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Ancestral Veneration

Over the years and after dabbling in all sorts of different traditions, sometimes ignorantly, I recognized a common theme. The importance of having a solid relationship with your ancestors. Before calling on any spirits, gods, goddesses, etc, consider the fact that every single one of us has a team ready to help us at sound of our calling them. And also consider just how many ancestors you actually have. It recursively adds 4 to every branch of your ancestral tree, webbing off into a massive network of possible support... if you work for it. And you have to remain committed to it!

The thing is, that we truly don't know some of our ancestors and probably never will. It's a massive pool of people all who had sometimes very opposing ways of living and seeing things. Some good, some bad. Some supportive, some destructive. We sometimes see that now with our living relatives. But the important part is to understand that without them, you wouldn't be here. Some might say "Oh my life sucks, why should I thank people I don't know for my shitty life". Well, somewhere down the ancestral line, some really good people in your family worked hard and long to preserve and provide for the family. Even if don't you see it now. All of that matters. It should be honored and respected. And in doing so, you'll see things in your life turn around.

Ancestral Altar
Altars for our dead loved ones is seen across many, many cultures. Unfortunately, its not very common in western cultures. This is partly due to the stigma behind what some religions see as "idolizing" the image of a person. Beyond how ridiculously hypocritical and stupid that is, they've been missing out on such an amazing opportunity! Not only can your ancestors truly hook it up, but in working your altar, you are also working your skills as a medium. You are enriching your connection to the other side while simultaneously learning how to do it better. Win win right! So what do you need?

This altar setup is inspired by Caribbean style Espiritismo (Spiritism) and their use of whats called a Boveda Spiritual aka Spiritual Vault. While being an ancestral altar, a true boveda also represents all of your spiritual guides. Yours does not have to be the same. Its your altar, not mines or anyone else's. Here you'll find ideas that you can use to inspire your own altar setup. There's also some resources online for the proper construction of a boveda if you prefer to do it that way.

Also, keep in mind that this example will include Christian stuff. To be very honest, I don't particularly follow to that religion but I understand that almost all of my family until who knows when had always been practicing Catholics. I also had a Catholic upbringing which helps me to be a bit more comfortable including this in practice than normal. In honor and respect of that, I personally have opted to include this in my setup and it feels right. If its not for you, choose whatever does. Just remember that this is an altar for your ancestors, not your personal altar.

Generally, you want to make use of the 4 elements, have items to establish an connection, and some other trinkets used when working the altar.

  • Small table with white table cloth (NOT IN YOUR BEDROOM)
  • Vessel(s) for water (1 wine glass can be used if you are limited on space, traditionally 1 large wine glass is used along with 4, 6, or 8 smaller glasses)
  • Quartz, Amethyst or both
  • Incense holder (can be brazier for coals, or holder for sticks) and incense (Nag Champa works great)
  • Flower vase with white flowers (lillies, carnations, roses all work)
  • 8" glass encases candle(s) (1-2 is fine but if you feel more is what you need then go for it)
  • Small Cup/Bowl of herbs/stones
  • Bell/Maraca/Percussive Instrument
  • Photos of ancestors if possible
  • Items your ancestors might have enjoyed (more on this later)
  • Florida Water and/or Kolonia 1800
  • Cascarilla (eggshell powder) IF NOT ALLERGIC
  • Traditionally, bovedas use Christian imagery. If you don't mind Christianity you'll need a metal crucifix, a rosary and an altar crucifix. Else, find an item that represents the God you believe in. Deciding not to have any additional items is perfectly fine too.
  • Notebook + Pen
How to set it up:
  1. Setup your table cleaned with the perfume water and place a clean white table cloth on it. It is important that the table is as level as possible.
  2. Clean your water vessels real good.
  3. Place the vessels on table. If using one glass, place it in the center. If using more than 1, place the large one in the center and then half of the small ones to the left, other half to the right.
  4. Clean your crystals with perfume water and place them in the bottom of the center vessel.
  5. Fill each vessel with cold water to the very top.
  6. Place representation of God either on top on in the center vessel, supported by the lip of the glass if possible. Wrap rosary if using one around the base of this glass.
  7. Place flower vase behind center vessel.
  8. Place incense holder on either side of the vessels.
  9. Place bell and bowl of herbs right in front of the center vessel. If using an altar cross or any other symbol on a stand, this gets placed in the center.
  10. If using a single candle, place it in front of the bell and bowl. If using 2-3 more arrange them in front of all vessels.
  11. Place photos around the back of the vessels or on the wall behind altar if possible.
  12. Place items they would like where ever on the altar feels right.
If that seems like a lot of work, you're right. It takes about an hour without rushing. But if done with care and with your ancestors in mind, this setup is one of the most enriching experiences. You'll forever remember the day that you started this journey.

So now that it's setup, how is it even used? After your first session, working your ancestral altar will usually be one of two types. A.) Daily Veneration or B.) Weekly Maintenance.

First Time
It's a party! Literally, it should be. It's a family reunion! You are finally getting to you know your family in ways outside of Uncle Tony telling you stories about his grandma. And the best part is that you're the life of the party! Pun totally intended. The initial steps taken during this party are the same that are used during the weekly maintenance. So for brevity I'm only mentioning it in this section.

1. Dress appropriately and be clean
Traditionally, all white should be worn as a symbol of purity. A white head covering of type is also recommended. But I completely understand that either not everyone has an all white outfit, and/or for some people, white isn't a color they like very much, less have white clothing. Regardless, be clean. Shower beforehand, get into fresh clothes, be presentable. After getting dressed, cleanse your head, back of neck and abdomen with cascarilla, and then the perfume water(s).

