• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

[Official] Can WF do more for you?

An official request, or post by staff acting with authority.

What would make you spend more time on WF?

  • Nothing, WF is perfect

  • More content for me to read

  • More members who can respond to my questions

  • More community engagement style endeavors

  • More/different sections that align more closely to your interests (list below)

  • WF is just a site you casually browse, and you have no special interest or desire to engage

  • Book club/discussions

  • WF has everything you need, but there are some things that you don't want that bother you

  • WF needs a better site design

  • Other (post below)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
SkullTraill... I was going to make a thread dedicated to you. Since I feel so naive of not giving you the respect you deserve. And, I am honored to be apart of community that you created. I thank you. I never gave you my thank you for what you are doing. So, once again... I thank you so much SkullTraill and Yazata, and Kjeno of course Love you All.... just showing my graitude!
Thank you for the kind words. I feel it would be unbecoming of me to even say you're welcome as WF really only is what it is and matters in the grand scheme of things because of dedicated and selfless members who contribute to the thriving community. I am just one small part of the many that make WF what it is! :)


Jan 17, 2023
Reaction score
Soon, I will be posting an update to the WF Roadmap, outlining some changes to the structure of the forum, new sections to be added, and an early preview of some of the donation/subscription perks. All this will be to keep you informed and be able to voice your opinion and make me aware of how you will receive and benefit from those upcoming changes.

@ryen will also shortly be posting an interest-check thread for a fun and useful new idea he has for WF that I will help him implement.

But aside from the above, I would like to know what WF can do better for you, how it can be improved, and how I can encourage you to spend more time on the forums.

Please feel free to vote in the (anonymous) poll, and post below in this thread, or in the Suggestions section if you would like feedback from

The one thing i believe would be a good addition to WF is a "What's on your mind?" tab (like the one on Facebook) I believe it would give everyone thew chance to just post what's truly on their mind at the moment and without having to browse throughout the whole website in order to find an answer or a conversation that might shed some clarity... you know? Sometimes its cool to have some random "stranger" just pick your "what's on your mind" tab and post something to enlighten the way. It could show at the home page when logging in maybe at the side of the page?? right under the tabs where it shows how many members and visitors and who is logged in and where.... or maybe when you put the cursor over the image of the member it could show the what's on your mind? tab... I don't know...it just occurred to me it would be a great addition for us to have a means to express what's on our mind at any time and be able to attract or provide enlightenment to each other.:giggle:
Post automatically merged:

Someone said something about a book club???:geek: Count me in!!! Also, doing magic work for each other. There's power in numbers and we could help each other TONS by putting our magickal efforts together for a common good. Some of the more advanced magicians could come up with the details for the ritual or magical work to be done on a certain day, at a certain time (like those worldwide rituals Gallery of magick did a while ago???) These could be targetted for money, love, work, etc.. (depends on what everybody agrees they need most) for everybody that's involved to benefit from. Also, a magickal work section where members could express their concerns or needs in detail and find help. Where the more experienced magicians can provide advise in detail about things to do that they know works. Those that benefit could provide feedback on what they did that worked. I honestly believe that section is a MUST in WF :unsure:. Most people that surf around here either have a question or are going through something in their life they need help with. It'd be fun to see how many views that section would get in a day!!;)
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Jul 18, 2023
Reaction score
Hello all. First of all many thanks to the supporting people here. This site has been a great help.
I think more sign posts might help. I discovered enochian magic and thought it and goetian were the only magic. When I came here and saw other magic, I thought I was in the wrong place. I then didn't mind and started learning about the different types, about the paths, elemental, etc etc. I'm still stuck about where to go where to study.

I don't know what we can do to fix that, but it might help retain more members if they felt they had a clear path. I know the step by step rituals help a lot. So maybe if we collated a few (I know dilculo has posted some great ones for beginner that need no resource) to point newbies in a direction where they can start soon.