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Alchemical operations through the elements

Sep 9, 2021
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From "The Practical Kabbalah":

"The Tradition of those who preceded us on the Way of Wisdom, tells us that all things proceed from the Four Elements, and that these Four Elements are the foundation of all. They are Earth, Water, Air and Fire respectively.
The Alchemists knew how to draw two Principles from these Four Elements, male and female respectively, and a third – Neuter – Principle. These are Philosophical Sulfur, Philosophical Salt, and Philosophical Mercury.

Thus, by means of a simple and salutary Operation, the Masters tell us, the Four are reduced to three.

But Philosophical Sulfur, Mercury and Salt only constitute an intermediary aspect of the evolution of our Elements. From their production are born two Principles, superior to all the others. These are Wise Sulfur and Wise Mercury. Here are in reality our two supreme Arcana of the Art, and it is in their ultimate copulation that the Chrysopage will finally be born.

This Tetractys was well known to the students of Pythagoras the Wise and the Holy Saints of God, Who poured out the knowledge, nor were they ignorant of the use of His Holy Names.

Such that it comprises the whole of the key of our Alchemy.

* **

In Man, the Elements capable of beginning the Work are the Four Cardinal Virtues, namely: Power, Prudence, Temperance and Justice.

The Wise Man who has learned how to develop these Four Virtues in his Soul is assured, by their very presence, of seeing the development in their turn of the three Theological Virtues within him, namely: Faith, Hope and Charity.

So attentive and regular practice of the Cardinal Virtues generates and gives rise to the action of the three superior Virtues. In turn, when these, our three superior Principles, have become completely introduced within us, they hasten to awaken other Presences, those of the Powers of the supreme dyad: Intelligence and Wisdom.

So the question is how do we, as Earth grade Zelators, dealing with the four elements of Earth, accomplish alchemy as the above, while the alchemical stage of Earth is Blackening(Putrefaction/decay), through use of rituals and exercises, and how do we as Theoricus Air grade students do alchemy in the Yellowing stage?
Likewise, what does the Practicus Water grade student accomplish alchemy though the Whitening stage, and the Fire Philosophus grade student through the alchemy stage of Reddening? Most importantly, how is it done without failing any single alchemical stage?


Sep 1, 2023
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It sounds like what they're saying is that is you develop the four virtues of Power, Prudence, Temperance and Justice, then the 3 superior virtues (faith hope and charity) will naturally arise. But I'm not sure that's true! I think you can develop faith first of you turn your attention to it, and that it doesn't develop on its own (as a result of having the first four virtues) unless you do actively turn your attention to it
Sep 9, 2021
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True, bit it goes on and elaborates. It did issues the four personalities, and so on.
The question is really what are the alchemy points to strive for in each element grade, what are the dangers of not assimilating them correctly.


Sep 1, 2023
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I wrote up a pretty detailed review of Elemental Equilibrium which includes a fair few techniques from Franz Bardon for this.

I'm really interested in Elemental Equilibrium because it seems like a key element for K&C with the HGA. Frater Acher calls the first stage "Trust" and it basically means "have your shit together as a responsible adult" and I think elemental balancing is the same thing

To be clear, I don't think having your shit together means having a comfortable middle class life with no unresolved trauma, I think it means having a calm sense of ownership over these areas of your life.

So for example, I don't think you need to be debt-free. But I DO think you need to have a budget and know exactly what your debts are. (You shouldn't be like, not opening bills and credit card statements because you're nervous of what they might say, never sure who you're going to get a pressured debt collecting call from, etc. Having balanced earth would mean you've written up all your debts and aren't going to get any nasty surprises.

Similarly you don't have to be mentally well to have balanced Water, but you should, say, have chosen a therapy workbook and begun working through it - you've taken responsibility for your mental health.

That's how I see it anyway.

For me, I'm deficient in Earth and Fire, and I need to re-establish a regular exercise schedule and have a healthy meal plan.

Fire is trickier. I think it's about a lack of impetus for me. For example, I'm allowed to do my sunset invocation any time after sunset. I often leave it till right before bed, even when I'm not busy. I think someone with a more active Fire element would get up as soon as they heard the sunset notification. I think bring more emotion into my prayers/ritual would be fiery ("enflamed with prayer").

But that's not simple: I don't feel emotions very easily, and if I haven't slept well, it's even harder. So good sleep habits - earth element - enable more passionate invocations - fire element.

I guess the summary is: I think elemental balancing looks different for everyone, and a good approach is an informal version of Bardon, where you look at the specific ways your elemental weaknesses appear in your life, and address the biggest barriers.

(This is in addition to, but more important than imo, magical exercises like breathing in "impetus" and washing away "inertia" etc)


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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For me, emotions pertain to the Water category - I think of them more as a groundswell that is more or less close to the surface of the social facade (Earth), the habitual pokerface everyone wears in their job, on the street and even at home and that which sometimes breaks through from underground.

Fire, on the other hand, stands for intense bursts of feeling like passion for me. Fire needs to be constantly nourished and cannot exist on its own, it always needs fuel and oxygen. You cannot be excited all the time, and you need something to be excited about. So how to enflame oneself with prayer, in the oft-quoted phrase? I am unable to do it - yet. Perhaps one needs to be a fanatic mystic to carry it off, no idea. I've heard there are some holy men in India who go into instant paroxysms of ecstasy whenever they merely think of the name of a certain god or goddess (I feel embarassed at the very idea). How am I supposed to feel passionate about a god I don't believe in? Should I pray to an angel or other entity instead? Somehow I can't work up the required enthusiasm about the whole enflaming business… and there we are with a totally mundane psychological problem, namely how to bring repressed feelings to the surface because there is definitely a capacity for passion down there (think sex drive), just not about some supernatural being.

