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A simple curse


Mar 29, 2024
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I would like to present you a simple curse I discovered 3 years ago. Did it a few times for my and my friends' enemies and it worked every time, sometimes in a very wicked way.
This spell is dedicated to Mars, the God of War. If you have the enemy that talks bad things about you or tries to turn your life into hell, this curse is for you.
With Bartzabel (Mars' spirit) binding, you can put some kind of blockade on your enemy that every time he/she starts even thinking about you, suddenly has some inconvenieces.
First time I did it on my friend's ex boyfriend who stalked her, used to go near her building in the night and stand like a psycho, sometimes throwing a snowball to her window. She was really scared even to go outside, so we did this curse to make him vomit every time he goes near her. An hour ago, she called me she heard vomiting from outside :ROFLMAO: and send me the photo made through her window.

The best day for doing this curse is Tuesday - Mars' day. But you can do it anyday, but on Mars' hour. You can easily check the hour in your region:
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You need a photo of your target, described with its full name and the date of birth (if you don't have it, just write the town he/she lives in). The next things are: a red candle, a toothpick, a plate that you make a salt circle (for protection), a wire/string (to bind the photo after the ritual), a few pieces of paper (to draw sigils and to write the statement on another one), a small box/bag (to take the residues away!) and optionally, a chicken's foot (which you can buy in any pet store as a dog's snack :ROFLMAO:).
The sigils of Mars are:

Whole ritual I recorded and put in this video.

Please share with your experience! If you like it, I would highly appreciate the sub/like on the Youtube, because I want to start a Magick channel, uploading many interesting hints.


Feb 25, 2024
Reaction score
Actually wrote this one down, even if I don't think I will need it. Who knows if one day I will have to use it. Thanks for the spell!


Mar 29, 2024
Reaction score
Actually wrote this one down, even if I don't think I will need it. Who knows if one day I will have to use it. Thanks for the spell!
That's great! It's better to be prepared than not knowing anything ;) it's good to do it even if you suspect someone... Because the toxic people some day will start talking.