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Apr 6, 2024
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Hello everyone

I found this forum on reddit, been already checking posts and stuff... I'm finding it very interesting so decided I might stick around, see what comes my way. That's why I'm introducing myself.

I've been reading Tarot cards for a few years already, but dabbling into the occult since my childhood. As a kid I was a fan of horror films, still am, and during my late teenage years I was a member of a paranormal research team with a few family members. My father's also a Mason. Later in life I stepped onto mostly Chaos Magick but some other traditions as well, just reading a few things here and there and watching some videos. I could also add I'm an art historian, so iconography, symbology and visual culture in general is my thing. I'm specialized in the Middle Ages.

I spent a few years during my early twenties living abroad, but ultimately came back to my country (thanks covid). While I lived abroad, extremely dissatisfied with urban living, work culture, the need for money, the constant rush, etc. I was already thinking about moving to my grandfather's village as an ultimate recourse. A couple years later I gathered all I needed and embarked on a journey to the middle of nowhere. And that's where I am, living in the mountains surrounded by forest with my 10 neighbours, daily power outages, a 35 year old car and a maybe 200-300 year old stone house. Lovely, isn't it? Anyway, things are not as beautiful here. There's many many issues but I don't want to get political, I could write a whole essay about this.

I've already dabbled into a few things, I'm not new but nowhere near expert, needed some guidance and found Josephine McCarthy's Quareia, which I'm following just because I need some structure and I like how anti-dogmatic she is. Don't know what to expect and I'm open to possibilities, so there's that. Energies are strong on the land where I'm standing. Even my Tarot readings get more potent and accurate. Lately I'm just getting references to the house I live in (which belonged to my family for generations), but not quite reaching the right answer.

Anyhow, I'm happy to be here and hope to have meaningful exchanges. Thank you for reading this.


Site Staff
Staff member
Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Thank you for that nice introduction, and welcome to the forum!
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