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[Archive] [AnonALion] Tulpa and you (A tutorial).

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.
Greetings fellow Psychics, Wizards, and Leyfolk; I am pleased to finally be able to introduce you to some of my research. I've been working with Tulpa for quite some time and I have established some guidelines to getting into the art. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the subject I recommend you read a bit from
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posted by our own TraceFleeman.

3.19.2017: The original text of this tutorial was updated to reflect the progression of research and develoment. The method first introduced will work for some practitioners, however the new information here ought to help a more varied audience.


There is a bit of information that one needs to understand before they begin. The art won't work out well if you disregard (or ignore) the principals that make it possible. For one; the most powerful tool you will require is your own will power.

It has been known for millennium by the great schools of various monk-hoods (and our modern science is just beginning to understand) that the sole act of observation causes the universe to exist. Much like the allegory within Schro"dinger's Cat-in-a-Box experiment, what happens outside our awareness is infinitely undecided, but the moment we observe the unknown "it" comes into existence. Most simply put: Observation causes our world to exist (certainly it's more complicated than that, but at the same time that is all that need be understood to continue).

It is important to maintain your usual practices both religious and spiritual. I am a huge advocate for change in general, but this kind of art relies heavily on who you are as an individual. No matter the principals you follow or the source of your power, it is necessary to understand who you are and who you wish to be.

The infographic in TraceFleeman's thread warns that Tulpa can gain the notion to hurt their creators. If this sort of thing is happening then, in truth, you have created a Poltergeist instead of a Tulpa. Hold no grudges (especially toward yourself), relax and be happy about the endeavor you are about to undertake, and most of all stay positive.

The biggest hurdle in cultivating Tulpa is the concept of where they come from or where they exist when they're created. To answer these concerns we consider the function of reality and where it "exists" in relation to ourselves. When we observe reality we trust that we are seeing solid objects and feeling sensations that correspond with our experiences. In truth all of these events are created in the mind.

Your mind is extraordinarily flexible, but your brain contains structures that help you maintain a sense of focus on reality. It has been shown that a being can live without much of their brain, but the quality of their reality is usually suspect if not drastically changed altogether.

To put it blunt: Your brain decodes the stimuli it can gather from the universe around you and causes the sensation of reality within you. It is reasonable to assume that such a system has a robust fail-safe strategy and that is true, however any system that you are a part of (or is a part of you) has to be open to interpretation, especially if it's function has your comfort in mind. For instance: the "real" qualities of reality would not be very convincing if they were constantly fighting against your ability to reason. Since reality has to be at least somewhat convincing we can take advantage of the flexible parts of the brain.

The psyche and it's parts

One of the ways in which your brain helps us cope with reality is by independently calculating social and environmental cues, and causing you to act in a way that seems automatic. These can be simple things like avoiding danger and scanning your environment for food, or more complex tasks like leading a conversation or giving a performance.

This function of the mind reduces the workload of your consciousness (the being you know to be your self) by delegating frequent and practiced tasks to an autonomous system as you become more familiar with the task in question. More importantly there is no limit on the amount of tasks your brain can process (in other words you couldn't possible run out of "save-space" in just one human lifetime).

The duty of your psyche is to ensure that you maintain your life processes and find the best way for you to produce your progeny. Certainly you can fill your life with any goals and wishes you want, but from the perspective of natural selection your being is mostly concerned about making offspring and bringing them to adulthood. Since any other tasks are secondary to that and it would be cripplingly boring to live a life as breeding-stock, the psyche attempts to keep you motivated in various ways (as long as you are in good mental health at least).

This is the function we take advantage of when we create our Tulpa; we create a new program for our brain to run, and then we encourage it to become self-aware. Now, if at this point you are thinking that this sounds like insanity you would be correct. It has similar aspects to breaking one's own mind and these are drawbacks that need to be overcome, but in most cases the practitioner simply can't maintain the Tulpa if they are unable to skew their mentality.