I don't know anything about alchemy but it seems a very sophisticated and highly complex metaphor (ok, there is also laboratory alchemy) for emotional transmutation. In NewAgey theory, this transmutation thing sounds very attractive and almost effortlessly achieved - just turn base feeling X into sublime emotion Y, guide 'bad' energy through some some sort of astral transformer and vòila, you get 'good' energy, just use to old chakra plugboard why don't you, easy-peasy. Well, it's not, and neither is alchemy, I suppose.

Just thinking about what human beings have tried for the sake of self-transformation makes my head spin! From asceticism to sex, drugs and rock'n' roll and everything in between… Maybe alchemy can teach us that you have to use more than one process, or a whole chain of them, to achieve the desired result. So punching pillows under therapist supervision, for example, may be one stage but after that (or before, or in parallel), empty-mind meditation might be the next. Like the kabbalists say that in wending your way up the Tree of Life, you constantly alternate between the Pillar of Severity, the Pillar of Mercy and the Pillar of Balance. But what if you tend to become stuck in a rut (Earth) instead of being flexible enough (Water) to change course? Oh well… time for the yoga mat and the books again, I guess.


Sep 1, 2023
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How am I supposed to feel passionate about a god I don't believe in? Should I pray to an angel or other entity instead?
Idk if this helps you but I'm able to work up a fair bit of gratitude that I am alive.

The way I see it, god does not have to exist or be good for me to feel intense gratitude. I think about the woman whose baby was swept up by a hurricane. She thought it was dead but it turned up alive halfway up a tree. I put myself in her shoes, imagining finding my baby alive when I was sure I'd seen it killed. I wouldn't think "god did this" or "god loves my baby more than other babies" but I can imagine the intensity and wave of relief and gratitude that I would feel that my baby was alive. Not grateful TO anyone, just ... grateful that my baby is alive. Intensely glad of that fact.

That's the kind of emotion I'm able to tap into with prayer, on a good day. Aiming for the feeling you might have after a near-death experience, no god required.

The reason why the devotional practice i do have is to Ishtar, a goddess of beauty among other things, is that if you look at the worst atrocities of this world, you have to ask yourself, where was God? But if you ask, where was Beauty? she was there.

Viktor Frankl talks about people in concentration camps - weak with starvation, no kilojoules to spare - rushing outside to look at a beautiful sunset. This wasn't like, a super-helpful power, it didn't save anyone from death, but Beauty was there, she didn't abandon them. I don't reallllly believe in gods but I can manage "fake it till you make it" emotion for a goddess of beauty because she doesn't abandon people. A god of comedy/humour would be the same, and now I think about it, might be worth me looking into.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Idk if this helps you but I'm able to work up a fair bit of gratitude that I am alive.

The reason why the devotional practice i do have is to Ishtar, a goddess of beauty among other things, is that if you look at the worst atrocities of this world, you have to ask yourself, where was God? But if you ask, where was Beauty? she was there.

Being grateful to be alive is out because of my depressions, all the medications do is help me feel ambivalent about life, which is a huge improvement.. But I get it, something abstract instead of a specific entity... pleasant sensory impressions I can get behind though. Something to ponder.

Ishtar seems like a goddess I could venerate, a goddess both of love and war... ok, this post is veering off topic now, I feel. Like I said, I don't know anything about alchemy but I'd say the solve comes before the coagule (unless you're starting out with something liquid, of course). But like I said, there may be more than one process involved to get from one stage to the next. Oh man. I should really look into that alchemy thing, I feel criminally ignorant just answering in this thread.


Sep 1, 2023
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Good catch, back to the alchemy!
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I had an interesting experience.

I'm currently doing "Fire" balancing/awakening in Helios Unbound. Simultaneously I'm doing the Transformation Rite from GoM's Mystical Words of Power (I've found them to be very complimentary to the elemental work and they take like 90 seconds, if you wanted to experiment with that Diluco)

Like I said, I've been trying to re-establish a gym routine since I got thrown off-course by life upheavals

And during the fire ritual last night I got suddenly overwhelmed by this intense emotional pain in my heart. I dropped into my body to talk to it (the Focusing technique), and discovered it felt SO SO HURT AND BETRAYED that I'd stopped going to the gym. Like, don't you care about us? Don't you want us to live a long time? It felt ABANDONED. I'm not really a Big Feelings person so this was pretty shocking. I wanted to take care of it so badly that I immediately did some pushups haha. And today I did a proper workout. It was much easier to go knowing how hurt that part of me is, compared with "I know intellectually that it's good for me"

The Transformation Ritual is supposed to unlock the barriers that are blocking you from change. But I never would have guessed that a barrier was "not realising how sad part of me is that I stopped going". That's not a fire element solution. It's water element. Once I felt the depth of its pain, the willpower question became much less relevant. Is that alchemy, the use of one element to unlock a problem in a different elemental area? (I have no idea)

(I'm aware it's only been one day, but i used to have a good schedule so I feel confident I can get back on horse. It's a bit like quitting smoking. You know you have to do it someday so it might as well be now)
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Sep 9, 2021
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I think there is such a thing as mental alchemy. I think the magicians ability to switch at will between emotions is alchemy. I think the ability to mentally and willfully statue course is alchemy.
So perhaps where The Practical Kabbalah goes on to talk about the four different personalities is a cue about mental alchemy.
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Thinking today, the four laws of the Sphinx and the four elements. Any relation in order?
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