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3 card relation spread


Staff member
Sr. Staff Member
Sep 27, 2021
Reaction score
A three card spread to understand the relationship between two people.

This came to me spontaneously a couple of weeks ago, but it's so simple that I doubt I am the first to use it. It is very insightful though.

The two people can be whoever. You and another or two different people. Lovers, friends, colleagues etc.

For men: take the 4 Knights (Crowley, Kings in other decks). Shuffle and pick.

For females: the 4 Queens. Shuffle and pick.

These two cards on their own already reveal a lot about how the people involved feel about the situation.

Take the remaining cards (do not put the other Knights and Queens back in the pile). Shuffle and pick one card to describe the relationship.

I've used this a couple of times the past weeks and found it very accurate.

Maybe you'll like. Maybe you already know it 😅