Methods and helpful practices

The original method I provided was best for Energy Manipulators and Empaths. It involved focusing one's intent and energy into a stable structure (such as a gemstone array or similar foci) and gradually introduce it to humanizing concepts, or literally creating anthropomorphous thought. Unfortunately this method would be useless to a practitioner that had no experience with Energy Manipulation, but then my own understanding of the topic wasn't complete (and probably still isn't, to be fair).

Creating a Tulpa is the same as creating a new self-concept with an extra "self". This being must come from your mentality so it can be difficult to convince your physical brain to accept it even if your mind is strongly convinced. Here are some ways for you to get started, consider any that appeal to you.

Energetic Focus
Prepare an area for energy or emotional working and fill it with the desired traits you want to cultivate through your practice. This method works best with Energy Manipulators, Empaths and Deity Worship if your spiritual or religious practice is devoted to creation.


Also known as Self Hypnosis, this method helps by opening your mind to trance, or a state of complete and unfettered focus. While you are in trance you can begin to install post-hypnotic suggestions, not to your self but to the Tulpa that shares your mind. Barring any rarities, your Tulpa should be entranced any time you are; in this way you may help it to enjoy the notion of being self-aware.

It is possible to get someone else to hypnotize you of course, but having someone's guidance may alter your results. For more information you can research hypnosis.

Sheer Force of Will
If your practice demands a more rigid, or devoted approach you can still attempt the method described in the original stories about Tulpa: Meditate until you gain complete control of your mind.

This method is different from the other two; while the previous methods involved ways to focus your mind's wandering attention, this method is about ceasing all of your mind's autonomous activity. By gaining the ability to "shut off" your mind you also gain the ability to turn on certain structures and even program new ones.

It shouldn't need to be said that this method is intense and difficult. It requires personal sacrifice, but also provides the sharpest results.

If you plan to undertake Tulpa Cultivation always remember to keep a positive attitude and harbor love for oneself.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Yazata note: I noticed that the first post in this archived thread is a slimmed down update (by OP AnonALion) that has left out much of the actual tutorial from an older version which is given in full below. The referenced infographic by TraceFleeman sadly still can not be found.

Greetings fellow Psychics, Wizards, and Leyfolk; I am pleased to finally be able to introduce you to some of my research. I've been working with Tulpa for quite some time and I have established some guidelines to getting into the art. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the subject I recommend you read a bit from this thread posted by our own TraceFleeman.



There is a bit of information that one needs to understand before they begin. The art won't work out well if you disregard (or ignore) the principals that make it possible. For one; the most powerful tool you will require is your own will power.

It has been known for millennia by the great schools of monk-hood (and our modern science is just beginning to understand) that the sole act of observation causes the universe to exist. Much like the allegory within Schroedingers Cat-in-a-Box experiment, what happens out of our awareness is infinitely undecided, but the moment we observe the unknown "it" comes into existence. Most simply put: Observation causes our world to exist (certainly it's more complicated than that, but at the same time that is all that need be understood to continue).

You may want to stick with your beliefs and opinions about the universe. You might hear a voice in your mind arguing that the universe is much more solid than that and our minds are not that powerful. I recommend setting such thoughts aside and once you can suspend these notions read on.



The infographic in TraceFleeman's thread warns that Tulpa can gain the notion to hurt their creators. While this is not common (at least in my experimentation) it can happen; so the first step is to clear your mind. Hold no grudges (especially toward yourself), relax and be happy about the endeavor you are about to undertake, and most of all stay positive.

This process requires practice and patience, just as any art form does. It took me months to develop and I consider myself "ahead of the curve". Don't be discouraged by this, though; the end result is well worth it.

Here are some items that you can acquire to make your art more effective:

-A glass container (A Jar, Bottle, or otherwise enclosed space made of glass)
-A few Quartz crystals
-Images of your favorite cartoon characters (or actual people you know if you prefer, though it is easier to start with drawings)
-Some music that you enjoy (It is recommended to use music from several different genres)
-Some water (for drinking; bring enough to cover each entire "session". Staying hydrated helps)


Stage one (focusing your intent)

Estimated time to complete: One week

Before you can do anything, you have to be able to focus your intent. Take an half-hour, four times a day and sit in a quiet place. Relax your body and mind, feel the air around you, and think about nothing but the present moment (The past and future will not help you here so forget about them for awhile).

