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Important Meditations to do daily

Sep 9, 2021
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Within the Golden Dawn system, there is a grade meditation, and one may do current and preceeding grade meditations as well, which might be a good idea to make yourself more solid in your current grade.
Still mind/zen meditation is another recommended meditation by some.
Mindfulness/current moment is a modern meditation, such as the 5-4-3-2-1, five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can smell, one thing you can taste or variations on the theme.

While they are rituals, the Body Awareness Ritual (BA), the Relaxation Ritual(RR), and Middle Pillar Ritual(MPR) can also be thought of as meditations, although the MPR uses vibration of godnames as part of the ritual.

What are other good meditations to do daily?

Tiana Silvermoon

Nov 29, 2023
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I'm learning about meditation from buddhist approach, and honestly, I think any meditation is good, though some types might need more practice.
The question is what is your goal :)
In general I can recommend to check Tergar community, they have quite a lot of info about meditation and different practices you can try without transmission or consecration. Books by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche are very good too and can explain a lot about meditation and it's nature and effects.
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Meditations I'm doing whenever I can (I'm bad at doing something daily) are meditation on breathing, meditation on sound and meditation on body sensations. The latter I do informally, like when I'm doing dishes or something else, usually something I don't like. Meditation lets this feeling go and instead focuses my mind on what I'm actually experiencing.


Apr 28, 2021
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Within the Golden Dawn system, there is a grade meditation, and one may do current and preceeding grade meditations as well, which might be a good idea to make yourself more solid in your current grade.
Still mind/zen meditation is another recommended meditation by some.
Mindfulness/current moment is a modern meditation, such as the 5-4-3-2-1, five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can smell, one thing you can taste or variations on the theme.

While they are rituals, the Body Awareness Ritual (BA), the Relaxation Ritual(RR), and Middle Pillar Ritual(MPR) can also be thought of as meditations, although the MPR uses vibration of godnames as part of the ritual.

What are other good meditations to do daily?
In my opinion just find one that sticks, no need to collect them all like Pokémon. I do the basics (MP) and you can continue to extract insights and experiences from that if you really feel into it for a lifetime.


Oct 22, 2023
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Good sharing.

In my opinion, the only bad meditation practice is the one you did not.

I started practice meditation with quarts/cristals/stones with the purpose of get sensitive/ be more receptive and make our connection stronger.

In this practice: You started in the position you feel comfortable and you placed your stone/quartz in a range that can be reach easily by your palm.

You close your eyes to reach a point when you're relaxed with empty toughs, you stretch your arm in order to get your palm over the quartz/stone/mineral and you will start to feel the frequency that it emanates.

Analyze your thoughs: What can you feel? What can you see?

Once that you're done with it:

Proceed with touch, what can your fingerprints feel/receive?

To be honest, this practice its very satisficing, first, because you live and feel that everything vibrates, as Nikola Tesla told and kybalion has shared.

The propose of this practice is to feel aspects/discover what kind of frequency or communication the crystal transmit yo us.



Jul 2, 2022
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Mindfulness/current moment is a modern meditation, such as the 5-4-3-2-1, five things you can see, four things you can hear, three things you can feel, two things you can smell, one thing you can taste or variations on the theme
Oh this is actually pretty interesting. Currently trying to get out of sleepwalker state (meaning that thoughts override our concious to the backseat and we lose focus while doing whatever task we have not in 100%).

I know it will be a permanent state when I get to that point, though its a gargantuan task to get rid of this way, this is how we live all our lives pretty much.

The meditations I do are simply about concentration, visualisation included. I don't count energy work.


Sep 1, 2023
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The Quareia Flame & Void meditation is powerful. It's also given in Frater Acher's Holy Heretics

The void is a very simple and yet powerful vision/meditation that takes you in the heart of the threshold of creation: the void appears as an empty space to us, and yet it is full of potential just waiting to manifest. As a magical beginner it is a meditation that is used to still your mind. As an initiate it is a threshold place that you can pass through to access many different inner realms if you can hold focused intent for your destination

  1. Find a place where you can sit undisturbed in darkness.
  2. Give yourself time to calm your breath. If you have learned it, utilise the fourfold breath for a few minutes before proceeding.
  3. [Optional: Begin prayer/chant/mantra]
  4. See a flame burning in your heart space. The flame is neither hot nor cold, but quietly shining in the area of your physical heart.
  5. Raise your hand to your heart and pull out a portion of that flame. As if you were handing over a flower bud, move the flame away from your body and set it into the darkness before you. Hold the image of the flame, surrounded by darkness, in your vision.
  6. The flame within you and the flame before you grow bigger [you can stop here and just meditate on the two flames]
  7. See yourself in your imagination step into the outside flame and let your heart flame merge into it.
  8. Move forward in your vision and merge yourself entirely into the flame. Do not leave anything of yourself behind; withdraw entirely inside of the flame.
  9. You bathe in the flames that do not burn and the power of life flows through the flames and into your body, strengthening you.
  10. In vision, observe the darkness that surrounds the flame (and thus yourself ) to withdraw from the flame’s light. Wherever the darkness has retreated, nothing but the void remains. Continue to push the light of the flame into the space around you, further and further, until you are surrounded by a vast sphere of nothingness.
  11. You find yourself in a still dark place where there is no time, no space and no movement. There is nothing but stillness and silence. You let your thoughts fall away, let your sense of your body fall away and the details of your life, they too fall away, leaving you still and silent.

"If you work with this visionary meditation over a long period of time , you will find that you can eventually slip easily into the stillness of the void, which can then be used in times of emergency, when you need to quickly focus or ‘vanish’ from inner view – when you find yourself suddenly under serious inner or magical threat, slipping into the void causes you to become invisible from an inner perspective."

To return
While in the stillness, you remember your body and the room in which you are seated. As you think about your body, you find yourself standing before yourself, looking at your body. See the flame within the body and see the stillness of the void within the flame. Step back into the body and sit in silence, being aware of the void within you: it is always there, the still silent place within that is your true home. Open your eyes.
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@Diluculo_DelFuego Have you done the Regardie Presence of God meditation? It's a follow-on from the BA and RR:

(It's also in the One-Year Manual if you can't hack the old sound quality)