such things even to my cat, much less my own children. I couldn't imagine a loving god even having much patience LISTENING to people say he would do such things, much less actually doing them; not just from a faith, what I felt, perspective, but just from a common sense (to me) perspective. For me, that ended in me walking away from Christianity, but I know others who simply reconciled that doctrine didn't accurately reflect their god.

Personally, I think that we have more choice than we imagine when we die, as to what happens next; and I suspect where we end up has a lot to do with who we claim, and who claims us. No doctrine or text to support it, just what I think. 😄
I very much was of the same school of thought before just stopping being Christian. I looked at all the hate and bigotry many Christians preached, and thought it was an oxymoron. If you're not doing something that's truly, intrinsically harmful to yourself or others, I saw no reason for there to be a dogma about it. I think a metric ton of that dogma is humans adding on their own bias.

The bible has been hand-copied, translated/re-translated, and changed here and there for the better part of 2000 years. Mostly by clergy with their own political agendas, since remember, the church used to be a stronger political power than actual governments. There's no way in hell what we have as the bible now would be 100% the original thing. Especially since the bible as we know it, is only a tiny sliver of original scripture to begin with. The first few hundred years of Christianity had a metric shit ton of various clergymen debating back and forth about which of these books were "canon", with people disagreeing all the time and calling each other heretics. Only later on, when the church rose as a centralized authority, did things finally get laid out and somebody said "Okay, this is heresy and this isn't."


Apr 28, 2021
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I very much was of the same school of thought before just stopping being Christian. I looked at all the hate and bigotry many Christians preached, and thought it was an oxymoron. If you're not doing something that's truly, intrinsically harmful to yourself or others, I saw no reason for there to be a dogma about it. I think a metric ton of that dogma is humans adding on their own bias.

The bible has been hand-copied, translated/re-translated, and changed here and there for the better part of 2000 years. Mostly by clergy with their own political agendas, since remember, the church used to be a stronger political power than actual governments. There's no way in hell what we have as the bible now would be 100% the original thing. Especially since the bible as we know it, is only a tiny sliver of original scripture to begin with. The first few hundred years of Christianity had a metric shit ton of various clergymen debating back and forth about which of these books were "canon", with people disagreeing all the time and calling each other heretics. Only later on, when the church rose as a centralized authority, did things finally get laid out and somebody said "Okay, this is heresy and this isn't."
I definitely agree with that but also the Dead Sea scrolls found verify a lot of what the Bible says and is fairly close considering the various authors and translations over 2,000 years.


Jul 9, 2021
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Can you be Christian while still practicing occult rituals or is it seen as blasphemous? Is anyone here a Christian and if so how do they reconcile the two?
The simple answer is if you are a true Christian you wouldn’t practice the occult at all. If anyone tells you different it’s because they are rationalizing their own desires to feel good about being a Christian and still get to dabble in the naughty stuff. Christianity is clear -spiritism is out of the question.
That being said….. Catholicism is one big occult party and in no way biblical based when it comes to saint invocation and Mary (mother goddess) worship. So tons of “Christians“ are involved in the occult anyway.
If you want to be a Christian be one - and that means trusting in Jesus and doing good is all you need for a successful happy life that ends in salvation. If that isn’t good enough for you then have at it, but you won’t be a true Christian from a biblical standpoint. Ask yourself this- would the Jesus you know in the Bible sit down and do a magickal ritual with you? You know the answer to that.
I don’t identify as a Christian but I know what it teaches - so take it for what its worth.