2. Protect the home!

Take a bowl, white preferably, and fill it with cold water, a dash perfume water and some protection herbs if you have them. No biggie if you don't. Place this outside your front door with a small tealight kind of candle and light the candle. This is to protect your home as you'll effectively be opening your space to all sorts of potential nasties the first time around. Think of it like a bug zapper for little pesky spirits that have no business near your home. You can go an extra step and put something at each corner of your house, like camphor, rosemary, fiery wall of protection oil, etc.

3. Opening Prayers
If using a Christian approach, open with the 3 main Catholic prayers; Lords Prayer, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. Else, use whatever prayers invoke the energies you desire. Then follow with a prayer to call on your ancestors and all spirits and entities you guide you. If you know your ancestors names, call as many of them as possible. Then give thanks.

4. Light candle and incense
As you light them, tell your ancestors what you're doing and why. Explain that you wish to always keep light and sweet scents in the air for them.

4. Sing songs, play music they would've liked
Play drums, sing for them, play their music. All of this will help establish a deeper connection.

5. Knock on your altar table 3 times and ring the bell.
This will be used to bring them to focus on you.

6. Communicate
Now that you have their attention, introduce yourself. Tell them thank you for all their hard work and love. Tell them how you wish to build a connection with them and want to learn how to better do so. Tell them you want to learn their names and who they were. Then talk to them about your struggles, things on your mind, things you want to improve on. Ask for guidance on issues you are currently facing. You don't want to go and ask them for $10,000 the first time around because that'll probably just piss them off. Be humble and respectful. Finally, ask them if they have anything to tell you to please do so however they can.

7. Listen and Watch
This is where the notebook comes into play. Just sit still and quiet. Observe any changes in the room, sounds you hear, ideas that pop into your head, images you see in your minds eye. Write them all down. This is how they will communicate, and in turn, how most spirits communicate. If you receive something but it's not clear, don't be afraid to ask for clarification. If you know how to do divination, now is an excellent time for readings as well. Keep this notebook near your altar all the time. Really, every great wizard should have a journal at arms reach at all times.

8. Close session
After conversing with our ancestors, we close with the same prayers that we started with, and knocking on the altar table 3 times again. Make sure you collect the bowl and candle outside. Disperse the water in your yard before entering the home.

Congratulations! You have activated your ancestral altar. Now you just have to keep using it :)

Daily Veneration
Each day in the morning if possible, or whenever throughout the day is best:
  1. Go to your altar
  2. Make sure candles are lit, light an incense
  3. Top vessels off with fresh water
  4. Do prayers
  5. Knock 3 times
  6. Ask ancestors for protection, guidance and opportunities throughout the day. Mention something you saw in a dream, and idea or something happening during the day that you want help with.
  7. Close out with prayers
  8. Knock 3 times

Weekly Maintenance
Pick a day each week to hold whats called a Misa Espiritual, or Spiritual Mass. It just means a day where you call forth all ancestors and guides and do the same kind of thing that you did the first time above. Only difference is that instead of filling the vessels for the first time, you should clean each vessel and pour fresh water. Be consistent! Try to make sure that you stick to the same day each week. If you have to miss a day, just try your best to do it the next day.

There's a few that I use, and if anyone's interested I can PM them to you, or post them here if enough people want them.

Things you can do with the altar
  • The water in the central vessel is sacred and holy. You can use it for other work you are doing and to cleanse yourself or tools as well.
  • You can go to your altar, and swipe bad energy off of you and onto the altar. The water in the vessels will absorb it.
  • Ask your ancestors if there's anything in particular they might want. You may be surprised with a scent or image of something you didn't expect.
  • If using more than 1 vessel, the smaller ones can be arranged in various ways for various magical effects. This includes balance, defense and attack.
That's it! No get out there and honor those ancestors of yours. You will not regret it.

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DISCLAIMER: Be safe with candles please. If your space doesn't permit it, don't do it. Lanterns can be a safer option, and frankly a much for longer-lasting one.


Sep 1, 2023
Reaction score
All the usual things you do to keep unwanted spirits out of your house / ritual space? That's not an ancestor-specific issue.

Besides, if they're already around, then the invitation to elevated ancestors won't make anything worse, it'll just add some allies on top. And if they're NOT already around, there's no reason for them to suddenly show up, since the invitation won't reach them.

If you were really worried you could do a targeted banishing/ward but it seems like overkill to me.


Aug 31, 2021
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I was with a woman today and she had a dark cap on top of her heart (chakra). It was put there by her mother (alive) and her mother's mother (deceased) - presumably to prevent higher spiritual functions.

Behind those two was a dark cloud/entity and behind that was a bigger dark cloud/entity.

None of them wanted to let go - and we eventually got help, not from the Earth Mother since some entities were cosmic, but from the Solar Mother. It was the usual trick of drawing up tubes from the Earth/Solar Mother and putting them into the entities and asking the Mother to drain away the energy of those beings

Usually when the entities get quite small they decide to quit - and so it was. And the woman immediately had significant inflows of cosmic Light


Sep 1, 2023
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I can't give an opinion on complex or difficult situations outside the norm, I don't have the expertise sorry!

Same as outside magic really, I can tell an ordinary person how to practice good cybersecurity, and I would feel comfortable giving that advice and confident it was good enough for their situation - but I wouldn't tell a bank how to protect itself from a targeted attack by experienced thieves