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Does magic rely upon/influence human psychology?


Dec 30, 2023
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So basically I’ve read in a variety of sources that magic has a psychological base, and sometimes what manifests as insanity could have occult roots. I know that it is very ill advised to break out the exorcism kit before a few (or few dozen) therapist visits to confirm that the cause is absolutely occult and not mundane, but in the case of professional therapy not being available, is it possible to cure mental conditions with magic?
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And no, it’s not “can’t be bothered to make the trip to the therapist’s office” unavailable, it’s “unprofessional, stigmatised, said therapist’s office does not exist and would not unless the high ups of China start caring about youth suicides” unavailable. See how desperate the situation is? And also, the person I’m asking for is not “a little bit down”, she’s “multiple suicide attempts”. I’m not kidding here.
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Sep 21, 2023
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I have a friend, she is a psychologist, uses hypnotherapy with pathworking and enochian magick. She invokes an angel of healing, so I guess at least you can try


Oct 29, 2023
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There are schools of thought to your question.
We have sides to it, one believes EVERYTHING is just psychology
while the other believes everything is magick.
the answer, probably lies in the middle, just like the faith vs technology debate

Unfortunately practicing in a way to deal with psychological issues is strongly advised against
because odds are you might make it worse, like disarming a bomb when you have no idea what is what
though you have my sympathy on how serious the situation is there is no snap of the fingers to make everything better

what im saying is, magick could help, but without an experienced practitioner the risk is great - no matter who tells you otherwise.

Be a good friend, or if the someone happens to be you, look within.
i have long argued that Depression is the enemy of our generation, the way it works is - nothing matters
the further you look away like zooming out it's all meaningless. but the more you zoom in the reverse is true
look for meaning, give a shit. care.

the depressed say so what, you say why not
the depressed love to make jokes about self harm or self deprication, counter it with a reverse-
appreciating the things they single out.
Don't know why, but it always starts with the suicide jokes (from my observations)

find a distraction, a hobby, a show to binge.
i have seen simple triggers work rather well, a catchphrase if you will
"what do we say to the god of death? - not today" type of thing for anytime the "darkness" creeps up.
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If you would still use the occult don't do it in direct ways.
finding an angel or entity to pray for the wellbeing of your friends is fine, i hope.
trying an amateur seanse is not.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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magic has a psychological base
I don't know about it having a "psychological base", but it's existence certainly influenced the minds of many and still does to this day.
is it possible to cure mental conditions with magic?
While I think there is a possibility to make it better-I don't know about an outright "cure"-I belive that in the end it should always be dealt with professional help and through physical and mental means(like doing exercises and having hobbies to help with your mood and mindset, keeping yourself busy and active, as life can seem really awful if you have time to let your mind run wild).
Medicine being the last resort, but I know that there are certain cases where it is needed or even the only choice.Though those usually are for really dire cases.


Jan 29, 2024
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So basically I’ve read in a variety of sources that magic has a psychological base, and sometimes what manifests as insanity could have occult roots. I know that it is very ill advised to break out the exorcism kit before a few (or few dozen) therapist visits to confirm that the cause is absolutely occult and not mundane, but in the case of professional therapy not being available, is it possible to cure mental conditions with magic?
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And no, it’s not “can’t be bothered to make the trip to the therapist’s office” unavailable, it’s “unprofessional, stigmatised, said therapist’s office does not exist and would not unless the high ups of China start caring about youth suicides” unavailable. See how desperate the situation is? And also, the person I’m asking for is not “a little bit down”, she’s “multiple suicide attempts”. I’m not kidding here.
Yes I do believe it is possible to cure mental conditions through magick. I once was suffering from kundalini syndrome which is basically where kundalini awakening goes wrong and causes psychotic-like symptoms. I asked my succubus to heal me from it and it seems to have calmed down by a lot those symptoms. It's not totally gone but it is much less severe, enough for me to live a life free from medications.

I also got exorcised many times by my family because they believed i was possessed, it helped a lot and I felt very at peace but it lasted for a few hours at most. I have always said many schizophrenics are actually suffering from spiritual problems, redditors and psychiatrist would gatekeep and say "nO iT iS tOtaLLy mUnDaNe" I disagree, sometimes it can be spiritual.


Nov 4, 2023
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is it possible to cure mental conditions with magic?
The answer to this depends on the definition of magic.

If someone has destructive mental programs because of bad life experiences or faulty wiring, waving a wand over their head will not change that. It may give her a temporary influx of energy which can be used as a foundation for self-work but it's the self-work that's the key to getting better. It's worth bearing in mind that magic may also make things much worse; if the magic does have an effect then it can cause obsession ("this is the thing that will save me") which, in a mentally ill person, can lead to catastrophe.

Rather than anything obviously "magical", she would be better off joining a program where she's taught how to see herself objectively and then, from a calm foundation, she can begin to work through her trauma and understand how she got here. If you're in China and can do so safely, a Zen school would probably be a good tool for a while.


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Jul 3, 2023
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The simple answer here is antidepressants (I'm on several myself). Any suggestion that involves initative on the part of patients is useless because they just don't care anymore and are often too lethargic to solve even the most ordinary everyday problem, so anything like meditation or performing rituals is out. Believe me, I know what I am talking about. You're sitting on the bottom of a dark pit and can't even imagine how the sun is shining on the surface. You have to make an almost superhuman effort for mundane things like brushing your teeth or take the trash out. Things you used to derive joy from seem bland now, and people trying to cheer you up seem like brutal sadists to you, almost as bad as those who tell you to pull yourself together.

I wouldn't want to be responsible for curing a suicidal person, physician, therapist or shamanic healer. Antidepressants seem to be the most reliable option, even if they don't work for everyone, exactly because they have an effect on patients 24/7 regardless of their own efforts, or rather lack of them. Sometimes, sessions with my therapist would make me feel great but that elation lasted only a couple of hours, then it was back into the same black hole again. Say a healer performed a ceremony over me and gave me an amulet against depression. What if it doesn't work the next day, week or month? The disappointment is enough drive anybody over the edge… with antidepressants, I would know at least that they take two to three weeks to have an effect because that's just the way they work but magic is just too unreliable for such serious afflictions, IMHO. Therefore, magic should the last desperate option in such cases, right after aromatherapy.

Good therapists (or faith healers, for that matter) are thin on the ground but physicians and thus medication should be available anywhere. And medication works (for the most part), irrespective of the abilities of the person prescribing it.


Feb 8, 2022
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You got to remember that mental issues are usually based on deep traumas happening in your childhood, it's an entire PROCESS to go through the thing and things can turn worse before they turn better. But I'm myself the living proof that occultism DOES work for healing, atleast Golden Dawn magick like LBRP / LIRP. It does improve your current state but you shouldn't push for healing too soon because that might break you more, but atleast you become free from malevolent entities or worms trying to attach to your auric holes.

A place to start would be to go through the elements Earth,Air,Water,Fire and work through your psyche from there. You can also try the material or "evil" pentagrams Matter over Spirit. (Pentagrams with the star down).


Dec 30, 2023
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Thanks for the replies, angels, I was actually asking for a friend who has always been a bit quirky (goodness knows that I am too!) but has recently turned volatile. I know, such things do not happen in a day, and I’m a bad friend for not noticing anything.


Aug 17, 2023
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Thanks for the replies, angels, I was actually asking for a friend who has always been a bit quirky (goodness knows that I am too!) but has recently turned volatile. I know, such things do not happen in a day, and I’m a bad friend for not noticing anything.
I wouldn't say that. A friend is a friend, not an Early Warning System. Gods forbid I criticize anyone for not minding my affairs.