Apr 28, 2021
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The simple answer is if you are a true Christian you wouldn’t practice the occult at all. If anyone tells you different it’s because they are rationalizing their own desires to feel good about being a Christian and still get to dabble in the naughty stuff. Christianity is clear -spiritism is out of the question.
That being said….. Catholicism is one big occult party and in no way biblical based when it comes to saint invocation and Mary (mother goddess) worship. So tons of “Christians“ are involved in the occult anyway.
If you want to be a Christian be one - and that means trusting in Jesus and doing good is all you need for a successful happy life that ends in salvation. If that isn’t good enough for you then have at it, but you won’t be a true Christian from a biblical standpoint. Ask yourself this- would the Jesus you know in the Bible sit down and do a magickal ritual with you? You know the answer to that.
I don’t identify as a Christian but I know what it teaches - so take it for what its worth.
It’s interesting though the tradition of Magick in ancient Judaism and Christianity. There’s also several first century artwork depicting Jesus with a wand which is pretty intriguing. I am a Christian and the way I rationalized it is that if you’re deviating the power from God with his permission then it is not blasphemous.


Aug 29, 2021
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there is magic considered Christian I guess, I mean you’re invoking angels and God to control demons etc, sand in Kabbalah, there are amulets etc.

but there are spiritual do’s and dont’s....idk what they are. Rufus Opus had a lot of good books on mag8c from a Christian perspective


Aug 29, 2021
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The simple answer is if you are a true Christian you wouldn’t practice the occult at all. If anyone tells you different it’s because they are rationalizing their own desires to feel good about being a Christian and still get to dabble in the naughty stuff. Christianity is clear -spiritism is out of the question.
That being said….. Catholicism is one big occult party and in no way biblical based when it comes to saint invocation and Mary (mother goddess) worship. So tons of “Christians“ are involved in the occult anyway.
If you want to be a Christian be one - and that means trusting in Jesus and doing good is all you need for a successful happy life that ends in salvation. If that isn’t good enough for you then have at it, but you won’t be a true Christian from a biblical standpoint. Ask yourself this- would the Jesus you know in the Bible sit down and do a magickal ritual with you? You know the answer to that.
I don’t identify as a Christian but I know what it teaches - so take it for what its worth.
I have to disagree....even in the Bible what is done you might call it magic, God wanting animal sacrifice, the sacrifice isn’t just bbq...the spirits get energy from it.


Aug 31, 2021
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I'm more worried about the fate of my eternal soul

I don't think you should be too worried. The vibration of the soul is greatly above that of the typical human and therefore is not affected by the foolishness of the human.

The human belongs to the soul - not the other way around.

Alternatively we might say that the flow of Spirit that anchors in the human heart is never contaminated by the human deficiencies.

Still, what power would a religion have if it said that your soul is unaffected and will ignore you until you improve yourself?


Apr 28, 2021
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I don't think you should be too worried. The vibration of the soul is greatly above that of the typical human and therefore is not affected by the foolishness of the human.

The human belongs to the soul - not the other way around.

Alternatively we might say that the flow of Spirit that anchors in the human heart is never contaminated by the human deficiencies.

Still, what power would a religion have if it said that your soul is unaffected and will ignore you until you improve yourself?
Very interesting perspective I have not heard before. I’ve always thought of the soul as part of being of a person, like consciousness, which can be altered and can be pure and corrupt so a human would have great influence on their soul by their choices. Also my views are heavily filtered through a Christian lenses and biases.

what is your opinion of the afterlife of humans or the ultimate fate of the soul?


Aug 31, 2021
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It is said that the type of Spirit that produces human souls can have up to 12 souls and each soul can have up to 12 humans. In this way the Spirit increases its chances of producing a useful human - to do what?

The human consciousness goes through various experiences after the death of the human body until it is ready for another try.

In Beethoven's 3rd symphony he portrays the 3 possible deaths - physical, emotional and mental. Most humans only experience 1 or 2 deaths - remaining on emotional or mental levels until being reincarnated.

It turns out that the Source knew about recycling long ago.


Sep 2, 2021
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Can you be Christian while still practicing occult rituals or is it seen as blasphemous? Is anyone here a Christian and if so how do they reconcile the two?
A few years ago I was doing a lot of gambling, I was addicted to it. Sometimes I lost some money during the game. I prayed and usually I won the lost money back within a few minutes. I’ve also done a lot candle magic with good results. ”Ask and you shall receive”. I wish everyone a beautiful autumn 😊