• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

Avete atque valete


Jun 10, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, folks.

Since I have been here I have seen assertions of:

1) someone claiming to be an incarnation of an archangel

2) someone claiming to fly. Not astral travel, mind you, but fly.

3) someone claiming a Satanic cult has taken over entire towns and commits daily atrocities.

4) conspiracies involving aliens, Nazis, the new world order, etc.

Deride me as a skeptic if you wish, but all this stuff is highly incredulous at best. Further, it's not my idea of the occult. The last two in particular are Qanon territory and I cannot associate with it for a wide variety of reasons.

Fare well and bright blessings.


Feb 10, 2022
Reaction score
Well, there are maybe three or four threads about this stuff and (considering the youth of the forum) many others with really good content. Do you dismiss an on the whole inspiring book, because there are three pages of BS? Why not just laugh and enjoy the talk about this stuff? Why not be playful and humorous with magic? Or, if you can't laugh about it, why don't you just ignore it? ;)

Farewell then and good luck to you! :)


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
Reaction score
I cannot associate with it for a wide variety of reasons.
You can read threads which interest you and avoid others. It is possible to unwatch threads in your preferences, if you're like me and get "OCD" about notifications. You don't have to believe everything you read. You can ignore posts by people you disagree with. 🤷‍♂️


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Well, there are maybe three or four threads about this stuff and (considering the youth of the forum) many others with really good content. Do you dismiss an on the whole inspiring book, because there are three pages of BS? Why not just laugh and enjoy the talk about this stuff? Why not be playful and humorous with magic? Or, if you can't laugh about it, why don't you just ignore it? ;)

Farewell then and good luck to you! :)
You could always make threads yourself and try to add something that you think would improve the forum.

No. It's Ultra MAGA
You can read threads which interest you and avoid others. It is possible to unwatch threads in your preferences, if you're like me and get "OCD" about notifications. You don't have to believe everything you read. You can ignore posts by people you disagree with. 🤷‍♂️

These guys have already put it well.

Let me remind you that WF is not a coven where members are chosen meticulously to fit with a predesigned agenda and mindset. WF is an open forum. Surely you were aware of that when signing up. As others have said, you are not obligated to read, enjoy, agree with or respond to every single thread posted here.

Nobody here agrees with everything that is posted by every other person. Not agreeing or interacting with posts you don't agree with doesn't make you a skeptic. Heck, feel free to challenge them even, if you can do so in a civil manner and have the time for it. Quite frankly I'm a little taken aback by the fact that you're surprised to find content that doesn't align with your particular views on a forum that has always been unashamedly open and welcoming to all kinds of ideas and people.

Honestly, when I see these threads about flying, shooting kamehamehas, and satanic alien nazi conspiracy theories, I do sometimes get a little triggered or feel the urge to make fun of them and ridicule those beliefs, but even as the admin, it's honestly not my place. Until it crosses the line of trolling, scamming, or personal attacks, people are free to share their views and have them challenged by anyone else.

I always feel a little bad when someone choses to leave the forum, but if you truly believe WF is a net detriment to you, then by all means leave. I can't stop you. But I won't censor and selectively allow content based on a few peoples' opinions. Once we have user-created groups on WF, maybe you can create your own or join one that shares your ideology.

Until then, take care.