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Can your curse someone to do good things?


Oct 6, 2021
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This may sound odd but I was reading that you can curse/hex/jinx (if there is even a difference) to do or experience anything, good or bad. Can you curse someone to experience virtues of a sort? I just wondered if anyone has had any experience with this and would love to know what that was as well as how you have done it, if you’re comfortable sharing it. Thanks!
Sep 9, 2021
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This may sound odd but I was reading that you can curse/hex/jinx (if there is even a difference) to do or experience anything, good or bad. Can you curse someone to experience virtues of a sort? I just wondered if anyone has had any experience with this and would love to know what that was as well as how you have done it, if you’re comfortable sharing it. Thanks!
You don't have to use anything like hoodoo, you can use qaballistic magic in order to accomplish the same end.
A man on a WordPress site named Frater S has an article on it. Vices to Virtues


Aug 29, 2021
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This may sound odd but I was reading that you can curse/hex/jinx (if there is even a difference) to do or experience anything, good or bad. Can you curse someone to experience virtues of a sort? I just wondered if anyone has had any experience with this and would love to know what that was as well as how you have done it, if you’re comfortable sharing it. Thanks!
I’ve heard one can bind or stop one from committing evil...other than that fortune spoke about healing the nation 9f Germany with other adepts during WW2


May 26, 2022
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This may sound odd but I was reading that you can curse/hex/jinx (if there is even a difference) to do or experience anything, good or bad. Can you curse someone to experience virtues of a sort? I just wondered if anyone has had any experience with this and would love to know what that was as well as how you have done it, if you’re comfortable sharing it. Thanks!
I don't have any direct experiences myself of this sort, but I have heard of such a thing as using baneful work to bring about positive changes in a person. I believe it was in a youtube video.

The witches described it as 'baneful blessings' and if my understanding is correct, their description of such is when you use baneful magick to cause someone to feel inclined to do good things by making them feel bad (shame, guilt or direct negative consequences of actions) about the things they do to others or themselves (self reflection).
My assumption is that as long as they do those negative things, the magick that has been worked on them will bring about negative or adverse experiences that will encourage them to take inventory of themselves and once they've begun to self-reflect the magick will then actually begin to create positive change. So in a way its almost like the work is being used as a form of 'tough love' so to speak.
As far as actually doing this work on someone to create this kind of change goes, it seems to be pretty advanced work and i think it would require some very nuanced energy work to be able to pull this off. I'm not an expert on this at all so take this with a grain of salt.
If you want to see the youtube video where this concept was discussed a bit, let me know and i'll see if i can find it and post it (if this sites rules allow that)

Hope this was helpful. Good luck!
Sep 9, 2021
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This may sound odd but I was reading that you can curse/hex/jinx (if there is even a difference) to do or experience anything, good or bad. Can you curse someone to experience virtues of a sort? I just wondered if anyone has had any experience with this and would love to know what that was as well as how you have done it, if you’re comfortable sharing it. Thanks!
I suppose so. Look at the Curse against White Man, an old article or declaration of war on the White Man from the Native Tribe. Im not sure all tribes were in agreement, but in my opinion they by and large would be.
There were various curses, and stipulations. If White Man made up for things, the curses would be lessened or lifted. Most curses run their course with no recall once the 'trigger' is pulled for it.


May 22, 2022
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It all comes down to the question what is good and what is bad. But if you don't care anyway, yes it works. And as usual everybody involved will have to deal with the consequences.