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Book Club Book Club Journal of: Magic of the Celtic Otherworld - Irish History, Lore & Rituals (by Steve Blamires)

A communal reading and discussion exercise for a particular book/series.
Sep 9, 2021
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This is a post to go through a thorough reading, review and discussion/book report on Magic of the Celtic Otherworld.

Table of Contents:
Section One, Chapter One - The Origin of the Celts
Section One, Chapter Two - The Literary Sources
Section Two, Chapter Three - Techniques and Attitudes
Section Two, Chapter Four - Concepts and Beliefs
Section Three, Chapter Five - The Five Invasions of Ireland
Section Three, Chapter Five - Practical Work - First Things First
Section Three, Chapter Six - The Four Cycles of Irish Mythology
Section Three, Chapter Six - Practical Work - Exercise One: Visualization
Section Three, Chapter Seven - The Structure of Celtic Ireland
Section Three, Chapter Seven - Practical Work - Exercise Two: A Celtic Identity
Section Four, Chapter Eight - Otherworld Gods and Goddesses
Section Four, Chapter Eight - Practical Work - Exercise Three: An Otherworld Landscape
Section Four, Chapter Nine - Otherworld Guides Other Than Deities
Section Four, Chapter Nine - Practical Work - Exercise Four: Making Contact
Section Five, Chapter Ten - An Introduction to the Festivals
Section Five, Chapter Ten - Practical Work - Exercise Five: Re-enacting a Legend
Section Five, Chapter Eleven - The Festival of Samhain
Section Five, Chapter Eleven - Ritual Work: The Samhain Ritual
Section Fiver, Chapter Twelve - The Festival of Imbolg
Section Five, Chapter Twelve - Ritual Work: The Ritual of Imbolg
Section Five, Chapter Thirteen - The Festival of Beltaine
Section Five, Chapter Thirteen - Ritual Work: The Beltaine Ritual
Section Five, Chapter Fourteen - The Festival of Lughnassadh
Section Five, Chapter Fourteen - Ritual Work: The Lughnassadh Ritual
Section Six, Chapter Fifteen - How to Choose and Dedicate Your Own Weapons
Section Six, Chapter Sixteen - An Indoor Working Area

This Journal is a dedication to Samuel Mayzes, a great great cousin, who while working in. the Boiler Room, went down with the Titanic and its remaining guests and crew. In fact, this is dedicated to all related Irish ethnic crew and guests as well.
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Starting April 1st, Will write a discussion review after each chapter, including exercises and rituals preparation, implementation, and results over time.
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I am slowly wrapping up Chapter 1 after the Preface and Introduction. Blamires states Chapters one and two should NOT be skipped in reading, as it is fundamental to everything else in the book. Nor will skipping to rituals and exercises, as tantalizing as they may be.
There were several historical acocounts of the K/Celts, primarily Greek and Roman Historians and Politicians.
There were at least two invasions by Spain and Portugal into Ireland, possibly rthe reason for darker looks rather than the stereotypical Ritchie Cunningham look.
There was also the Teutoinic race mixing between Germans/Norse and the K/Celts.
There were migrations to Ireland, the people were not growing up like grass there until they arrived there.
This is all I have at the moment to comment on.
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Chapter One: The Origins of the Celts

While the origins may be vague, there are some theories. A wise move may be to take a DNA test. So, as to the history and theories of the history of the Celts - where possible, this is backed up by archaeological evidence and writings from ancient writers, travelers and historians talking about the Celts. In Greece, they were referred to as Keltoi or Galatae. Most Kelts go by clan names or tribal names.
There was a civilization centered near Greece and the Agean Sea, roughly backed by Archaeological evidence within a time frame of third and fourth millennia BC, and a theory is this group spread out and travelled across Europe, and into chosen lands. They have been verified in the last millennia BC by archaeologists.
Ireland has evidence to show there were indigenous tribes in Ireland (and Scotland), but there was also an earlier arrival of the Baltics, who may have married and started families, leading to loss of clans over time unless children married under pre existing clan names. These are people who had their own warrior and hunter gatherer tribes, who later escalated to animal husbandry (raising of sheep and Scottish cows are common there to this day). They had their own society, culture, religion, etc - they were a functional society and stayed relatively modern over time.
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Possible the Irish were 8n Atlantis?
The first chapter is essentially a history timeline which I need to organize with notes. This week has been 7nordered chaos, despite my posting and work and studies.
So, I will revisit this around April to wrap up chapter one, and work forward from there.
I may have new employment and move to a new dwelling, so this may be a little slow in summaries. :)
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It is very possible, provided Atlantis does exist, that they were migrants, as the Celts were widespread across Europe over the ages.
There were six primary ages of the Celts, which will be delved into on the 1st of April.
The odd thing is is that many Celts were mercenaries for several European and other countries, including going back to early BC with Egypt.
What the drawback was to the Celtic militaries were that their family came with them and fought beside them, and after a conquest settled there and annoyed neighbors with their bickering.
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Will reply later with my History notes.
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As promised, here is my first writeup, a historical timeline backed up by archaeological artifact or DNA dating.