Hold out one hand (palm up) and focus your sight about an inch above the center of your palm. Imagine the energy around you as a malleable, flowing force that is within you and all around you. Imagine the energy collecting at the point above your palm like rainwater coming together to form a puddle that does not react with gravity.

With practice you will begin to feel your energy collecting in your palm (this is known as Chi, Life Force, Kai, and many other names. You can find more information on it throughout the forum if you need). Everyone's energy is unique to them though they all share similar qualities as well (just as all people are unique with similar qualities). Some energy is cold or hot, airy or heavy, fluid or static, but all people's energy is malleable, programmable, and will respond to your thoughts.

Once you can focus your energy with relative ease (taking no more than thirty-second to collect a palm-sized ball) then you are ready to move on.


Stage Two (Conceptualizing)

Estimated time to complete: One or two months

Take some time each day (at least an hour) to decide what you want from your Tulpa. Think about the size, shape, and attributes that your Tulpa will have. The easiest way to start is to pick an animal and model your Tulpa after it (My first Tulpa was a spider, for instance).

Imagine what your Tulpa feels like, where it's features are and what kind of physical abilities it will be capable of (this is where the images your selected will come in handy). Think about what kind of voice it will have and how it will interact with it's environment, and most importantly how it moves about.

Once you have the basic image in your mind, gather your energy and practice making models of your desired Tulpa. These models will not be true Tulpa yet, as they will be completely dependent on your will power to exist, but make sure your intentions are strong and the energy moves on your command.

The goal here is to create a kind of statuette (albeit not quite physical or tangible). Once you are able to create one try setting it on a nearby surface and control it with your mind (It is your energy whether you brought it from within your body or from around your environment so it will respond to your intentions). You may notice that ignoring the statuette for too long will cause it to fall apart, this is quite normal and if it happens just make a new one.

When your can make your model move smoothly over a distance of about five feet then try making two separate models and move them both independently. Once you can do that make three models (and make them all different shapes). After that make four models of varying sizes, shapes, and colours. Finally, when you can manage all of that, make five models of varying shape, size, colour and density*, and have them interact with each other for a solid fifteen-to-twenty minutes.

When you are confident with your model making you may move on to the next section.

*Density is the attribute of your energy to have mass. It can be difficult to envision at first. Just imagine the difference in mass between one cubed-inch of cheese and one-cubed inch of gold. Both are the same size but the gold has much more mass than the cheese, even if that gold happens to be as soft.


Stage Three (Incubation)

Estimated time to complete: Three to Six months

This is the home-stretch, you must "grow" the Tulpa from a small thought into a fully functioning organism. This will take a long time the first time you do it, but the more you practice the easier and faster it is to accomplish. There are stories of great Yogi creating perfect Tulpa in a matter of seconds while I can create complex Tulpa in a few minutes so that is where I'll set the bar of achievement.

Clear off and set up a place in your home that will be the designated incubation area. This place should get a decent amount of sunlight and fresh air (Tulpa do not require these things to survive, but the ambient energy encourages proper growth). While you are working with the incubator you may play music that you enjoy; sing along if you feel. Make the area comfortable and friendly (as you would see comfort and friendliness).

Take your glass container (or some Quartz crystal*) and place it where it won't be disturbed. Place an appropriate image of your desired model nearby. Then focus your energy and craft a model as we did in Stage Two. Place that model in the glass container (If you're using Quartz then don't treat it as a solid object, but as an area in space that your model can float in), and focus your energy into the container to fill the space around your model. This extra energy will "feed" your Tulpa's growth much like soil feeds a plant.

Spend plenty of time (if you can manage, at least six hours throughout the day) with your incubator. Play music for it, put more energy into it's container, and give it a name**. You may even greet it as you awake each day and wish it goodnight as you go to sleep.

After awhile (about a week or so) you may feel as if the Tulpa is looking back at you (much like the feeling you get when someone is staring at you while you are not aware of them). When you get this feeling from the container it is time to exercise your Tulpa. Turn the container over and hold out your hand (Or just hold your hand out in the field* of the crystal) and call your Tulpa.

