• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

I see the Ghosts of navigators, but they're lost.


Oct 29, 2023
Reaction score
Don't mind the Iron Maiden tittle, im just that cool.

Um, can we get better navigation specifically on Books and Authors.
See i was just doing my duty and looking over what i might have and the library lacks when i was beset by a demon most foul.
On searching up an Author you might have to scroll through times they were mentioned in unrelated posts, this includes book tittles.
I, with my 2 weeks seniority on WF do hereby proclaim we, the people, require someone to tweak around down there, it's a bit too clunky anyway you look at it.
and make it so that- We have sub-sections for particular authors, making it easier to track which books are up and which remain to be posted (or something like that.)
This terror upon our mousewheels must end. Oh and don't forget about the distinction between searching in library and the forum proper.
yes i am aware there are advanced search options and will continue to use them until the beast is slain.

Secondly. I do hereby proclaim that WE- da peepl, might find it interesting to have a little "WIzard's Digest" magazine-ish thing,
say once per month. I thought about it since there was chatter about group projects over in another thread here in the suggestion section
In this way it would be easy for members to get involved and the Mods to pre-determine what ritual work might be adequate and in sync with the month
in order to try out. The downside is that i imagine it might be bothersome, perhaps there is a way to flip it where the mods
themselves give out the homework and the members do the blogging. Either way, base idea - once a month issue of Wizard's Digest


May 26, 2022
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Yeah I've bemoaned the lack of organization once or twice myself as the library here grows to impressive volume. When books are shared properly with title and author as the thread title they are very easy to search. However, this is when you're looking for a specific book. When you're looking for books on x or y tradition trying to find a title worth reading it takes a lot of scrolling. Perhaps there's a way to categorize them like the main forums have been done? LHP, RHP, divination, kabbalah, grim trad, etc.

Tough to manage though. Mods would likely have to approve each categorization or we'd end up all over the place, not to mention the backlog of identifying all the shares already here.


Oct 29, 2023
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Hell. i would put in time to sort out all the starts and ends if it comes down to that.
I already ran through the whole library once before i decided to join.
There should be a way to make it easier and not too bothersome at the same time, i hope.


Oct 29, 2023
Reaction score
It might be true.
But there's a benefactor right here confirming what i thought


Aug 17, 2023
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I might be willing to devote some time to this if the site needs keyboard-coolie corvee labor.


May 26, 2022
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No, no, no, no, no! A Benefactor is never "napping." He's "rising the planes," or some such aethereal & lofty. Throwing the frisbee for Anubis at the very least.

You're hired! How did you know I was looking for a new PR agent?


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Don't mind the Iron Maiden tittle, im just that cool.

Um, can we get better navigation specifically on Books and Authors.
See i was just doing my duty and looking over what i might have and the library lacks when i was beset by a demon most foul.
On searching up an Author you might have to scroll through times they were mentioned in unrelated posts, this includes book tittles.
I, with my 2 weeks seniority on WF do hereby proclaim we, the people, require someone to tweak around down there, it's a bit too clunky anyway you look at it.
and make it so that- We have sub-sections for particular authors, making it easier to track which books are up and which remain to be posted (or something like that.)
This terror upon our mousewheels must end. Oh and don't forget about the distinction between searching in library and the forum proper.
yes i am aware there are advanced search options and will continue to use them until the beast is slain.

I think the search function is sophisticated enough if you know how to use it. I don't think subfora are required in the Library, it's often difficult to classify a book - does Don Webb's "The Seven Faces of Darkness" go into the Egyptian or the LHP section, for example? Starting to use hashtags would be a good idea though.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Don't mind the Iron Maiden tittle, im just that cool.
Unfortunately I do mind. Thread titles should really be descriptive of the thread as a general practice on forums.

Um, can we get better navigation specifically on Books and Authors.
See i was just doing my duty and looking over what i might have and the library lacks when i was beset by a demon most foul.
On searching up an Author you might have to scroll through times they were mentioned in unrelated posts, this includes book tittles.
I, with my 2 weeks seniority on WF do hereby proclaim we, the people, require someone to tweak around down there, it's a bit too clunky anyway you look at it.
and make it so that- We have sub-sections for particular authors, making it easier to track which books are up and which remain to be posted (or something like that.)
This terror upon our mousewheels must end. Oh and don't forget about the distinction between searching in library and the forum proper.
yes i am aware there are advanced search options and will continue to use them until the beast is slain.
Hmm... I do accept your point that the current system - while great for searching as @HoldAll + @Ancient said - isn't particularly amazing for casually browsing areas of interest/discovery of new books. I don't think, however that cramming a bunch of subsections in the library would be a net positive. As others have mentioned, the task of categorisation is difficult and time consuming. Often, a book may belong to multiple categories, so I do not think subforums are the right solution. We do have a tag system, though I can see it sometimes used improperly. Maybe I can do more to improve awareness of that feature. Tags combined with the advances search filter should make it quite easy to browse by category... but of course, enforcing tags would also be obnoxious.

It's definitely something worth keeping an open discussion on, though, as I do understand the gripe.

Secondly. I do hereby proclaim that WE- da peepl, might find it interesting to have a little "WIzard's Digest" magazine-ish thing,
say once per month. I thought about it since there was chatter about group projects over in another thread here in the suggestion section
In this way it would be easy for members to get involved and the Mods to pre-determine what ritual work might be adequate and in sync with the month
in order to try out. The downside is that i imagine it might be bothersome, perhaps there is a way to flip it where the mods
themselves give out the homework and the members do the blogging. Either way, base idea - once a month issue of Wizard's Digest
Funny coincidence. I was just thinking of suggesting a "volunteer writers" group who would create a newsletter of all the weekly developments on the forum as well as any stand-out happenings in the occult space at large. That's definitely something that I am partial to. My only concern is having to burden some group of people with the responsibility for this 😂 maybe in the coming days I will host an interest check to see how many people would like this and/or like to volunteer for it. Also yes, perhaps monthly is better for now.

Interesting stuff. I'll think about it. Feel free to nag me in a couple weeks if I go AWOL.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
I'm into writing, but still have yet to do the presentation of Qabalah on discord, and a group ritual on matters of law with a winning finale. So I would be interested 8n contributing by writing as well as upgrading to Benefactor when I have resources in hand. :)


Oct 29, 2023
Reaction score
Well, for me it was difficult to name the thread as the only word that came to mind is just navigation.
The damage is done and i will suffer for years remembering my sins, as a new man i swear to make only the squeakiest cleanest tittles.

Now one thing people seem to take too strictly is my work-around, i have NO idea how working on websites or forum is
it was merely a throwaway idea, the problem is what was up for me to present.
All in all i was saying there are series of books, or one author who has a lot unrelated books.
So just imagine trying to add lets say a Dion Fortune book, or figuring out which of her tittles are not uploaded.
A tag, a category, anything and everything is up for those who actually know how to work it.
I even volunteered if it makes any difference.
Somehow linking relevant authors and series of books is my main agenda here, something simple
i see no point in categorizing all the books
like left hand right hand and egypt etc etc. i don't know where that part came up from.

There's like A LOT of people active on a day to day, a month should work. I added on this from an ongoing thing going over on
what more can wf do for you, and in there it seems we're coming to a group workings or whatever, this is where i figured
well, just make it a monthly thing with all the fluff and side content that applies. As before i volunteer to setting up such
a thing in a way to make it smooth should WF decide to go for it.