6550 BC - pollen DNA dated of artifacts indicating the first hunter gatherer culture. Macchrie Moor, Isle of Arran, Scotland.

2000-1500 BC - Different groups of people including from the Baltic region, arrive and settle in Ireland.

1472 BC - Book of Invasions of Ireland states the Irish arrive and settle in Ireland.

1000 BC - Dating of Halstatt artifacts.

800 BC - a Carthaginian sets voyage for the British Isles and discovers Albion and Ierne, Ireland.

7th Century - not enough info.

6th Century BC - a reference to Celts is made by Hecataeus, referring to a period, not a people.

5th Century BC - LA TENE Period.
534 BC - Livy records the Celts being in Italy.

4th Century BC - Greek Explorer Pytheus the Massaliote, refers to Ireland as being Celtic.

450 BC - Herodatus mentions the Celts as being an identifiable people.


That's all I have at the moment.
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Manly Hall mentions the Druids and Atlantis in Secret Wisdom of All Ages.
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The pollen DNA bit is interesting, as we are in the world of science suspecting an asteroid from Mars plunged into the void earth, creating life on this planet. Even a pentagon shaped asteroid at that. Sorry the write up does not cover more, but I promise I will. Going to be a busy week for me, especially the first half of the week, then get my stuff ready to move.
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I got notified by my browser that this is actually a window to report in, so .. to wrap up Chapter one and two today I guess is the goal.
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I am still on this, have nor forgotten about this. I am in a period of change and transformation, and again faced with what to lose.
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April 17, looks like Im behind again, wonder why. I will be readings chapters two and three today and commenting on them.
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Read through the second chapter, which is only 15pp or around there, but a lot of points raised in there. I think at this point two points should be mentioned:
1. There were unfortunately, wars, and other factors that led to very few fragments found of their writings, some buried in code through song, oral tradition, and what is left of the literary sources. These literary sources tie in Greek and Roman sources, but the literary sources mentioned are at its core, Irish and other UK writings. Caithe Mag Tired is one such example. (spelling might be off, Mulberry did mention this book to me).
2. There are observable art period, such as the La Tenne period, and direct and non deliberate artifacts found. There were at least three different ancient centuries art periods named after where they were found. Some artifacts were not deliberate, such as fallen Knights or Druids entombed, with weapons and family items; whereas non deliberate are found in the land itself, such as a families flatware or animal bones buried with the person deceased.

Sorry to say I cannot write more on this at the moment, as my head is swimming with thoughts. I will write a more direct, comprehensive post on the second chapter as notes are taken and thoughts grouped and directed at making it as comprehensive as possible. Just wanted to share my initial thoughts on what's been read in Chapters one and two. Up next is the good stuff :). Actually, if one were to read many of the books found that were written by the ancient kelt, you would be lively to find other good stuff if you look at it right.
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Picking back up on Gematria Journal, Journal of Spirit Communications, and this journal this week.
Doing some reading, something didn't sit well with me reading Understanding Planets in Ancient Mesopotamia. So I grabbed some notes from this book.

Comparing timelines of dated historical periods between Magic of the Celtic Otherworld and Understanding Planets in Ancient Mesopotamia, we see that the Celts existed and were traveling out of the near east and Asia minor (Baltics) during significant periods in Mesopotamia. Most notably during the Akkadian Period (Baltic and European move to Ireland), Neo Sumerian, and old and middle Babylonian periods.

We can see for example dating of Halstatt artifacts in Ireland.

We can see prior to the Sumerian period that there was a civilized hunter gatherer society in Ireland in 6550 BC, from pollen dna and other artifacts.
Sumerian period began in 3500 BC.
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