While the Tulpa is not quite physical you may find it is very tangible. It will move around to the best of it's ability and may try to escape. Assert yourself as it's creator by focusing your energy and using it to hold the Tulpa in place. Always act with kindness and be pleasant with your tone. Let it know your love and put it back in the incubator after about five minutes***.

In early stages of growth the Tulpa will require lots of energy and attention, if your Tulpa happens to fall apart or run away you can always start from the beginning, but that doesn't mean you are starting from scratch because your control and focus will constantly get stronger. So even if you lose a few Tulpa you won't lose your momentum.

Once you can take the Tulpa out of it's container you should do it once a day. Start out small with five-minute sessions at first (you may even focus your energy directly into it if you desire, this will give it more longevity), then once it is stronger increase it's time out of the incubator by five more minutes and continue with that pattern.

Playing music while working with the Tulpa will help it develop a personality of it's own, and being friendly and supportive will help it grow to enjoy your company (which is key if you don't want it running off when it reaches adulthood).

The Tulpa will be complete when it can sustain itself with it's own energy. If the Tulpa can survive outside the incubator without the aid of your personal energy then the process is complete.

*Quartz crystals are great catalysts for this project. They can store energy that you put into them and use that energy at a later time just by willing it out. Most crystals' hold energy within them like an aura, the energy hangs in the air around them. This is why crystals can make a great container for your Tulpa as the energy within the crystal crates a buffer between itself and the surrounding air.

**Names are very powerful. Once you are able to create Tulpa with relative ease you may want to experiment with naming and not naming them. You will see a grand difference between named and unnamed Tulpa.

***While Tulpa can act on their own and move about freely, you can still keep it confined to the incubator by filling it with energy every day. The energy you put into the container has it's own surface tension (like the surface of water) and since the Tulpa is made of pure energy it will stay within the incubator's gravity easily. Fun fact: All matter in the universe is made of pure energy reduced to a slow vibration and your attachment to the earth via gravity works by a similar concept.


Final thoughts and extra notes

Tulpa can be great companions and can be taught to do anything that you can do. If you have any psychic abilities or have adapted to any of the schools of magic then you can teach your Tulpa to do the same. Teaching your Tulpa energy manipulation will also make them stronger and easier for them to maintain themselves.

Your first Tulpa may not gain a physical form until you are very well practiced (my Tulpa don't manifest by vision quite perfectly, though I can see a distortion in the air where they are). According to my research the Yogi of ancient times could create full-bodied humanoids that look and feel like actual humans. it may take a long time for all of us but eventually our Tulpa will be seen by third parties (which is the ultimate goal of the art).

If you happen to lose a well-established Tulpa you can call it back into being by rebuilding it in the incubator, and giving it the same name and form. It takes less time to reincarnate a Tulpa than it does to create one anew and the reincarnated Tulpa can retain some of their memories if they were well-made to begin with.

Tulpa do not need to eat, drink, or sleep however, some Tulpa will get into the habit if they are strong enough. When this happens they could become more "solid" as they can begin to attain internal organs. I've only read about this happening, but it would be a good idea to study anatomy if you use a living creature as a model. You can augment your Tulpa in the Incubator by filling it with energy and manipulating it with your will.

Well-established Tulpa will develop emotions, habits, interests/hobbies, taste in music/films, and self-awareness. For all intents and purposes you should consider the Tulpa a living, sentient being and treat it as such.

Finally, if your Tulpa gets out of hand and for whatever reason you decide you have to destroy it you can do so easily by grabbing it and pulling away the energy. I'm not entirely sure what kind of effect this will have... I don't know if it's painful or if the Tulpa experiences an afterlife of any kind, but it will remove it's physical presence from reality and you can then start over. I recommend that you do not reincarnate a Tulpa that you had destroyed. If you named a Tulpa that you destroyed then refrain from using that name in other metaphysical endeavors.


I'm glad I could share this with the community and my findings come from many sources. In particular I had received a great deal of data from WizardForums and it's members. Anyone may share this information in it's entirety, though I ask that if you share it, please credit WizardForums and link to this thread if applicable.